Andy Secombe credited as playing...
- Watto: How's-a you gonna pay for all this, eh?
- Qui-Gon Jinn: I have twenty thousand Republic dataries.
- Watto: Republic credits? Republic credits are no good out here, I need something more real.
- Qui-Gon Jinn: I don't have anything else...
- [waves hand]
- Qui-Gon Jinn: But credits will do fine.
- Watto: No, they won't-a.
- Qui-Gon Jinn: [waves his hand more firmly] Credits *will* do fine.
- Watto: No, they won't-a! What, you think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that? I'm a Toydarian. Mind tricks don't-a work on-a me. Only money. No money, no parts, no deal!
- Qui-Gon Jinn: I have... acquired a pod in a game of chance. The fastest ever built.
- Watto: I hope you didn't kill anyone I know for it.
- Watto: I want to see your spaceship the moment the race is over.
- Qui-Gon Jinn: Patience, my blue friend.
- Watto: I am betting heavily on Sebulba.
- Qui-Gon Jinn: I'll take that bet.
- Watto: You what?
- Qui-Gon Jinn: I'll wager my new racing pod against, say... the boy and his mother.
- Watto: No pod is worth two slaves, not by a long shot.
- Qui-Gon Jinn: The boy, then.
- Watto: Hmm. Well... we'll let fate decide, hmm?
- [taking a colored die out of his satchel]
- Watto: I just happen to have a chance cube here. Blue, it's the boy. Red... his mother.
- [he throws it, and Qui-Gon subtly uses the Force to manipulate it blue-face up]
- Watto: You won this small toss, outlander, but you won't win the race! So it makes little difference!
- Watto: So, you supply the pod and the entry fee, I supply the boy. We split the winnings, um, 50/50, I think, huh?
- Qui-Gon Jinn: If it's going to be 50/50, I suggest you front the cash for the entry. If we win, you keep all the winnings, minus the cost of the parts I need. And if we lose, you keep my ship. Either way, you win.
- Watto: [thinking it over] Deal!
- [to Anakin in Huttese, as Qui-Gon leaves]
- Watto: Your friend is a foolish one, methinks.
- Watto: The boy tells me you want to sponsor him in the race. How can you do this? Not on Republic credits, I think, huh?
- Qui-Gon Jinn: [turning on a hand-held hologram] My ship will be the entry fee.
- Watto: Oh, not bad! Not bad, huh? A Nubian, huh?
- Qui-Gon Jinn: It's in good order, except for the parts I need.
- Watto: What would the boy ride? He smashed up my pod in last race. It will take some long time to fix it, huh?
- Anakin: It wasn't my fault, really. Sebulba flashed me with his vents. I actually saved the pod, mostly.
- Watto: Mmm. That you did, huh? The boy's good. No doubts there, huh?
- Watto: You! You swindled me! I lost everything.
- Qui-Gon Jinn: Whenever you gamble eventually you lose.