I feel like this remains one of the best comic book movies of all time. While it's too well-received to be truly underrated, I feel like it's still deserving of more praise than it gets. It's unafraid to look like a comic book come to life, the visuals are bombastic and in-your-face, but almost always effective, and it takes place in a heightened, almost cartoonish word that always takes me a couple of scenes to adjust to. Once I do, this is the kind of film that never slows down or stops being great. Everything from Eric putting his make-up on (backed by The Cure) and onwards is top-tier stuff.
Brandon Lee is great, and I also think Michael Wincott and Ernie Hudson do amazing jobs at making their sort-of stock characters pop. The former is such an over-the-top villain, but in the best of ways, and the latter is a rebel cop with a good heart, trapped in an unfeeling institution, but Hudson makes him feel surprisingly human and real.
The tragedy behind the production unfortunately adds something to this. The film is both more unsettling and emotional than I think it would've ordinarily been; I don't want to say the film is "better" because of a tragedy, because what would have been better is if Brandon Lee had gone on to have the kind of career he deserved, but it's always something I can't shake. That, plus the fact he looks a bit like Heath Ledger and has a similar voice/appearance to the Joker (at least a little), whose passing also warped how The Dark Knight would feel and be viewed.
I'd be much harder on the editing in this film if I didn't know the behind-the-scenes stuff. There are some strange moments that I'm sure came about because they only had so much footage to work with. Also, I swear parts of the score sound a little like parts of The Last Temptation of Christ's score; that distracted me a little, but I still think the music - both soundtrack and score - do a great deal here.
This embodies the 1990s in a glorious way, features a simple yet well-told revenge story, looks stunning throughout, and was a great showcase for the late Brandon Lee. It's not perfect, but I do love it dearly.