244 reviews
- damiancarroll
- Dec 18, 2001
- Permalink
"Abre Los Ojos" is one of the most astonishing movies I have ever seen. It's so full of astounding twists that it constantly makes you sit up and wonder what the next shot will bring you. At the same time, you keep wondering if a movie with so many twists will be able to tie everything up at the end, but Amenabar and his co-writer manage to do just that, in a reasonably (if not perfectly) satisfying manner. Eduardo Noriega's acting is so good it's beyond belief, and so is the "disfiguring" makeup. Pair this off with "The Game" for a truly mind-bending double feature and see what cinema should be like more often. (***1/2)
Although the plot is confusing at times, a second viewing helps to untangle the convoluted story about dreams and reality. Most of the time we are not sure if what we are watching is really happening or whether it is a profoundly disturbing nightmare. Cesar (Edouardo Noriega) whose head is badly fractured in a high speed car crash quite understandably has blurred recollections of events involving his good buddy Pelayo and his girl friends Sofia and Nuria. As his doctor explains: In dreams characters are often substituted, one for the other.
There is much I like about this film. First of all I like the script. The dialogue between Sofia and Cesar at first meeting and afterwards is so natural, so believable. The four main characters are absolutely charming and have a rapport between each other that is rarely seen in films. This is either good casting or good acting, or maybe a bit of both. As the story unfolds we are completely absorbed. This is true entertainment on the highest level. O.K. we may not be fully cognisant of what is happening at times, but we glue ourselves to the screen expecting that an explanation will come in due course.
There are some chilling lines e.g. Just before Nuria steps on the accelerator: "Do you believe in God?"
There are some mysterious questions put to Cesar e.g. "Who is Eli? You called out 'Eli...Eli' while you were dreaming. Is she a girl?" No such person. What then? The mystery deepens.
There is quality photography in the film. The rain in the park. And before that the reflections of foliage flashing in the car windows with glimpses of tense faces.
The make-up team too does a great job On Cesar's handsome face. What a transformation!
On top of all this we get a lesson on cryonics and the possibility of immortality. What more do you want for your money?
Take it from me. This is a film you must see.
There is much I like about this film. First of all I like the script. The dialogue between Sofia and Cesar at first meeting and afterwards is so natural, so believable. The four main characters are absolutely charming and have a rapport between each other that is rarely seen in films. This is either good casting or good acting, or maybe a bit of both. As the story unfolds we are completely absorbed. This is true entertainment on the highest level. O.K. we may not be fully cognisant of what is happening at times, but we glue ourselves to the screen expecting that an explanation will come in due course.
There are some chilling lines e.g. Just before Nuria steps on the accelerator: "Do you believe in God?"
There are some mysterious questions put to Cesar e.g. "Who is Eli? You called out 'Eli...Eli' while you were dreaming. Is she a girl?" No such person. What then? The mystery deepens.
There is quality photography in the film. The rain in the park. And before that the reflections of foliage flashing in the car windows with glimpses of tense faces.
The make-up team too does a great job On Cesar's handsome face. What a transformation!
On top of all this we get a lesson on cryonics and the possibility of immortality. What more do you want for your money?
Take it from me. This is a film you must see.
- raymond-15
- Jul 25, 2004
- Permalink
Sadly due to the lack of availability of 'Open Your Eyes' in Australia (until now) I saw Cameron Crowe's 'Vanilla Sky' first. Too bad. 'Open Your Eyes' is the original and best version, and would have impressed me even more if the surprises in the plot hadn't been ruined for me by the remake. So I strongly urge you to watch this movie first for maximum impact. It's a real killer, and especially recommended if you are a fan of mind-blowing movies such as Frankenheimer's underrated 'Seconds', Cronenberg's brilliant 'Videodrome' and 'eXistenZ'), or have read a Philip K.Dick novel or two.
Eduardo Noriega (star of Amenabar's previous movie, the taut, suspenseful 'Tesis', also worth a look) is much more believable than Tom Cruise as the increasingly baffled protagonist caught in a never-ending nightmare, and Penelope Cruz's performance here is subtler and more appealing than her reprise of Sofia in Crowe's overblown and self-indulgent remake. Alejandro Amenabar has made three excellent imaginative thrillers in a row, and looks like being one of the most potentially exciting directors currently working. 'Open Your Eyes' comes with my highest recommendation. This one is essential viewing.
Eduardo Noriega (star of Amenabar's previous movie, the taut, suspenseful 'Tesis', also worth a look) is much more believable than Tom Cruise as the increasingly baffled protagonist caught in a never-ending nightmare, and Penelope Cruz's performance here is subtler and more appealing than her reprise of Sofia in Crowe's overblown and self-indulgent remake. Alejandro Amenabar has made three excellent imaginative thrillers in a row, and looks like being one of the most potentially exciting directors currently working. 'Open Your Eyes' comes with my highest recommendation. This one is essential viewing.
