Playboy loves it's ladies of higher learning and the theme is certainly popular, but 'College Girls' came out in 1994. A time when videos still weren't focusing on delivering well shot consistent nudity. I say this upfront because ultimately it's the #1 problem here (and in any video of this age). Maybe once upon a time this was the norm, but it doesn't fly now.
After a standard montage intro you quickly identify the trend. "Tamara Unverzagt" is the first lady featured and has an interview beforehand that leads into a lite boy/girl fantasy as she continues talking over the scene in a voiceover. Eventually there's some nice shots of her naked on a motorcycle, but the nudity sparingly (4.5 mins). "Natasha Alberico" in a dorm room talks, changes into a cheerleader uniform. After watching her bounce on a trampoline dressed we're given a B&W piece where she poses nude "artistically" with a muscular guy in jeans (5 mins).
"Angela Cooper" does her talking intercut with her clothed on a swing. Then it's a futuristic sci-fi action movie fantasy of her being a badass who beats up some dude before getting down to being naked. Yes it's as cringe as it sounds (5.5 mins). "Sunare Cornell" talks about herself and then it's a fencing segment that eventually has her nude popping balloons with her foil. More talk. Now in & out of colored sweaters on a bed (5.5 mins). "Michelle Diamond" talks & plays piano intercut with her naked laying down (5 mins).
"Jenna Nueva" I believe is playing dual roles in her segment. Both the investigator taking photos, getting turned on but never getting naked and the female getting steamy with a guy across the way. Either case nudity is minimal (4 mins). "Catrina Falbo" ends up at a beach and gets out of her bikini getting oiled up looking pretty fine. Step up from what this video has provided so far. She ends up topless running into the water before completely nude (5 mins). "Nikki Lee" does a bunch of talking before a cheesy dance number in front of a blue screen. Notch another cringe moment (4 mins).
"Ty Erickson" gets her makeup touched up by thee Jenny McCarthy who takes pictures of her getting naked on a bed. Then roles are reversed and Jenny strips from a white top, jeans (4.5 mins). "Erin Robinson" has a very nice toned body, but you only get to see it briefly (3 mins). "Amy Summers" is first at the pool provides some shots of her topless. Then it's her fully nude briefly in & out of bikinis (6 mins).
There's no way to say this without sounding crude, but I'm not here for artsy shot segments or learning these ladies life stories. Meaning for 53 minutes 'College Girls' wastes a bit of time on the type of material you aren't here for. It's not a total write-off, but it leaves a lot to be desired.