Billy Connolly credited as playing...
John Brown
- Queen Victoria: Mr Brown.
- John Brown: Yes, ma'am.
- Queen Victoria: You have been told repeatedly not to stand in the courtyard unless requested to do so.
- John Brown: Yes, ma'am.
- Queen Victoria: Then why do you persist in doing it?
- John Brown: Because I think Her Majesty is wrong. If ever there was a poor soul who needed fresh air, it is her.
- Queen Victoria: The Queen will ride out if and when she chooses.
- John Brown: And I intend to be there when she's ready.
- John Brown: You tell *Her Majesty* that if her husband were here he'd tell her to get out of the house and get some air into her lungs.
- Prince of Wales (Bertie): I wish to see my mother.
- John Brown: She's busy.
- Prince of Wales (Bertie): Then convey her a message.
- John Brown: She's away to Windsor tomorrow. Talk to her there.
- Prince of Wales (Bertie): Tell her the Prince of Wales wishes to speak with her urgently about matters concerning the press.
- John Brown: Are you deaf as well as stupid?
- Prince of Wales (Bertie): What did you say?
- John Brown: I said, Are you deaf as well as stupid?
- Prince of Wales (Bertie): Do you know who you address, sir?
- John Brown: "Whom" you address.
- Prince of Wales (Bertie): [angrily] Get out of my way!
- John Brown: [pinning him to the wall] Why don't you just leave us alone?
- John Brown: All I wanted to tell her was how I feel for God's sake!
- Archie Brown: You don't tell Her Majesty how you feel
- John Brown: If I find out that you had anything to do with this, I will have you sacked.
- Henry Ponsonby: I believe that decision rests with Her Majesty.
- John Brown: Don't think I can't persuade her.
- Queen Victoria: Duty? You talk about duty?
- John Brown: If duty and safety are served by the same end then, aye, I do.
- Queen Victoria: I cannot believe you are saying this? You, who I have relied on all this time.
- John Brown: Have I ever let you down before?
- Queen Victoria: You stand there and tell me it is my duty. After all you promised me!
- John Brown: I'm breaking no promises!
- Queen Victoria: You are forcing me to do the very thing you know I fear most!
- John Brown: For god's sake, woman, I'm just trying to keep you safe!
- Queen Victoria: I will not hear any more about my safety! You made me a promise and now you have broken it!
- John Brown: When I took you out riding, come rain or shine, because I knew it was right for you, when I kept the bairns off your back so you could have a bit of peace, when I saw you safe from home to home and you didn't even knowI was there. All I've ever thought about is you!
- Queen Victoria: Then why send me back to them?
- John Brown: Because I have to! Will you no listen to me, woman?
- Queen Victoria: Do not presume to talk to your Queen in that manner.
- Queen Victoria: [Queen spills water down her front]
- John Brown: Honest to God woman, I never thought I'd see you in such a state, you must miss him dreadfully.
- Queen Victoria: You do not! - he- Get him out!
- [heads towards door]
- Queen Victoria: GET HIM OUT! GET HIM OUT!
- [reporters and photographers are hiding, trying to get clandestine photos of the Queen and Brown. Brown smells a rat and goes off to investigate]
- Journalist: Where'd he go?
- John Brown: [appearing right next to them] THIS CLOSE ENOUGH FOR YOU BOYS?
- John Brown: It's only grief makes her like she is.
- Archie Brown: Three years, John. Is that not a bit long to be grieving?
- John Brown: She loved him.
- Archie Brown: Come on, man. There's love and there's...
- John Brown: What?
- Archie Brown: You know what I mean.
- John Brown: I'm not sure I do, Archie.
- Archie Brown: There's love and there's behaving like you do because there's nobody to tell you not to.
- John Brown: Do you hunt?
- Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli: Mmm, occasionally.
- John Brown: Daresay we could have you taught.
- Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli: To shoot, perhaps, but not to kill.
- John Brown: If you hunt, you hunt to kill.
- Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli: Well, then, I'll do my best.
- John Brown: I promised to protect her - from people like you.
- Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli: [chuckling] For once in my life, I'm not the issue.
- John Brown: She'll never understand it.
- Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli: Oh, in time she will.
- John Brown: She'll think I've betrayed her.
- Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli: But others will know that you acted for the greater good.
- John Brown: If I catch the miserable by-blow who told those men where she'd be, then I'll hang his balls to dry on Jock Wemyss, so I will!
- Henry Ponsonby: We are, all of us, subject to forces beyond our control, Mr Brown. Even you.
- John Brown: You'll regret saying that.