50 reviews
This movie is all about Halle Berry - to look at it from any other point of view would be to overlook the most powerful force in the movie. Berry is brilliant in her portrayal of Dorothy Dandridge - her acting is flawless and we witness the greatness of Dandrige and exprience the pain of her downfall with Halle Berry as our guide. What a tremendous coincedence that Halle Berry would play the first African-American woman to be nominated for an Academy Award when she herself would later become the first African-american woman to actually receive the prestegious award! She is supported by a strong cast which all help to make this a movie to remember. 7/10
Long before Barack Obama wasn't considered "Black" enough, Dorothy Dandridge suffered the same criticism. Black or not, she was beautiful and could sing like a meadowlark.
Looking at old pictures of Dandridge, you could see why Halle Berry was chosen. She is Dandridge brought back to life. She may not have the pipes of Dandridge, but she sure can act, and has the Emmy and Golden Globe to prove it! Playing the First African American actress to get an Best Actress nomination (for Carmen Jones) was the First African American actress to win the Oscar for Best Actress (for Monster's Ball).
Klaus Maria Brandauer (Out of Africa) was magnificent as Otto Preminger, one of the men who used Dandridge.
This film is extremely important, not only for the fact that is chronicles the life of one of America's best, but also for the reminder that most of us never had to pee in a cup or watch a pool drained because we put our toe in it.
Looking at old pictures of Dandridge, you could see why Halle Berry was chosen. She is Dandridge brought back to life. She may not have the pipes of Dandridge, but she sure can act, and has the Emmy and Golden Globe to prove it! Playing the First African American actress to get an Best Actress nomination (for Carmen Jones) was the First African American actress to win the Oscar for Best Actress (for Monster's Ball).
Klaus Maria Brandauer (Out of Africa) was magnificent as Otto Preminger, one of the men who used Dandridge.
This film is extremely important, not only for the fact that is chronicles the life of one of America's best, but also for the reminder that most of us never had to pee in a cup or watch a pool drained because we put our toe in it.
- lastliberal
- Apr 6, 2008
- Permalink
Halle Berry deserved recognition for the recreation of a Hollywood legend. It was interesting to watch her character's relationship with her agent played beautifully by Brent Spiner who is known for his role as an android in Star Trek, the Next Generation. I liked watching him so much that I have a crush on him now. It was sad that Dorothy did not realize that true love was underneath her all those years by her agent, Earl Mills. He helped her and truly loved her. I don't know if he was gay or just too obvious. Halle Berry really struts her acting abilities in this role. She makes us understand Dorothy's painful life. The violation by her own family to see if she was still a virgin after dating the Nicholas brothers. She was more than just an actress, she was truly an entertainer who deserved more. She puts a feet in the swimming pool and the hotel drains it because of her race. It was kind of hard not to be saddened by the racism of the past and what Dorothy did to endure.
- Sylviastel
- Aug 18, 2002
- Permalink
This was a really good movie. I really hadnt heard of Dorothy until after this movie came out. She really was a wonderful actress and if only she had been born 20 years later she would have been as big as Audrey, Grace and the rest. I thought Halle Berry did a good job bringing Dorothy back to life. That shot of her on Life magazine is just amazing. I can't believe how much they look alike. Great performances by all and Berry better be getting an Emmy for her peformance next year. She deserves it.
This film tells the sad story of Dorothy Dandridge, an African-American woman who was the first to be nominated for a Best Actress Oscar. She had much promise as an actress and nightclub singer, but (and I hope I'm not spoiling anything) an unhappy personal life led to a dependence on pills and booze, which destroyed her career and eventually her life. The movie tells her story in a pretty striaght-forward way. Halle Berry delivers a solid performance as Dandridge. Despite how sad it seems, however, there are supposed to be some exciting parts, such as Dandridge's nightclub scenes, in which she's supposed to sizzle. Berry doesn't sizzle very much, and in her speaking scenes has to grapple with a very obvious script. She manages pretty well, but she and the whole movie just lack oomph! There's really nothing more than meets the eye here. It's pretty one-dimensional and flat, if still very sad.
