Adam Sandler's real-life dog, named Meatball, is the son of the dog that played Mr. Beefy in this movie. Meatball was Adam Sandler's best man at his wedding.
(at around 9 mins) Adrian's line, "better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven," is taken from John Milton's epic literary work "Paradise Lost" (1667).
This is the fourth Adam Sandler film to have a love interest with the initials "V. V.," with Patricia Arquette as Valerie Veran. The first was Billy Madison (1995) (Veronica Vaughn); the second was Happy Gilmore (1996) (Virginia Venet); and the third was The Waterboy (1998) (Vicki Valencourt).The fifth movie is Hubi Halloween (Violet Valentine)
Dana Carvey (Referee) broke his ankle while filming the Harlem Globetrotters basketball game scene, and ended up on crutches.