According to Jim Carrey, he did not get along with Tommy Lee Jones, who told Carrey he hated him. Carrey later surmised that it was because at the time, Carrey's blockbuster Dumb and Dumber (1994) was released the same week as Jones's passion project Cobb (1994), financially eviscerating it and moving the film's recognition into obscurity. Carrey explained "(Jones) was a little crusty about this because 'Cobb' was his big swing for the fences," further recounting that during shooting he unintentionally visited Jones in a restaurant and cheerfully approached his table asking "Hey Tommy, how ya doing?" only for Jones to turn pale and begin visibly shaking, " he had been thinking of me for 24 hours... The blood just drained from his face in such a way that I realized I had become the face of his pain or something. He started shaking and he got up... like he was in mid-'kill-me' fantasy, he hugged me and said, "I hate you! I really don't like you!' And I said, 'Gee man, what's the problem?' and I pulled up a chair which probably wasn't smart, and he said, 'I cannot sanction your buffoonery!'" The very next day, they filmed the scene in which Riddler forms an alliance with Two-Face in his lair.
The Batmobile was usually driven by stunt drivers, but Chris O'Donnell insisted on driving it himself in the joyride scene. He crashed it into a curb, and dented a fender.
Jim Carrey's original idea to shave a question mark into his scalp had to be scrapped since he was due in court to finalize his divorce.
Before deciding not to don the cape and cowl for a third time, Michael Keaton met with Joel Schumacher and declined to join the project after deciding that he did not like the direction in which Schumacher was looking to take the film. In the brief time that Tim Burton was still considering doing a third Batman film, Riddler was the only villain that he planned on using. The idea of using Two-Face did not come up until Schumacher joined the project.
Leonardo DiCaprio turned down the role of Robin because he didn't like Joel Schumacher's direction. For the same reason, Michael Keaton turned down the role of Batman.