In the 1990s, HBO made some wonderful films about famous and not so famous Black Americans and I own copies of several of these films. THE TUSKEGEE AIRMEN and MISS EVERS' BOYS are probably the best, but they also made THE JOSEPHINE BAKER STORY and INTRODUCING DOROTHY DANDRIDGE--quite an impressive record for a relatively small production company.
Of the four films listed, INTRODUCING DOROTHY DANDRIDGE was my least favorite. While still a good film and one to watch, it seemed to suffer in two respects. First, despite being a biography, I never really felt connected to the main character and the film seemed rather episodic. I think the film would have been better had it not try to cram her entire life into one film--perhaps a mini-series or adding an hour to the film would have helped. Second, the film began with such an intense and unnecessarily brutal scene in which Dorothy was digitally raped--something that could have been alluded to or done a bit less explicitly. This made the film rated R and that is a real shame, as kids should see all four of these films--they are all important historical lessons for the 20th century. However, with that scene, there is no way that I would let my kids see the film--it was just too much for kids (let alone adults) to see. You can know it's happening without having to see it happen.
Also, as for this assaultive character, Dorothy's "aunt". If you ARE going to include this in the film, at least then hash out exactly who this woman was as well as her relationship with Dot's mother. It seemed like they were perhaps trying to imply these two older women were lesbians, but they never really followed up on this--it was just a dangling plot point that they seemed to have forgotten. Also, other than this horrible scene, what was this woman's relationship with the kids? This character just left a whole lot of unanswered questions.
To be fair, I must admit that THE JOSEPHINE BAKER STORY features some nudity, but it was all part of Miss Baker's real-life act--you couldn't exactly discuss her life without featuring her most famous routine. It was not sexual in nature, but artistic and I'd have a much easier time letting kids see this film because it lacks the violence of the digital rape scene of INTRODUCING DOROTHY DANDRIDGE.
Other than these complaints, the actors seemed to try very hard to make this film and it was rather interesting. As for Brent Spiner, he looked and talked a lot like his "Data" character--I couldn't get past this and it just shows how being so strongly associated with one role makes it tough for others to accept you in a different one. For my time I say see the other films first--then this one without the kids.
Of the four films listed, INTRODUCING DOROTHY DANDRIDGE was my least favorite. While still a good film and one to watch, it seemed to suffer in two respects. First, despite being a biography, I never really felt connected to the main character and the film seemed rather episodic. I think the film would have been better had it not try to cram her entire life into one film--perhaps a mini-series or adding an hour to the film would have helped. Second, the film began with such an intense and unnecessarily brutal scene in which Dorothy was digitally raped--something that could have been alluded to or done a bit less explicitly. This made the film rated R and that is a real shame, as kids should see all four of these films--they are all important historical lessons for the 20th century. However, with that scene, there is no way that I would let my kids see the film--it was just too much for kids (let alone adults) to see. You can know it's happening without having to see it happen.
Also, as for this assaultive character, Dorothy's "aunt". If you ARE going to include this in the film, at least then hash out exactly who this woman was as well as her relationship with Dot's mother. It seemed like they were perhaps trying to imply these two older women were lesbians, but they never really followed up on this--it was just a dangling plot point that they seemed to have forgotten. Also, other than this horrible scene, what was this woman's relationship with the kids? This character just left a whole lot of unanswered questions.
To be fair, I must admit that THE JOSEPHINE BAKER STORY features some nudity, but it was all part of Miss Baker's real-life act--you couldn't exactly discuss her life without featuring her most famous routine. It was not sexual in nature, but artistic and I'd have a much easier time letting kids see this film because it lacks the violence of the digital rape scene of INTRODUCING DOROTHY DANDRIDGE.
Other than these complaints, the actors seemed to try very hard to make this film and it was rather interesting. As for Brent Spiner, he looked and talked a lot like his "Data" character--I couldn't get past this and it just shows how being so strongly associated with one role makes it tough for others to accept you in a different one. For my time I say see the other films first--then this one without the kids.