"Vanilla Sky" turned out to be a moderate success and scored great reviews by most critics, and I liked it myself. But if you compare it to this film, there's almost nothing different! But of course, it's all Cameron Crowe's fault and not the fault of the director of this movie. Luckily, I haven't seen "VS" in a while, so certain surprises in the plot still intrigued me. And I was intrigued throughout the film, I think even moreso than with "VS."
Tom Cruise is a fine actor, and I have nothing against him. But I always appreciate seeing unknown actors (at least they're unknown to me; I don't live in Spain, so they might be superstars there) give fine performances. The actor who plays the main character in this film as just as effective as Cruise. He is an extremely attractive man and knows how to express a plethora of emotions. I've never been a big fan of Penelope Cruz's work in the states, because her English still isn't great and that clearly shows in the mangled expression of her dialogue. But in her native language she shows great talent. And since I find her much more attractive than I used to, I'm more appealed by her in the looks department. Plus, as a man I must reveal she has a great nude scene in the film.
One element of the plot that I don't think Crowe's "VS" expressed as well was the jealousy between the handsome main character and his best friend. I was able to connect with that portion of the story, since I have a best friend like the main character who's charming girls left and right, while I (the average guy) have virtually no appeal to the ladies. I know what it's like to possess that sort of envy, and so do the average guys all around who see handsome guys doing the same things we do, but get more favorable results just on account of their good looks. The film also expresses the theme that no matter how many times most attractive men claim their looks are of no importance to them, if their looks were one day to be stolen from them, they'd lose the will to live.
I'm sure if I saw "Vanilla Sky" after this movie, I'd enjoy it a lot less. This is sheer proof that the general American public is too lazy to read subtitles. Because if you were watching the DVD of "VS" and switched the language channels from English to Spanish, it's the same damn movie! And now I feel sorry for the director of this movie, since he's the genius behind this genuinely original story, but Cameron Crowe comes along and takes all the credit. I am not one of those grouches who hates remakes, but if you're going to remake a film, put your own spin on it! Don't take all the original ideas and conduct it with different actors! And wait a couple decades for God's sake! "Open Your Eyes" was released in 1997 and "VS" only four years later. So unless you're illiterate, please see "Open Your Eyes" before you even consider "Vanilla Sky"!
My score: 8 (out of 10)
Tom Cruise is a fine actor, and I have nothing against him. But I always appreciate seeing unknown actors (at least they're unknown to me; I don't live in Spain, so they might be superstars there) give fine performances. The actor who plays the main character in this film as just as effective as Cruise. He is an extremely attractive man and knows how to express a plethora of emotions. I've never been a big fan of Penelope Cruz's work in the states, because her English still isn't great and that clearly shows in the mangled expression of her dialogue. But in her native language she shows great talent. And since I find her much more attractive than I used to, I'm more appealed by her in the looks department. Plus, as a man I must reveal she has a great nude scene in the film.
One element of the plot that I don't think Crowe's "VS" expressed as well was the jealousy between the handsome main character and his best friend. I was able to connect with that portion of the story, since I have a best friend like the main character who's charming girls left and right, while I (the average guy) have virtually no appeal to the ladies. I know what it's like to possess that sort of envy, and so do the average guys all around who see handsome guys doing the same things we do, but get more favorable results just on account of their good looks. The film also expresses the theme that no matter how many times most attractive men claim their looks are of no importance to them, if their looks were one day to be stolen from them, they'd lose the will to live.
I'm sure if I saw "Vanilla Sky" after this movie, I'd enjoy it a lot less. This is sheer proof that the general American public is too lazy to read subtitles. Because if you were watching the DVD of "VS" and switched the language channels from English to Spanish, it's the same damn movie! And now I feel sorry for the director of this movie, since he's the genius behind this genuinely original story, but Cameron Crowe comes along and takes all the credit. I am not one of those grouches who hates remakes, but if you're going to remake a film, put your own spin on it! Don't take all the original ideas and conduct it with different actors! And wait a couple decades for God's sake! "Open Your Eyes" was released in 1997 and "VS" only four years later. So unless you're illiterate, please see "Open Your Eyes" before you even consider "Vanilla Sky"!
