Granville Ames credited as playing...
Transporter Chief
- Riker: A quantum implosion has occurred within the Amargosa star. All nuclear fusion is breaking down.
- Picard: How is that possible?
- Worf: Sensor records show the observatory launched a solar probe into the sun a few moments ago.
- Riker: The star is going to collapse in a matter of minutes.
- Worf: Sir, the implosion has produced a level-12 shockwave.
- Troi: That'll destroy everything in this system.
- Transporter Chief: Transporter room to bridge. I can't locate Commander La Forge or Mr. Data, sir.
- Riker: Have they come back to the ship?
- Worf: No, sir. They are not on board.
- Picard: How long before the shockwave hits the observatory?
- Worf: Four minutes, 40 seconds.
- Picard: Number One.
- Riker: [heading to the turbolift] Mr. Worf.
- Worf: [following] Aye, sir.