15 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 67The A.V. ClubNathan RabinThe A.V. ClubNathan RabinIf a great movie is one with two great scenes and no bad ones, then Dirty Work is half a great movie. It contains more than its share of bad scenes, but it does have two brilliant ones.
- Unceasingly vulgar and sporadically funny, this revenge comedy rests heavily on the shoulders of former SNL wiseacre Norm Macdonald.
- 50VarietyJoe LeydonVarietyJoe LeydonHighly reminiscent of Kingpin in its willingness to try anything for a laugh, Dirty Work is a shameless and sporadically hilarious comedy about two thirtysomething underachievers who start a revenge for hire business.
- 30Chicago ReaderLisa AlspectorChicago ReaderLisa AlspectorThe pranks are as bland as Macdonald’s demeanor, which is supposed to subvert expectations about the role of the straight man in a comedy duo; the subjects of running gags range from anal rape to anal rape.
- 25San Francisco ChronicleBob GrahamSan Francisco ChronicleBob GrahamDirty Work was directed by Bob Saget, who always seemed slightly embarrassed by his enormous success as the host of America's Funniest Home Videos. Now he's got something else to be slightly embarrassed about.
- 25New York PostNew York PostHere, Saget can't even find a consistent tone, varying between all-out slapstick and attempts at dark comedy. Then again, it's hard to milk yuks out of murder, prison rape, bestiality, incest, homelessness and guns in school. [13 Jun 1998, p.023]
- 16Entertainment WeeklyBruce FrettsEntertainment WeeklyBruce FrettsNorm Macdonald proves himself to be the new Chevy Chase by following up his ”Weekend Update” stint with Dirty Work, a smug, unfunny feature flop.
- 10Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles TimesPhrases like terminally stupid and brain dead leap readily to mind.
- 0Austin ChronicleMarc SavlovAustin ChronicleMarc SavlovMacdonald is unaccountably bland here, which is unexpected since his lo-level, monotone snottiness is usually at least good for a grin or two. With Dirty Work though, he's fashioned an 80-minute harangue out of 10 minutes of material, an SNL sketch gone horribly awry, and one that drags on long after its daily ration of humor has been exhausted.
- 0Boston GlobeBoston GlobeThere isn't a single glimmer of intelligence in Dirty Work. It's a must-miss movie. [13 Jun 1998, p.C6]