11 reviews
Like a few people I know, I came in late on 'Stingers'; not until 2000. Three years later there is no way I'd miss an episode. The show really is that good and has, for a better word, maintained its integrity, unlike 'Blue Heelers', for example. The crime is the thing; personal lives are there but only wheeled out when affecting an investigation! When Gary Sweet was brought in, some fans seemed worried, but he's really fitted in well, which didn't surprise me. Gary could measure up to any British or US actor in a similar series. The cast changes occasionally but each change brings something new and fresh. With arguably Australia's finest crew behind the scenes, 'Stingers' will continue to remain a cutting edge drama series.
I have watched this Series since it was first aired and the quality hasn't waivered.
It is my fervent hope that the producers continue to realize the shows popularity and don't go by the very peculiar ratings system they seem to employ that advises them to cancel a show that is popular and replace it with rubbish.
It is my fervent hope that the producers continue to realize the shows popularity and don't go by the very peculiar ratings system they seem to employ that advises them to cancel a show that is popular and replace it with rubbish.
Like some people here, I love/loved Stingers! In Norway it got aired a lot later. That also means that we are in the 176th episode. (yea, that's right) I have to say that I really love Stingers! It can make me cry, laugh, smile and so on. I think I'm going to die the day we reach episode number 192. Stingers might be the on series(except from Grey's Anatomy) that I really watch! The actors are amazing! Especially Jacinta Stapleton! Personallly I think she is one of the best access we have! I know he is not like SUPER-known, but she is really a great actress! Stingers makes me want to be a cop! I LOVE IT!
P.S: Do you know if you can buy the episodes?
P.S: Do you know if you can buy the episodes?
- blondebabe-3
- Nov 20, 2006
- Permalink
"Stingers" is a high-quality drama that is deadlocked with "Water Rats" as Australia's most popular cop show. "Stingers" deals with the story of a bunch of undercover cops whose real names are not known. It is their job to infiltrate gangs or companies that are suspected of illegal activities and then have them busted, which is a risky and dangerous job as there is always the danger of being recognised as a cop by someone they may have put away before.
The cast is competent and well-chosen and give their likeable characters life. The storylines are of high-standard in excellence, and they usually contain unpredictable plot twists and turns.
"Stingers" is a recommended series.
The cast is competent and well-chosen and give their likeable characters life. The storylines are of high-standard in excellence, and they usually contain unpredictable plot twists and turns.
"Stingers" is a recommended series.
- Eddie McKeirnan
- Feb 29, 2000
- Permalink
What can I say? I have been a fan of "Stingers" for several years now, going back to Bernie Rocca days, I think and I can't honestly say there has been a single episode I've disliked. The life of an undercover cop, not to mention a whole unit of them is an intruiging idea and great premise and with all credit due to the wonderful writers, the idea hasn't grown stale. The introduction of Danni Mayo surprised me a few years back, but she turned out to be a great asset to the show. I can only hope that Gary Sweet, Rebecca Gibney and Jacinta Stapleton will capture their characters just as well. In the departure of Ian Stenlake and Anita Hegh I feel the show has moved on by replacing characters we've known and loved from the start with new, fresh people to meet - at the same time, I'm glad that Oscar and Mac have not been forgotten or simply 'put on the shelf', but are still very much a meaningful part of the show in the absence of the actors. Whether this replacement is a good idea or not will take time to see... but until I see otherwise, I will be watching, taking in (IMO) one of the greatest Drama series ever made in Australia. I sincerely recommend this series to anyone who can appreciate excellent photography, clever storylines and smart writing. One of my favourite series of all time, I give Stingers 9 out of 10
- Wayward_Explorer
- Aug 14, 2002
- Permalink
'Stingers' is a cop show based on some true cases derived from a former undercover cop. The show's always charged with passion, mystery and excitement. So much happens in an episode and is always leaving the viewer hanging and wanting to know what'll happen next, meaning have to wait until next week's episode. I find the writers very creative and managing to keep the storyline going and grabbing viewer's attention right from the beginning to the end of the episode. This show gives out a feeling of reality and does relate to the Melbourne based police shops and how they function, etc, undercover, that is.
- catorose13
- Oct 4, 2004
- Permalink
I start seeing this series in a reprise way, as i started seeing it in 2005 the episodes of 98. all in all i can say that's a good police series. Not the American way that begins to be always the same. I only saw episodes till the beginning of 2002. If you like to see a police series with story that goes from one episode to another, with plot, characters then you shouldn't loose this series. Of course that there better and horse actors in the series, but all in all they go well against their American counterparts, and for me an European is good to see that's not only the Americans that can do good series. Sinceraly in the beginning i didn't like some characters, for instance the chief of the stingers didn't quite seemed to be comfortable in it. It take a good leap when the actress that was the second in command go up and started to be first. The plot around her and the others improved. I wait that the years that i didn't saw kept the good plot and that the new actors kept the same profile.