- planktonrules
- Mar 1, 2008
- Permalink
I've been a fan of Dorothy Dandridge for years and when I saw that Halle Berry brought her life to the big screen, her performance was very credible. If someone other than Halle would have done that part, the movie wouldn't have been as great as it was. It takes a hell of a lot of talent to pull off someone else's life and that couldn't have been very many actress in Hollywood. So, any old' actress wouldn't have done the job that Halle did. There were some aspects of Dorothy's life that weren't covered, but those weren't as important as the one's capture in the movie. When I saw Halle Berry playing Dorothy Dandridge, it was like I was seeing the real thing, because Halle Berry was very convincible. Plus, I see Halle and Dorothy Dandridge having a lot in common within their lives, and what Halle gave off wasn't anything rinky-dink, but the real thing. And it gives others who knew nothing about Dorothy Dandridge an insight on her life. Of course there were going to be things left out, of course there were going to things exaggerated, it wasn't going to be perfect, if you want to know how Dorothy was in temperament, read books on her, because those are where the real information comes from. Movies don't always tell everything, but Halle's performance wasn't based on looks, but how she gave off the image of Dorothy Dandridge on screen. So, Halle Berry did work hard to that story to life, and her I found it amazing that she went to such lengths and did it.
- MulattaAries2007
- May 27, 2007
- Permalink
I usually find that HBO does a good job with its films and once more they have. I enjoyed the film, but was left wanting more. I wondered more about her mother's relationship with her "special auntie" and also more about how her career started and the people in her life. Two hours is a short time to cover all that so overall I'd say they did a decent job. As a cable film it's worth a watch, but I wouldn't pay to see this at the theater. If you really want a good bio try something on A & E, they usually give you more background.
Admittedly, it's probably unfair to call Dorothy Dandridge unknown, as I've just done in the title. She was, after all nominated for an Academy Award and had a fairly long resume of parts, even if the majority of them were small ones. Many probably know her. I, however, aside from this movie, have no knowledge of her whatsoever. I've never seen any of her movies and was not familiar with the name until I came across this bio-pic. The title of this movie would seem to suggest that I'm not alone - she has to be introduced to us, after all. And - what an introduction!
Halle Berry was absolutely perfect in this role. To me, she became the character with all the right moves and all the right emotions and presented a fascinating portrait of her subject. I find it hard to believe that so much was introduced in a little under two hours. Dandridge's problematic relationships (especially her relationship with the great director Otto Preminger) were interesting; her troubled upbringing being abused by whoever "Auntie" was supposed to be to the family was sad; her devotion to her mentally retarded daughter; the subtle look at the reality of racism in the era (she dips her toes in a hotel swimming pool, and the pool has to be drained and scrubbed as a result); her growing drug and alcohol dependence; her ultimate tragic death. In some respects she's portrayed as a black Marilyn Monroe, who does pop up from time to time in this movie. You would think that trying to show so much in so little time would lead to a shallow presentation, but it didn't. The movie leaves you wanting more, but not because it hasn't given you a lot.
The secondary characters were also interesting: from Dandridge's first husband (Obba Babatunde) - who is captivated by her beauty but can't agree with her on what they want out of life, to her manager Earl Mills (Brent Spiner) - who quietly falls in love with her, to Preminger (Klaus Maria Brandauer) - who also seems to love her, but who finally turns away from her, possibly because she wanted more of a commitment than he wanted to give or perhaps because he felt that creating personal distance between them would help him to further her career.
I'm shocked that this movie doesn't have a higher rating here. I think this was absolutely marvellous. 10/10
Halle Berry was absolutely perfect in this role. To me, she became the character with all the right moves and all the right emotions and presented a fascinating portrait of her subject. I find it hard to believe that so much was introduced in a little under two hours. Dandridge's problematic relationships (especially her relationship with the great director Otto Preminger) were interesting; her troubled upbringing being abused by whoever "Auntie" was supposed to be to the family was sad; her devotion to her mentally retarded daughter; the subtle look at the reality of racism in the era (she dips her toes in a hotel swimming pool, and the pool has to be drained and scrubbed as a result); her growing drug and alcohol dependence; her ultimate tragic death. In some respects she's portrayed as a black Marilyn Monroe, who does pop up from time to time in this movie. You would think that trying to show so much in so little time would lead to a shallow presentation, but it didn't. The movie leaves you wanting more, but not because it hasn't given you a lot.
