Jet Li reprises the role that he was born to play as Wong Fei Hung. This time, Master Wong is in America to set up his clinic Po Chi Lam there. But things go wrong as he gets amnesia and lives with some Indian tribe.
The story was okay, but the rest of it wasn't. First of all, the fight scenes were poorly filmed. I couldn't tell what was going on since it was blurred and/or sped up. This is too bad since I wanted to see Jet Li's physical talents. Also, the sterotyping of the Indians were pretty bad too. The American actors' lines were horrible and cliched, and the American actors themselves were pretty bad (of course, they could have been bad because of the bad lines they got). There were some good scenes, but a couple of good scenes doesn't make a medicore movie any better. This movie is worth a rental if there is nothing else to rent.