- Lieutenant Danny Roman: When your friends betray you, sometimes the only people you can trust are strangers.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: I once talked a guy out of blowing up the Sears Tower but I can't talk my wife out of the bedroom or my kid off the phone.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: A quick lesson in lying. See, this is what us real cops do: We study liars. Example: If I ask you a question about something visual, like your favorite color, your eyes go up and to the left. Neurophysiology tells us your eyes go in that direction, because you're accessing the visual cortex. So you're telling the truth. If your eyes go up and right, you're accessing the brain's creative centers and we know you're full of shit.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: I can't believe this, I'm just surrounded by a room of people who wanna go in there and kill him. This is the guy who call you friend. I got nothing invested in this. I wonder why that is, or maybe someday we'll find out.
- Rudy Timmons: You know what Nietzsche says: Even the strongest have their moments of fatigue. And I'm fatigued, Danny. I'm just, I'm fucking fatigued.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: You were wrong about me. What if I'm right about them?
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: But what if you're wrong about me?
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: You hurt one of them, you burn up any currency you have with me. They're all I care about. Getting you out of here alive... a distant second.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: [while hiding behind Nebaumas a shield] Now leave your badge, guns, cuffs everything on the table
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: [a officer on the above walkway jumps out from behind the pilar. Roman firs a shot that misses his head by inches] That wasn't an accident and neither will the next one that goes in your head, now get out!
- Rudy Timmons: Because once you familiarize yourself with the chains of bondage you prepare your own limbs to wear them. Fuckin' Abraham Lincoln said it, and I fuckin' believe it, so you have got to get me the fuck out! Now!
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: [trying to setup Omar by a bedrom window for a sniper shot, starts a joke] Omar... A Marine and a sailor are taking a piss... The Marine goes to leave without washing up... The sailor says, "In the Navy... they teach us to wash our hands... The Marines turn to him and says...
- Omar: [in sync with Danny Roman] "... in the Marines they teach us not to piss on our hands..."
- [sniper takes his shot and wound Omar in the shoulder end the siege]
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: [Frost walks in to find Roman holding a gun to Nebaum's head] You see what they're making me do?
- Farley: [after Danny fires off his gun pretending to kill someone] Oh my God, is everyone alright?
- Rudy Timmons: [Danny hands the phone to Rudy] Yeah, we're alright just don't be saying "NO" no more motherfucker!
- [Danny points his gun at Rudy]
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: Too bad Rudy, Danny Roman was *just* starting to like you.
- Rudy Timmons: Well tell Danny Roman to hold the fuck on!
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: I like westerns, like Shane.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: It's interesting that you pick one where the hero dies.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: What are you talking about? He doesn't die. He rides off into the sunset, and that kid says "Come back, Shane!"
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: That's a common misconception, in the last frame he's slumped over on his horse.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: So he was slumped, slumped don't mean dead.
- [Talking to Omar about Pit Bulls]
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: There's the right man's best friend and the wrong man's worst enemy.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: [while trying to talk down a Hostage Taker through a closed door] Yeah, I like animals better than people sometimes... Especially dogs. Dogs are the best. Every time you come home, they act like they haven't seen you in a year. And the good thing about dogs... is they got different dogs for different people. Like pit bulls. The dog of dogs. Pit bull can be the right man's best friend... or the wrong man's worst enemy. You going to give me a dog for a pet, give me a pit bull. Give me... Raoul. Right, Omar? Give me Raoul.
- Omar: [shouting at his Pitbull that is constantly barking] I fucking hate Raoul! Shut the fuck up, asshole! Son of a bitch won't shut up!
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: [to his partner Nathan] Hates Raoul. Farley fucked up the list.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: [talking again to Omar through a door] Yeah... I can dig it, Omar. I had a dog like that... a poodle. She didn't bark, though... She pissed on the floor. I hated that dog. But if I was ever depressed... she'd lay her head in my lap, look up at me with those big old eyes. And even though I thought I hated that dog... I loved her. It's like that, ain't it? That love-hate thing.
- Omar: [getting more erractic] No more goddamned talk! I can't wait anymore. I want my wife! I want her up here. Or I'll do our daughter. Listen to me... no more talking. I want that bitch or I'll do the girl.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: Omar, I'm doing the best I can here, man.
- Omar: I'm not going to hurt her. I just want her to see me blow my brains out. I want her to think about that when she's sucking that fat prick's cock.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: You okay?
- Rudy Timmons: Does it look like I'm okay? I got a gun pointed to the back of my fucking head.
- [Looks at Sabian's ski gear]
- Rudy Timmons: Nice fucking pants, man.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: I want you to apologize for telling your mother she looks...
- [Sabian's daughter makes a huge gesture with her hands]
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: Wide.
- [Sabian smiles and whispers at his daughter]
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: Wide's not a good word, how'd you like to be called wide?
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: You working?
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: Sort of. I was negotiating a truce between my wife and daughter.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: Then I'm proved to be easy by comparison.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: It wouldn't surprise me in the least.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: [trying to setup Omar by a bedrom window for a sniper shot, starts a joke] Omar... A Marine and a sailor are taking a piss... The Marine goes to leave without washing up... The sailor says, "In the Navy... they teach us to wash our hands..." The Marine turns to him and says...
- Omar: [in sync with Danny Roman] "... in the Marines they teach us not to piss on our hands..."
- [sniper takes his shot and wounds Omar in the shoulder ending the siege]
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: One last question... Do you know who killed Nate?
- Insp. Terence Niebaum: [Niebaum leans forward after a long pause] You.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: You working?
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: Sort of. I was negotiating a truce between my wife and daughter.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: That might prove to be easier by comparison.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: So I see you shut the heat off already.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: You know how this works Danny.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: Yeah I do. Next time you try and bluff, make sure you charge your cellphone.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: You wanna tell me what I'm doing up here?
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: I just wanted to tell you face to face I'm not crazy. I'm just doing this to prove my innocence.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: I believe you Danny. Whatever I can do to help you get out of here...
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: Don't fucking patronize me man! I know you don't think I'm innocent so don't try to tell me I'll do whatever I can to help you get out of here. Don't talk to me like I'm some second rate HT.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: You're right I'm sorry my mistake.
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: Yeah you are sorry. Get out of here lock the door. Call me when you're ready to talk.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: No wait Danny I'm ready to talk. You're right. You're right.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: I'm not here to prove your guilt or innocence. That's not why I'm here. You could've done everything they said you did. You could've killed that cop. I don't know. I don't care. There are ways to prove your innocence, but this is hardly one of them. And now you got hostages. So let me tell you something. You hurt any of them, you're going burn any currency you got to deal with me. They're all I care about. You leaving here walking is a distant second. Now do I make myself clear?
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: Hmph. Now we're getting somewhere.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: Now answer my question. What am I doing up here?
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: Before Nate was killed he told me the guys involved in the fraud were from my precinct. Guys I trust. Guys I might call friends.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: And?
- Lieutenant Danny Roman: You're not. When your friends betray you, sometimes the only people you can trust are strangers.
- Lieutenant Chris Sabian: "I can't believe this, I'm just surrounded by a room of people who wanna go in there and kill him. This is the guy who call you friend. I got nothing invested in this. I wonder why that is, or maybe someday we'll find out."