The secondary characters were also interesting: from Dandridge's first husband (Obba Babatunde) - who is captivated by her beauty but can't agree with her on what they want out of life, to her manager Earl Mills (Brent Spiner) - who quietly falls in love with her, to Preminger (Klaus Maria Brandauer) - who also seems to love her, but who finally turns away from her, possibly because she wanted more of a commitment than he wanted to give or perhaps because he felt that creating personal distance between them would help him to further her career.
I'm shocked that this movie doesn't have a higher rating here. I think this was absolutely marvellous. 10/10
I hate Halle Berry too. But I love Brent Spiner. I work at a Blockbuster store in my hometown and there was a preview on the tape (that, mind you, continuously plays every half-hour, so I basically have the damn thing memorized, then they change it weekly...fun....) thingy. I wouldn't have gotten the movie if the preview didn't show me that Brent was in it. But it did. I loved the movie (not saying much, however, about her performance, which was good, but I can't love her for it) and cried at one point (I think I was overtired...no, Brent made me cry...!!! (oh, I'm hyper)). I recommend this movie to people, especially those who love movies about true stories (and those Data fans can see Brent in a completely different role!) Okay, I"m done. Over and out.
Halle Berry shines in her role as the tragic Dorothy Dandridge, for which she received her well-deserved Golden Globe and Emmy. Great supporting cast,(Brent Spiner, Klaus Maris Brandauer,Tamara Taylor), intelligent and witty script, beautiful production values. Takes on Hollywood and racism in an entertaining and insightful way.
It's rare to find made-for-TV films that are good, or even watchable. This is one of the better, though still not a particularly good film overall. The plot is surprisingly interesting, and it mostly moves at a good pace. It takes us through Dorothy's entire life(well, mostly her adult life) and her relationships with male acquaintances, many of which turned out less than fortunate. She has a hard life, and must deal with racism throughout her entire career. The acting is above the typical level of TV-movies, but still not exactly good. It is however mostly - at the very least - acceptable. Berry gives a credible performance. Brent Spiner is surprisingly good. His character is one of the most entertaining to watch throughout the film. Many of the characters are somewhat stereotypical. The writing is at times a bit too predictable and dull, but it's mostly good enough to keep your interest, keep you watching. The film's emphasis on racism and intolerance seems underdone; we never truly see her being singled out, never experience the ignorant hatred towards her. There are just a few scenes and some vague mentions of it; and with how much her life was affected by it, I had expected the film to be all about it. The thing is, apart from these few, barely noticeable(in the film as a whole) mentions of racism, the film doesn't seem to be about it at all. It focuses more on her unsuccessful relationships with men and her attitude towards being a movie star. I'm guessing either the director didn't know what to do with the film or didn't think the racism was important enough. Either way, it leaves the film seeming more empty and flat. I recommend this to anyone interested in the story and fans of Halle Berry. Just don't expect anything more than a good TV-movie. 7/10
- May 31, 2005
- Permalink
Okay I'm not done with the movie yet but I'm starting right realize all stars have the exact same ending almost story line too they just so happen to have a manager and so happen to get famous 🤔 if I saw this in 99 I wouldn't think where I'm thinking now. But Marilyn and Dorothy marry all these OLD rich Jewish guys. Hollywood "shows' us they're oooh so happy 🙄 yeaaaauh right. Even if they wanted to commit suicide they couldn't too many handlers around them who controls what they eat sleep wear etc. So Dorothy and NONE OF THEM ARTIST who claim " suicide " killed themselves it just DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!! I wish movies would go more in dept about their life but maybe they'll end up like the director from EYES WIDE SHUT. 🤔...
- staceemortonsm
- Jan 30, 2023
- Permalink
By far, a tour de force for Berry. She gives a more than convincing portrayal of the first black woman ever to be nominated for a Best Actress Oscar. Not only is Berry's performance breathtaking, but the fact that the story is based on actual events, made my lungs collapse as well.
Too bad Dandridge didn't make the Emmy nomination deadline.....Berry would have taken home the award that both her and Dandridge deserve(d).
