Rather than dubbing in the gunshots during the bank robbery shoot-out, Michael Mann had microphones carefully placed around the set so that the audio could be captured live. This added to the impact of the scene, because it sounded like no other gunfight shown on-screen.
In an interview with Al Pacino on the DVD Special Edition, Pacino revealed that for the scene in the restaurant between Hanna and McCauley, Robert De Niro felt that the scene should not be rehearsed so that the unfamiliarity between the two characters would seem more genuine. Michael Mann agreed, and shot the scene with no practice rehearsals.
When Kevin Gage was imprisoned for two years in 2003, he was universally addressed by fellow inmates and prison guards as "Waingro", his character from this movie.
Val Kilmer was thrilled to learn that the moment in the gunbattle scene where he runs out of bullets, and rapidly changes his magazine, is regularly shown to Marine recruits as an example of how to perform the action properly.
In the director's commentary, Michael Mann noted that Al Pacino improvised the line "Because she's got a GREAT ASS!" Hank Azaria confirmed it, saying that Al Pacino's unexpected outburst "scared the hell out of me", "he just actually terrified me" and that his look of shock was "not acting at all".
Tom Elfmont: The concierge at the airport hotel is played by a former L.A.P.D. detective, who served as one of the film's technical advisers.
Michael Mann: [military training] Neil's crew shows evidence of military training when attempting their heists.
Michael Mann: He disowned the television version aired by NBC. Mann offered to restore seventeen of the cut minutes, NBC decided to instead cut forty minutes of the film out, in order to fit a three-hour television time slot. Mann said, "You can call it a Michael Smithee or an Alan Mann movie."