My score: 8 (out of 10)
- mattymatt4ever
- Feb 13, 2003
- Permalink
How I wish I had seen this film before seeing Vanilla Sky. There is so much subtlety, so many interesting ideas in this that have been butchered or simply lost in translation in the Hollywood version. The ending of Vanilla Sky pretty much explains everything... Abre Los Ojos leaves most of it up to interpretation and the viewers' imagination. Upon my recent second viewing, I realized how many hints there are towards the twist in the film, and how many ideas and subjects for good discussion that are in the film. The direction in Vanilla Sky seemed fine before, but in comparison, it's really daft and unimaginative. The majority of the good stuff in VS is stolen directly from ALO. A lot of it is changed to fit Hollywood's standards(and we all know how... high... they are), and the authenticity of the great idea is almost lost through this. This is the third Alejandro Amenabar movie I've seen(the other two are Thesis and The Others), and definitely my favorite so far. Not many films can catch and keep your interest even when you've already seen a (bastardized and cheaper) version of it already. I couldn't take my eyes off it. Like Amenábar's other films, this is slow and deliberate(whereas Crowe's version, in comparison, seems somewhat rushed, trying to get to the end as fast as possible, despite being a full half hour longer), and it really works to the films benefit. The music is wonderful, and it fits perfectly in every scene. The mood and atmosphere of the film is great. The effects are excellent... by comparison, those of Vanilla Sky are overly flashy and obvious. Here, they're beautiful and very subtle, like the rest of the film. The cinematography is very good, and far superior to that of VS. I realize that this seems more like a comparison between the two films than a review, but I can't seem to find the words to express just how great this is. See it for yourself. And in the name of all that is good and just, see it before you even consider watching Vanilla Sky. I recommend this to fans of intelligent films and/or Alejandro Amenábar. This is quite probably the best film he has made so far(though I haven't seen Mar Adentro yet). 9/10
- Jun 16, 2005
- Permalink
Well, as it is in most 'fights' one has to see both before being able to see who the winner is and in this case it is Abre los Ojos (the original). It is not THAT MUCH better than Vanilla sky, but the ending does the trick. The ending in Abre los ojos, is much better and more comprehensible than the vague and somewhat pointless ending in Vanilla Sky, which makes the film just a notch better than the star-laden Hollywood remake. The other parts of the films are mostly equal to one another or should I say, the rest Cameron Crowe copied from Abre los ojos. If there is one thing that I didn't like about this film, is how it was spoiled for me by having seen Vanilla Sky earlier. Almost everything Crowe copied, which made this film rather boring at times and which also makes it difficult for me to rate this one. I can tell you though, that if could choose again I'd definitely see Abre los Ojos first and not see Vanilla Sky at all.
7,5 out of 10 (for the statistics, with a 7 to be handed out on voting)
Note: this review has been amended to remove some sexist comments I included at the time. Apologies for any offence caused. I was young and stupid at the time, thinking I was being 'cool'.
7,5 out of 10 (for the statistics, with a 7 to be handed out on voting)
Note: this review has been amended to remove some sexist comments I included at the time. Apologies for any offence caused. I was young and stupid at the time, thinking I was being 'cool'.
- monicafisheremail
- Apr 22, 2020
- Permalink
... You know the one I'm talking about , the one with Tom Cruise
OMG this review is impossible without mentioning VANILLA SKY , I mean not only is it a remake of ABRE LOS OJO but it's almost scene for scene the exact same movie , in fact since it's got Penelope Cruz in the exact same role as the original you can't even say VANILLA SKY is the same movie with an entirely different cast !
That's the problem with having seen the remake first because it's very difficult to comment on ABRE LOS OJOS because I knew exactly where the movie was heading when Cesar stepped out of his car and surveyed the empty city scape at the start of the movie . This familiarity of the story ruined the movie for me . If only I'd seen this before Hollywood remade it !
Strangely enough Channel 4 broadcast this the night before they broadcast VANILLA SKY and it's obvious that the strengths of the Alejandro Amenaber original have become weaknesses in Crowe's remake . Eduardo Noriega might not be a film star but he is an actor , when watching him play Cesar he is Cesar . When watching Cruise play David you're aware of a movie star playing a disfigured character , his casting against type makes the audience aware that despite the shock revelation at the end it's only a movie . Amenaber thankfully doesn't drown the audience with pop culture references every five seconds unlike Crowe and because of this the audience can concentrate on the mind bending but totally rewarding plot a lot more
Incidentally I awarded this movie seven out of ten the same mark as I gave the remake . If I saw the prior film first I would have almost certainly have given it a higher mark while possibly giving VANILLA SKY a lower one
OMG this review is impossible without mentioning VANILLA SKY , I mean not only is it a remake of ABRE LOS OJO but it's almost scene for scene the exact same movie , in fact since it's got Penelope Cruz in the exact same role as the original you can't even say VANILLA SKY is the same movie with an entirely different cast !
That's the problem with having seen the remake first because it's very difficult to comment on ABRE LOS OJOS because I knew exactly where the movie was heading when Cesar stepped out of his car and surveyed the empty city scape at the start of the movie . This familiarity of the story ruined the movie for me . If only I'd seen this before Hollywood remade it !