Too bad Dandridge didn't make the Emmy nomination deadline.....Berry would have taken home the award that both her and Dandridge deserve(d).
Halley Berry's breasts star in the first twenty minutes of INTRODUCING DOROTHY DANDRIDGE. As perfect as they are, they tend to distance us slightly from Halley Berry, a fine, sensitive, talented actress (pretty good dancer, too) AND the plight of Dorothy Dandridge. Berry, like Victoria Principal (the white actress she most closely resembles) seem less confident in the rest of her charms than she does her breasts. Like Principal, Berry appears to be a smart businesswoman (she coproduced this movie). However, unlike Principal, as a talent Berry is more than a beautiful face and body. Once she submerges herself into the role, Halley Berry IS Dorothy Dandridge. Berry deserves great credit as a producer as well. Like the star, INTRODUCING DOROTHY DANDRIDGE is beautiful to look at and listen to, well deserving of its four technical Emmeys (for cinematography, sound, costume and makeup). Unfortunately, like Berry (and Dandridge), INTRODUCING DOROTHY DANDRIDGE undercuts itself by underestimating its appeal to the heart. Berry makes you CARE about Dandridge (and her), but devotes far too little screen time to STORY. The plotting is pure Hollywood boilerplate. Sad, because this shortchanges the many fine performances on hand here. Cynda Williams as Vivian Dandridge seems particularly shortchanged. Beautiful in her own right, Williams creates sympathy for a VERY bitter character, no mean feat. William Atherton is phenomenal impersonating Daryl F. Zanuck, and Klaus Maria Brandauer is terrific as Otto Preminger (Would somebody PLEASE make a movie on Preminger; and PLEASE use Brandauer). Obba Babatunde and D.B. Sweeney are very effective in unsympathetic roles. Andre Carthen and Ben Brown do marvelous impersonations as Harry Belafonte and Sidney Poitier, respectively. Only Jon Mack (as Ava Gardnerand the actress playing Marlyn Monroe) fail to ring true, reminding us this is a cable movie.
Some mention must be made of Brent Spiner. He gives a warm, sympathetic performance as Earl Mills. However, since the film credits Mills book, it is impossible to determine the accuracy of his performance.
You done good, Halley. Do this again; but, next time, give us more of YOU, OK? There is a fine, sensitive person AND actress, hiding behind that beautiful face and body.
Some mention must be made of Brent Spiner. He gives a warm, sympathetic performance as Earl Mills. However, since the film credits Mills book, it is impossible to determine the accuracy of his performance.
You done good, Halley. Do this again; but, next time, give us more of YOU, OK? There is a fine, sensitive person AND actress, hiding behind that beautiful face and body.
Cable TV pic about the life of black entertainer Dorothy Dandridge. It deals with her battles with racism, a harrowing sexual assault, abusive marriages, alcoholism etc etc. I'm not sure how factual this is but, more than once, it plays like a standard Hollywood biopic...and not a good one. Everything seems muted and the impact of some of the scenes just isn't there. The only real reason to watch is Halle Berry. She doesn't look (or sound) like Dandridge but she still gives a very strong performance. Also good is Brent Spiner as her manager. However Klaus Maria Brandauer is lousy as Otto Preminger--he's so boring you wonder what Dorothy ever saw in him. So, it's worth watching for her.
I had no idea what this movie was about when I rented it; I just thought it was a Halle Berry picture that somehow slipped below my radar screen. I wasn't sure this was a made for TV until I checked IMDB. Halle gives, of course, a near-perfect performance and she's backed up by an excellent cast except for Mr. Spiner. While he does achieve a few moments of brilliance, overall his performance was, for lack of a better word, robotic. His reach exceeds his grasp, particularly in the scene where he sings to Halle. Overacting.
Despite this one blemish, this is a picture worth your time. It's not preachy, like others in the African-American biography genre. It doesn't dehumanize the entertainment industry, doesn't canonize its while heroes (Spiner), but instead gives a gritty, honest look at what life was like for African-Americans in the business in the 1950's. If you've seen Halle in some of her less important but more hyped roles (James Bond, X-Men, Swordfish), you'll be refreshed by the emotion she poured into this role.
