Taylor Dempsey credited as playing...
Young Tantor
- Young Tantor: Mom! Are you sure this water's sanitary? It looks questionable to me!
- [steps into water, then yanks foot back out]
- Tantor's Mother: It's fine, honey.
- Young Tantor: Ich. But what about bacteria?
- Tantor's Mother: Tantor, can't you see Mummy's talking?
- Young Tantor: [Sees Tarzan swimming] Piranha! It's a piranha!
- Tantor's Mother: Tantor, there are no piranhas in Africa.
- Elephant #1: Don't tell the kid that. Of course there are piranhas in Africa.
- Elephant #2: No, she's right. They're native to South America.
- Elephant #1: Oh, come on, now.
- Elephant #2: You think I would be standing here if they were?
- [Meanwhile, Tarzan is trying to get a hair from the first elephant's tail]
- Young Tantor: Look out, he's right behind you!
- Tantor's Mother: For the last time, honey, there are no piranhas in...
- Elephant #1: My butt! Something's got my butt!
- [Terk is dragging Tarzan out of the pool]
- Terk: Tarzan, buddy! Buddy, come on, Tarzan! Don't die on me! Don't die on me! You weren't supposed to do it!
- [Tantor grabs Terk with his trunk]
- Young Tantor: Get away from there! Don't you know a piranha can strip your flesh in seconds?
- [Terk pries herself free]
- Terk: What? He's not a pirahna, he's-
- [Tarzan coughs up water]
- Terk: He's alive!
- [Terk grabs Tarzan by the arm and then by the leg to show Tantor that Tarzan is indeed alive]
- Terk: He's alive, he's alive!
- Young Tantor: He's alive!
- [Terk hugs Tarzan]
- Terk: He's ali-
- [Her joy quickly turns to reproachfulness and she pushes Tarzan to the ground]
- Terk: You idiot! You nearly gave me a heart attack! Ya happy?