Strangely enough Channel 4 broadcast this the night before they broadcast VANILLA SKY and it's obvious that the strengths of the Alejandro Amenaber original have become weaknesses in Crowe's remake . Eduardo Noriega might not be a film star but he is an actor , when watching him play Cesar he is Cesar . When watching Cruise play David you're aware of a movie star playing a disfigured character , his casting against type makes the audience aware that despite the shock revelation at the end it's only a movie . Amenaber thankfully doesn't drown the audience with pop culture references every five seconds unlike Crowe and because of this the audience can concentrate on the mind bending but totally rewarding plot a lot more
Incidentally I awarded this movie seven out of ten the same mark as I gave the remake . If I saw the prior film first I would have almost certainly have given it a higher mark while possibly giving VANILLA SKY a lower one
- Theo Robertson
- Apr 9, 2005
- Permalink
Alejandro Amenabar is the new brains of the fantasy film,and maybe of the European cinema.Take the snuff movie topic :he did much better than Shumacher's "8 mm".Now he takes an hackneyed subject which has been treated many times and surprises the audience.
Combining Georges Franju 's "les yeux sans visage" (1960)-for the strange poetry which emanates from the mask the hero(heroine in the French movie) wears-,Adrian Lyne's "Jacob's ladder" and what will be LATER developed in "matrix" or "the sixth sense" ,Amenabar creates a disturbing,absorbing and mesmerizing movie.He succeeds in surprising the audience the way only Alfred Hitchcock could do before:the movie begins as some kind of two-bit comedy,with such futile subjects as trying and picking someone up and parties,then slowly but inexorably grips the audience's mind ,and the interest won't weaken till the very end.Like in "psycho" or "Rosemary's baby" or "Jacob's ladder" ,nothing should be revealed.
For the French,there's another surprise:Serge Duvernois is played by Gérard Barray.This actor was very famous in the sixties for playing in swashbucklers the likes of "Pardaillan" "Surcouf" and "les trois mousquetaires".He was some kind of Jean Marais's alter ego.Then he completely disappeared from the screens in the late sixties(he probably became a stage actor).So I had not seen him for thirty years or more!Seeing him in such a spooky part adds to the eerie atmosphere.I wish the French directors could think of him a little more now.
Combining Georges Franju 's "les yeux sans visage" (1960)-for the strange poetry which emanates from the mask the hero(heroine in the French movie) wears-,Adrian Lyne's "Jacob's ladder" and what will be LATER developed in "matrix" or "the sixth sense" ,Amenabar creates a disturbing,absorbing and mesmerizing movie.He succeeds in surprising the audience the way only Alfred Hitchcock could do before:the movie begins as some kind of two-bit comedy,with such futile subjects as trying and picking someone up and parties,then slowly but inexorably grips the audience's mind ,and the interest won't weaken till the very end.Like in "psycho" or "Rosemary's baby" or "Jacob's ladder" ,nothing should be revealed.
For the French,there's another surprise:Serge Duvernois is played by Gérard Barray.This actor was very famous in the sixties for playing in swashbucklers the likes of "Pardaillan" "Surcouf" and "les trois mousquetaires".He was some kind of Jean Marais's alter ego.Then he completely disappeared from the screens in the late sixties(he probably became a stage actor).So I had not seen him for thirty years or more!Seeing him in such a spooky part adds to the eerie atmosphere.I wish the French directors could think of him a little more now.
- dbdumonteil
- Jul 4, 2002
- Permalink
This film Abre Los Ojos or 'Open your ears' (1997) was a huge success in Spain and was distributed worldwide . This suspenseful movie starts when the protagonist appears moving by an empty Madrid's Gran Vía, without cars or people . It concerns about a very handsome young named Cesar (Eduardo Noriega) , as he meets the beautiful and sexy Sofia (Penelope Cruz), currently dating Pelayo (Fele Martinez) , but they are immediately attracted to each other finds the love of his life , but a girl (Najwa Nimri) is completely obsessed with him . He then suffers an accident and needs to have his face rebuilt by surgery after it is severely disfigured .
The motion picture displays genuine chills , suspense, mystery and dark atmosphere with a twisted finale . Packs excellent creation of tension , thriller , emotions and brief violence . The film's title translates to "open your eyes," which is a repeated motif . It's an exciting , bizarre film ; skillfully proceeded by Alejandro Amenabar and turns out to one of the most unusual Spaniard suspense movie ever made and certainly one of the most unsettling . Plenty of twists and turns , the strange images deliver the excitement united a thrilling score by the same Alejandro Amenabar , including some wonderful songs such as the song playing at the nightclub when César first arrives is "Rising Son" by Massive Attack, in which the phrase "dream on" is frequently repeated . Furthermore , Alejandro also wrote , along with Mateo Gil, the interesting plot , embarking into the phantasmagorical, psychological or even quasi-surrealist story . In fact , Alejandro Amenábar imagined the script after having horrible nightmares while ill with the flu. It includes director Cameo , as Alejandro Amenábar appears with other two people in the bathroom of the disco, when César goes there . Intelligent edition, special use of luxurious sets by Wofgang Burmann and slick utilization of shock images make this one, a magnificent film . Abre Los Ojos (1997) is his "remake" of Vértigo (1958), by Hitchcock. In fact, when the character of Sofia appears after hitting Cesar with a jar, it's the same shot of Kim Novak in Vertigo when she appears from the bathroom in the hotel - with green lights . Colorful and glowing cinematography by Hans Burmann which heightens the suspense . It was remade in Hollywood by Cameron Crowe as Vanilla Sky (2001), starring Tom Cruise , Cameron Diaz , Kurt Russell and Penélope Cruz also stars in Vanilla Sky, Cameron Crowe's remake of this film, playing the same character, Sofia.