Despite this one blemish, this is a picture worth your time. It's not preachy, like others in the African-American biography genre. It doesn't dehumanize the entertainment industry, doesn't canonize its while heroes (Spiner), but instead gives a gritty, honest look at what life was like for African-Americans in the business in the 1950's. If you've seen Halle in some of her less important but more hyped roles (James Bond, X-Men, Swordfish), you'll be refreshed by the emotion she poured into this role.
Haile Berry is radiant in the title role. An excellent job is done of separating the woman from the myth. Klaus Maria Brandauer is quite memorable in a key supporting role. Brent Spiner is also good. But, Berry's tour-de-force performance is the reason to watch this made-for-HBO biographical feature.
It is not often that one has the opportunity to take in such a movie. After her night club career took off, Dandridge eventually found her way to Hollywood where she appeared in the movie version of George Gershwin's famous opera, Porgy and Bess. Next she co-starred with up-and-coming singer Harry Belafonte in the fascinating Carmen Jones. Such talent is rare indeed. Indeed, it is rare to find such a talent.
It is not often that one has the opportunity to take in such a movie. After her night club career took off, Dandridge eventually found her way to Hollywood where she appeared in the movie version of George Gershwin's famous opera, Porgy and Bess. Next she co-starred with up-and-coming singer Harry Belafonte in the fascinating Carmen Jones. Such talent is rare indeed. Indeed, it is rare to find such a talent.
- tomreynolds2004
- Feb 27, 2004
- Permalink
There's a really interesting story here of a woman not allowed to soar to the stratosphere of stardom due to racism. Unfortunately, the film is rather standard-issue TV bio drama. Halle Berry is a very beautiful woman and tries very hard and succeeds at times to make Dorothy Dandridge a complex figure but many of the other characters are stereotypes.
- HerbertRousch
- Oct 7, 2003
- Permalink
The wardrobe and camera work was beautiful,but, the cast had issues. The main one being casting Obba Babatunde' as YOUNG Harold Nicholas! He was close to FIFTY years old! A younger actor should have been used. Halle Berry was great as Dorothy Dandridge,her pain during the diffulcult
scenes was palpable.
- mimiybyazphil
- Nov 7, 2021
- Permalink
It's the 1955 Academy Awards in NYC. Dorothy Dandridge (Halle Berry) is the first colored nominee for best actress despite rampant racism. She flashes back to the 40s as Dorothy is performance in the Dandridge Sisters at the Cotton Club. She, her sister Vivian (Cynda Williams) and mother Ruby (Loretta Devine) are all managed by the cruel dictatorial 'Auntie'. She marries fellow performer Harold Nicholas (Obba Babatundé). Their daughter is mentally handicap which ruptures their marriage. Earl Mills (Brent Spiner) becomes her loyal manager. She wins over director Otto Preminger (Klaus Maria Brandauer) for the lead of Carmen Jones.
This is a pretty straight forward biopic of a tumultuous life. It's a worthwhile movie about a fascinating period of history. This could be another TV movie but Halle Berry delivers a terrific performance which raises this above most other TV biopics. It feels personal to her and that adds importance to her work here.
This is a pretty straight forward biopic of a tumultuous life. It's a worthwhile movie about a fascinating period of history. This could be another TV movie but Halle Berry delivers a terrific performance which raises this above most other TV biopics. It feels personal to her and that adds importance to her work here.
- SnoopyStyle
- Jan 21, 2015
- Permalink
The only time I ever believed him was as the lowlife emcee in 'Out to Sea', a highly mediocre movie. There is a lot of really good acting in this movie. What compelled Martha Coolidge to hire Spiner is beyond me (what compelled anyone to ever hire this talentless nothing). Once again he degrades what would otherwise have been a fine film. One need only watch Brandauer to know what truly superb acting is.
I just read the book by Donald Bogle. I was looking forward to the movie, but I was disappointed. Although Halle Berry is very beautiful she does not have the acting skills to play such a tragic story. Also I felt they left out important parts of her story in order to use dramatic license. Dorothy was exploited again. (I don't think Janet or Whitney would have done any better.)