Wilford Brimley, as Joe Gill, carries an unusual Evans repeating rifle. The Evans rifle, invented by Warren R. Evans of Thomaston, ME, was produced only from 1873-9. Gill, who admits to not being a very good shot, says he likes it because he can fire 28 shots before having to reload.
Tom Selleck wears a holster similar to the one worn by Rory Calhoun in Red Sundown (1956). He changes both his holster and his sidearm mid-film with no explanation: first, a Smith & Wesson top-break revolver worn on his right hip, and later an ivory-handled Colt in a crossdraw holster on his left hip.
Author Louis L'Amour, son of a 19th century Montana rancher, not only grew up experiencing much of the western life that was reflected in his novels, but like his Covington character he also sailed the Pacific as a merchant seaman.
It aired on the TNT network as part of their Western Film series, which aimed to bring classic Western tales to television viewers.