The picture was well directed by Amenabar in his second movie, after he achieved various hits . Since his perhaps best-known early short-film "Himenóptero" in 1992, in which he directed , produced, acted and wrote the script and the music, Amenábar progressed and reached his first commercial success in 1996 with "Thesis", Amenabar was 23 when he directed this his feature debut , a film which undoubtedly showed that a major new director had arrived on the scene . Later "Los Otros" (The Others) confirmed his arrival in the cinematographic world and is Amenábar's first English language film . In all his films he also writes the script and the music, as well as composing the music for other films , most notably "Butterflies tongue" (1999). He subsequently directed ¨Mar Adentro¨ with the Oscarized Javier Bardem and finally the epic/historical ¨Agora¨ with Rachel Weisz . Rating : Better than average.
The motion picture displays genuine chills , suspense, mystery and dark atmosphere with a twisted finale . Packs excellent creation of tension , thriller , emotions and brief violence . The film's title translates to "open your eyes," which is a repeated motif . It's an exciting , bizarre film ; skillfully proceeded by Alejandro Amenabar and turns out to one of the most unusual Spaniard suspense movie ever made and certainly one of the most unsettling . Plenty of twists and turns , the strange images deliver the excitement united a thrilling score by the same Alejandro Amenabar , including some wonderful songs such as the song playing at the nightclub when César first arrives is "Rising Son" by Massive Attack, in which the phrase "dream on" is frequently repeated . Furthermore , Alejandro also wrote , along with Mateo Gil, the interesting plot , embarking into the phantasmagorical, psychological or even quasi-surrealist story . In fact , Alejandro Amenábar imagined the script after having horrible nightmares while ill with the flu. It includes director Cameo , as Alejandro Amenábar appears with other two people in the bathroom of the disco, when César goes there . Intelligent edition, special use of luxurious sets by Wofgang Burmann and slick utilization of shock images make this one, a magnificent film . Abre Los Ojos (1997) is his "remake" of Vértigo (1958), by Hitchcock. In fact, when the character of Sofia appears after hitting Cesar with a jar, it's the same shot of Kim Novak in Vertigo when she appears from the bathroom in the hotel - with green lights . Colorful and glowing cinematography by Hans Burmann which heightens the suspense . It was remade in Hollywood by Cameron Crowe as Vanilla Sky (2001), starring Tom Cruise , Cameron Diaz , Kurt Russell and Penélope Cruz also stars in Vanilla Sky, Cameron Crowe's remake of this film, playing the same character, Sofia.
The picture was well directed by Amenabar in his second movie, after he achieved various hits . Since his perhaps best-known early short-film "Himenóptero" in 1992, in which he directed , produced, acted and wrote the script and the music, Amenábar progressed and reached his first commercial success in 1996 with "Thesis", Amenabar was 23 when he directed this his feature debut , a film which undoubtedly showed that a major new director had arrived on the scene . Later "Los Otros" (The Others) confirmed his arrival in the cinematographic world and is Amenábar's first English language film . In all his films he also writes the script and the music, as well as composing the music for other films , most notably "Butterflies tongue" (1999). He subsequently directed ¨Mar Adentro¨ with the Oscarized Javier Bardem and finally the epic/historical ¨Agora¨ with Rachel Weisz . Rating : Better than average.
If you're convinced that you want to see the "original" before you see the copy (Vanilla Sky) I suspect that you'll be disappointed in both versions. This one is well shot, well acted, and would be a decent if rather boring movie if it weren't for all the hype about the "astounding surprise ending". I found the ending to be far from astounding and even less of surprise- it's practically force-fed to you throughout the movie.
I also found the message to be rather confused and shallow- I interpreted it as "if all you have is your looks, be sure that you hang on to them or you'll be really sad." Not exactly groundbreaking cinema.
I also found the message to be rather confused and shallow- I interpreted it as "if all you have is your looks, be sure that you hang on to them or you'll be really sad." Not exactly groundbreaking cinema.
Go see this film. Now. I'll wait.
Okay, this film is truly one of the most excellent mixtures of genres I have ever seen. It will leave you truly moved, truly surprised, and truly depressed. That's okay, though, because this is such a wonderful movie. The film centers around the life of a rich and handsome young man after a disfiguring accident. We are taken along as he tries to find a way to grow accustomed to a life without the things he relied on (mainly looks) before. After hitting rock bottom, things start to get better for him, and it is here that the seamless weaving of genres occur. I don't want to give too much away, but the film constantly keeps you on your toes and never grows dull. "Abre los Ojos" is a truly stunning love story, psychological thriller, and science fiction film all rolled into a flawless whole. Do yourself a favor and see it before the Cameron Crowe remake, "Vanilla Sky", does to this film what "City of Angels" did to "Wings of Desire".
