After the Invisible Man ended, Vincent Ventresca and Paul Ben Victor appeared together as gambling buddies in an episode of the NBC TV series Las Vegas. Their entertaining comedic chemistry was still intact and was acclaimed by fans.
In the episode "Exposed," Darian releases a crazed-looking man from a secret experimental prison, and comments "Do I know you?"
The man he lets out was played by Adam Storke, who was the lead in an earlier series Prey (1998) - where Vincent Ventresca played a doctor.
In the pilot episode, among Fawkes' doctors are Drs. "Baker, McGann, Hartnell, and Troughton." These are the names of various actors who have played the Doctor on the British TV series Doctor Who (1963). A later in-joke along similar lines has Fawkes using a business card with the name "I.M. Forman" on it; this was the name of the owner of the junkyard that appears in the pilot episode of Doctor Who.
The end of season one was the two part episode "Money For Nothing". After part one was aired, the Sci-Fi Channel allowed viewers to vote on line to determine the outcome of the part two cliffhanger.
Despite successful ratings in its time slots, this series lasted for two seasons before being cancelled due to cost issues and internal bickering between the Sci Fi Channel and its then-parent company, USA Networks. Despite its science fiction and action elements, the series' plot deals with a variety of adult themes such as freedom of choice, determinism, as well as state bureaucracy.