I've got all four (as of Feb '01) tapes of the PPG. And you want to know something? It's one of the best investments I've ever made!
Okay, look. I'm 34 years old, and I know some of you cynical, self-important nay-sayers may be trying to tell me that I shouldn't do this kind of thing, but hey-- I didn't vote for Al Gore, so you can just go back to daydreaming about what YOU think should be while still searching for the missing chads!! In the meantime I'll keep enjoying one of my so-called "guilty pleasures" and laughing my keyster off while doing it!
You know, I rarely ever use the word "cool" to describe something, but when I caught an episode of "The Powerpuff Girls" on Cartoon Network a while back (I don't remember the episode), I became immediately, and hopelessly hooked on what I think is, without a doubt, the COOLEST cartoon to come along since "The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Show". Plus it gives me and two of my nieces some common ground. They're big fans, too!
The whole show is extremely well put together-- the retro animation, the storylines, the voices, the sound effects, and especially the incidental music. And say what you want about the fantasy violence, but the majority of the episodes convey a good message, and that's even better.
Who is my favorite PPG, you may ask? Well, hands down... it's Bubbles! And here's why: For one thing, she doesn't take things quite as seriously as Blossom and Buttercup. She is able to appreciate the simpler and more beautiful things in life without getting too bogged down as her sisters normally do. Sure, she may seem absent-minded at times, but she does have a penchant for finding the occasional needle in the haystack without really trying. And when you get down to the brass tacks, she can hold her own in a fight... which she MUCH MORE than proves in "Bubblevicious", one of my favorite episodes!
In closing, my fellow addicts, I say to you now... THIS is OUR Chemical X! Take it in... enjoy it! And believe me... you are much better off BUYING the videos!