Okay, this film is truly one of the most excellent mixtures of genres I have ever seen. It will leave you truly moved, truly surprised, and truly depressed. That's okay, though, because this is such a wonderful movie. The film centers around the life of a rich and handsome young man after a disfiguring accident. We are taken along as he tries to find a way to grow accustomed to a life without the things he relied on (mainly looks) before. After hitting rock bottom, things start to get better for him, and it is here that the seamless weaving of genres occur. I don't want to give too much away, but the film constantly keeps you on your toes and never grows dull. "Abre los Ojos" is a truly stunning love story, psychological thriller, and science fiction film all rolled into a flawless whole. Do yourself a favor and see it before the Cameron Crowe remake, "Vanilla Sky", does to this film what "City of Angels" did to "Wings of Desire".
The handsome and wealthy César (Eduardo Noriega) is very successful with women and is having difficulties to get rid off Nuria (Najwa Nimri) that is his last affair. His best friend is Pelayo (Fele Martínez), who is unlucky with women and jealous of his friend. On his birthday party, César meets the gorgeous and sexy Sofia (Penélope Cruz) that is dating Pelayo and they have a crush on each other and spend the night together in her apartment. On the next morning, César finds Nuria stalking him in front of Sofia's building and he accepts her ride home. However, she commits suicide crashing her car against a wall and César survives the crash, but with his face completely destroyed. The doctors do not have technology to restore his face and César is absolutely depressed and missing Sofia. One night, César meets Sofia and Pelayo in a bar and he drinks too much, falling on the street. However, on the next morning, Sofia finds César on the street and kisses him telling that she loves him. Then the doctors tell him that they are able to fix his face. Out of the blue, César's happiness changes and he finds that he is trapped in a nightmare.
"Abre los Ojos" is an intriguing and fascinating thriller with a journey to paranoia. The twenty-five year-old genius Alejandro Amenábar wrote and directed this masterpiece that is certainly the source of inspiration of "The Matrix", with the concept of virtual reality. This film is among my top-ten ever and the last three times that I watched it was on 16 November 2001, 26 October 2002 and yesterday, but the impact is never reduced with the awesome story and screenplay. The American cinema industry once again decided to destroy this piece-of –art with the ridiculous remake "Vanilla Sky" that is only a shadow of "Abre los Ojos". My vote is ten.
Title (Brazil): "Preso na Escuridão" ("Imprisoned in the Darkness")
"Abre los Ojos" is an intriguing and fascinating thriller with a journey to paranoia. The twenty-five year-old genius Alejandro Amenábar wrote and directed this masterpiece that is certainly the source of inspiration of "The Matrix", with the concept of virtual reality. This film is among my top-ten ever and the last three times that I watched it was on 16 November 2001, 26 October 2002 and yesterday, but the impact is never reduced with the awesome story and screenplay. The American cinema industry once again decided to destroy this piece-of –art with the ridiculous remake "Vanilla Sky" that is only a shadow of "Abre los Ojos". My vote is ten.
Title (Brazil): "Preso na Escuridão" ("Imprisoned in the Darkness")
- claudio_carvalho
- Sep 12, 2010
- Permalink
While Vanilla Sky was a solid film, this still ranks as the better version. It's quite a contrast in styles. While Vanilla sky tried being over the top, Abre Los Ojos proved to be more subtle and controlled. Penelope Cruz, even though she was playing the same role, she was far more articulate and natural in her native tongue. Maybe we should stop remaking great foreign films, and appreciate them for what they are as opposed to what we want them to be.
- fadi-shubat
- Nov 12, 2014
- Permalink
There once was a movie called Vanilla Sky. It made very little sense. It really was a thoroughly confusing mess. That movie was an English-language remake of this Spanish-language one. If nothing else Open Your Eyes at least makes more sense than Vanilla Sky did. Oh, there's still plenty of confusing stuff here but director Alejandro Amenábar manages to pull it together much better than Cameron Crowe ever did in the remake. The fact that I think the story makes much more sense when presented in a language I don't even understand is about as damning a statement as can be made about Crowe's film. Open Your Eyes is clearly the better film of the two. But it comes with its own frustrations. Maybe this story was just a little too convoluted to ever make a thoroughly enjoyable movie out of.
Open Your Eyes is a movie which delights in messing with your mind. This is a movie which demands that you be fully engaged when watching it. Turn off your brain and start daydreaming and you'll be lost. The movie's main character, César, has plenty of disorienting experiences which can leave the viewer feeling more than a little disoriented himself. It's a hard movie to pin down. It flashes back and forth in time, it raises questions about what is real and what is imagined. It takes you right inside César's head. Unfortunately César's darned near lost his mind so going inside his head isn't going to give us much clarity.
