Jeremy Piven credited as playing...
Paul Spericki
- Paul: Ten years, man! Ten! Where have you been for ten years?
- Marty: I freaked out, joined the Army, went into business for myself. I'm a professional killer.
- Paul: Oh, does that - do you have to do postgraduate work for that, or can you jump right in? I've been curious about that.
- Marty: No, it's not. It's an open market.
- Paul: I've got to get something off my chest. Have you been home to see the old house?
- Martin Q. Blank: Yeah. Torn down in the name of convenience.
- Paul: Yeah, I brokered the deal
- Martin Q. Blank: Oh, wow. Wow.
- Paul: I tried to get a family there, but Ultimart made the best offer.
- Martin Q. Blank: Well, thank you for profiting on my childhood.
- Paul: [after Jenny Slater has been dismissive towards him] I was just trying to get a little validation for my life. I guess I came up a bit SHORT!
- [catching up, while Martin has been away for ten years]
- Marty: How's your sister? Did she ever marry that guy Kenny?
- Paul: [incredulous] Kenny?
- Marty: Yeah, did that work out...?
- Paul: Come on, man, he did three years at Joliet. They put one of those bracelets on him, like a LoJack, they know where he is at all times. I think he's at Pizza Hut now.
- Marty: So let's not go there.
- Paul: No.
- Paul: It's a beauty. What more can I say? You know, you'll be raising your family in a work of art. A work of art in a work of art.
- Paul: I got a couple of newlyweds with a decision-making disorder. I'll just hold their hands and reinforce their clarity.