- firewindapple
- Dec 11, 2005
- Permalink
I really loved Stingers! It was one of the great Aussie crime dramas. Sure it had ups and downs in terms of the plot and character development, but it always seemed to get back on track... well until the last season. That final episode was a huge let down to the entire show.
Great to see our local Melbourne locations being used to their fullest though, i think that was a definite highlight. Theme tune also rocked, especially in the early seasons of the show.
I'd like to see one last TV-movie perhaps? Just to tie up all those loose ends at the end of the show. Or a reunion TV special highlighting all the shows "great/worst moments"?
Great to see our local Melbourne locations being used to their fullest though, i think that was a definite highlight. Theme tune also rocked, especially in the early seasons of the show.
I'd like to see one last TV-movie perhaps? Just to tie up all those loose ends at the end of the show. Or a reunion TV special highlighting all the shows "great/worst moments"?
- mrschappel
- Apr 24, 2006
- Permalink
In 1998, the show concentrated more on "plot". IMHO this was every bit as good as the previous reviewer thought, although as a result there was a certain element of "sameness" after a while.
In 1999-2001 (ie, til "now"), the producers of this series changed direction slightly. Whilst still having quite creative plot lines, they now chose to interweave the lives of the characters in the storylines. Thus, for example, we saw the car bomb explosion which killed a senior policeman, the lover of one of the main characters. In another example, we see a sister of another of the main characters shown as a druggie.
One danger of this (in terms of ratings :-) ) is that there is a risk that the characters may become "unlikeable"; and again IMHO, that did indeed happen to one of them: for reasons totally beyond my understanding, one of the female blondes (Danni) is now portrayed as somewhat of an airhead.
On balance, however, this has resulted in more "three dimensional" characters, since we now see more of their personal lives, their strengths and their weaknesses.
I cannot agree with the previous reviewer that this show "competed" with "Water Rats" in any way. To my mind, these are totally different shows, aimed at different audiences, and as far as I recall, in different timeslots, so there was no "competition". I couldn't say that I preferred one to the other for any reason.
In 1999-2001 (ie, til "now"), the producers of this series changed direction slightly. Whilst still having quite creative plot lines, they now chose to interweave the lives of the characters in the storylines. Thus, for example, we saw the car bomb explosion which killed a senior policeman, the lover of one of the main characters. In another example, we see a sister of another of the main characters shown as a druggie.
One danger of this (in terms of ratings :-) ) is that there is a risk that the characters may become "unlikeable"; and again IMHO, that did indeed happen to one of them: for reasons totally beyond my understanding, one of the female blondes (Danni) is now portrayed as somewhat of an airhead.
On balance, however, this has resulted in more "three dimensional" characters, since we now see more of their personal lives, their strengths and their weaknesses.
I cannot agree with the previous reviewer that this show "competed" with "Water Rats" in any way. To my mind, these are totally different shows, aimed at different audiences, and as far as I recall, in different timeslots, so there was no "competition". I couldn't say that I preferred one to the other for any reason.
"Stingers" has just started being aired in Portugal, on a cable network called AXN. Right now, episodes feature Angie, Peter, Mac, Oscar and Danni. I was very sad to hear Mac and Oscar did not remain on the show, as I think the actors playing them did a wonderful job. The actress playing Mac seems really talented, and it's a pity she, Peter and Ian (in particular) aren't more well known abroad. Anyway, I want to congratulate the cast and crew from across the planet for a wonderful series that goes beyond the common cop flick into the real depth of cops lives and "real life" situations. Still, I wish certain topics could be more extended ( I remember an episode in which Ian's character becomes personally attached to a girl who is arrested as a drug "mail", because she trusted him - I think all those issues could be extended if they chose a two by two episode system). Nevertheless, I truly enjoy the show - Congratulations!!! All the best to you all and lots of success for the show. Ah, and you have made me crave visiting Melbourne! :)
- SofiaAraujo
- Jun 18, 2005
- Permalink
I watch this show occasionally and I must say, I'm surprised that this show is actually Australian. Not that there's anything wrong with Australian films or actors, but nobody can say Australia is known for it's movies and TV-shows. This show is at least as good as, if not better than, any US or British show. Not only when we are talking about the skill of the actors, the diverse characters, and the professional feeling of it all, but also the plot itself. It's not only good but believable. One thing I miss in the show though is the Australian nature! Where's all the kangaroos and koalas? Perhaps the producers wish to display Australia as not only a zoo, but that it also has large cities like any other country. OK, I guess, but just one outback scene here and there wouldn't hurt. Still a very good show though.