It's best to not say much about the plot because whatever joy you get from this movie will likely come from your attempts to unravel the plot for yourself. If you've already seen Vanilla Sky you unfortunately pretty much know everything. The ending of Vanilla Sky was such a letdown, and made so little sense whatsoever, that as you watch Open Your Eyes you can't help but have very low expectations. You're waiting to be let down and to be thoroughly baffled. Happily Amenábar's ending is a little more focused than Crowe's was. Where Vanilla Sky went completely off the rails Open Your Eyes takes some strange twists and turns but you can follow along if you try. The movie asks you for some serious suspension of disbelief but at least it doesn't throw so much stuff at you that it becomes utter nonsense like Vanilla Sky did. Give some credit to Eduardo Noriega whose performance in the lead role of César is much stronger than Tom Cruise's corresponding star turn in the remake. And this movie's Penélope Cruz also comes across much better than that movie's Penélope Cruz. Strange how the same actress playing the same role can be so much better in one movie than in the other. Maybe it's her comfort level with the language, maybe it's just that she's surrounded by a better movie than she was in Vanilla Sky. Open Your Eyes is not a great movie, a little too convoluted for its own good. Somewhat slow, not always as dramatic and engaging as you would hope. But all in all the movie does have an intriguing story which, if you can wrap your head around it, makes the movie worth seeing. For whatever flaws the movie may have you can understand what Crowe saw in it. Too bad he made such a mess of it when he got his hands on it.
Open Your Eyes is a movie which delights in messing with your mind. This is a movie which demands that you be fully engaged when watching it. Turn off your brain and start daydreaming and you'll be lost. The movie's main character, César, has plenty of disorienting experiences which can leave the viewer feeling more than a little disoriented himself. It's a hard movie to pin down. It flashes back and forth in time, it raises questions about what is real and what is imagined. It takes you right inside César's head. Unfortunately César's darned near lost his mind so going inside his head isn't going to give us much clarity.
It's best to not say much about the plot because whatever joy you get from this movie will likely come from your attempts to unravel the plot for yourself. If you've already seen Vanilla Sky you unfortunately pretty much know everything. The ending of Vanilla Sky was such a letdown, and made so little sense whatsoever, that as you watch Open Your Eyes you can't help but have very low expectations. You're waiting to be let down and to be thoroughly baffled. Happily Amenábar's ending is a little more focused than Crowe's was. Where Vanilla Sky went completely off the rails Open Your Eyes takes some strange twists and turns but you can follow along if you try. The movie asks you for some serious suspension of disbelief but at least it doesn't throw so much stuff at you that it becomes utter nonsense like Vanilla Sky did. Give some credit to Eduardo Noriega whose performance in the lead role of César is much stronger than Tom Cruise's corresponding star turn in the remake. And this movie's Penélope Cruz also comes across much better than that movie's Penélope Cruz. Strange how the same actress playing the same role can be so much better in one movie than in the other. Maybe it's her comfort level with the language, maybe it's just that she's surrounded by a better movie than she was in Vanilla Sky. Open Your Eyes is not a great movie, a little too convoluted for its own good. Somewhat slow, not always as dramatic and engaging as you would hope. But all in all the movie does have an intriguing story which, if you can wrap your head around it, makes the movie worth seeing. For whatever flaws the movie may have you can understand what Crowe saw in it. Too bad he made such a mess of it when he got his hands on it.
While some people may call "Abre los ojos" ("Open Your Eyes" in English) a psychological thriller, I wish to assert that such a description would be like calling "West Side Story" a plain old musical. This movie blew my mind like almost no other movie has done. I almost wasn't sure whether or not I could trust my own judgment after watching it, see what happens to Eduardo Noriega's character Cesar.
I believe that I had seen an ad for this movie before it got released in the US, but it really entered my vocabulary after the release of Tom Cruise's remake. Well, seeing what a great job they did with the original, it's probably safe to assume that the remake is nothing but an excuse to show off Tom Cruise. I, for one, believe that Penelope Cruz has done far better work in her native Spain than outside. So stick with the original and you won't get disappointed.
I believe that I had seen an ad for this movie before it got released in the US, but it really entered my vocabulary after the release of Tom Cruise's remake. Well, seeing what a great job they did with the original, it's probably safe to assume that the remake is nothing but an excuse to show off Tom Cruise. I, for one, believe that Penelope Cruz has done far better work in her native Spain than outside. So stick with the original and you won't get disappointed.
- lee_eisenberg
- Jul 23, 2007
- Permalink
Whichever you chose to watch, the original "Abre los ojos" or the Hollywood remake "Vanilla Sky", this is a great Science Fiction Psychological Thriller and if you like this genre, the first time you watch it you'll often be on the edge of your seat with your eyes glued to the screen waiting for something unexpected to happen: and it will.
Vanilla sky (2001) and Abre los ojos (1997).
While most people rate the original "Abre los Ojos" as a being a better film than the American remake "Vanilla Sky", both movies have their pros and cons in spite of being nearly identical in the plot. Abres Los Ojos feels more natural, more realistic, and has that plain, gritty feel of many European movies. The characters feel more real, but the cinematography is also less spectacular than in Vanilla sky.
Vanilla sky while containing plenty of drama and thriller elements, has also more space for humor and playful synergy between the characters. The overall feeling is that you are in a Hollywood fantasy. This lends a lightness to it but it also robs it of the realism that Abres los Ojos has. Abre Los Ojos sticks to the drama, to the story, and the interaction between actors is nearly always serious: the filmmaker wants you to believe this is actually all happening and it's no joke. The acting is in any case good in both movies. Whichever movie you chose to watch first is going to diminish the experience of watching the other version. If you're not a Hollywood fan the choice is easily made!
Whichever you chose to watch, the original "Abre los ojos" or the Hollywood remake "Vanilla Sky", this is a great Science Fiction Psychological Thriller and if you like this genre, the first time you watch it you'll often be on the edge of your seat with your eyes glued to the screen waiting for something unexpected to happen: and it will.
Vanilla sky (2001) and Abre los ojos (1997).
While most people rate the original "Abre los Ojos" as a being a better film than the American remake "Vanilla Sky", both movies have their pros and cons in spite of being nearly identical in the plot. Abres Los Ojos feels more natural, more realistic, and has that plain, gritty feel of many European movies. The characters feel more real, but the cinematography is also less spectacular than in Vanilla sky.
Vanilla sky while containing plenty of drama and thriller elements, has also more space for humor and playful synergy between the characters. The overall feeling is that you are in a Hollywood fantasy. This lends a lightness to it but it also robs it of the realism that Abres los Ojos has. Abre Los Ojos sticks to the drama, to the story, and the interaction between actors is nearly always serious: the filmmaker wants you to believe this is actually all happening and it's no joke. The acting is in any case good in both movies. Whichever movie you chose to watch first is going to diminish the experience of watching the other version. If you're not a Hollywood fan the choice is easily made!
- Andy-Denotti
- Aug 3, 2006
- Permalink
Just in order to say "Abre Los Ojos" is much better than "Vanilla Sky". The atmosphere, all the charm, anyway... The rhythm! This movie has concepts that have been used by many others. Nevertheless it is unpublished by the script well elaborated. Tom Cruise soon realized that it was an engaging story, which catches the eye of the movie buff. However the Spanish film is much better.
- esoestudos
- Jun 10, 2017
- Permalink
"Open Your Eyes" (1997) directed by Alejandro Amenábar is a film about a once handsome playboy, César who finds himself in a mental facility and he can't remember why. All he can remember is meeting the love of his life for one day, and then getting into a car accident which left his face horribly disfigured. But the pain of becoming physically undesirable may help him to find the truth.
I give credit to the screen writer and particularly the male lead Eduardo. In spite of an intriguing premise, the film is not a masterclass in directional choices or style. This however can be said of its American adaptation, "Vanilla Sky" (2001) directed by Cameron Crowe. The direction, production design and particularly the score and soundtrack, (by the way, boldly and brilliantly featuring Radiohead) are in my opinion all superior to Amenábar's original.
Still recommended.
I give credit to the screen writer and particularly the male lead Eduardo. In spite of an intriguing premise, the film is not a masterclass in directional choices or style. This however can be said of its American adaptation, "Vanilla Sky" (2001) directed by Cameron Crowe. The direction, production design and particularly the score and soundtrack, (by the way, boldly and brilliantly featuring Radiohead) are in my opinion all superior to Amenábar's original.
Still recommended.
Pretentious, self indulgent film making at its worst. A lot of people seem to be confusing complexity with interest. Solving a Rubik's cube is complex but ultimately not very interesting. Actually, now that I think about it I'd rather learn how a Rubuk's cube works than how this plot works.
I watched the film with my very smart, film loving, lawyer wife. Neither of us could figure out the plot - we were confused. After finding a plot outline on IMDb we were no longer confused but we were cross. Is that it??
It's curious that so many people devote almost as much space to criticising Vanilla Sky as they do praising this film; the main point being that they don't like Hollywood. Congratulations.
I gave it a 3/10 but only because we got to see the glorious Penelope naked a couple of times.
I watched the film with my very smart, film loving, lawyer wife. Neither of us could figure out the plot - we were confused. After finding a plot outline on IMDb we were no longer confused but we were cross. Is that it??
It's curious that so many people devote almost as much space to criticising Vanilla Sky as they do praising this film; the main point being that they don't like Hollywood. Congratulations.
I gave it a 3/10 but only because we got to see the glorious Penelope naked a couple of times.