- Ox: What's room service?
- Calvin Cambridge: Well, you're in a hotel room, and you pick up the phone. You dial 6. You tell them what foods you want, and they send it up
- [beat]
- Calvin Cambridge: for free!
- [Bittleman is playing electronic chess in his van]
- Frank Bernard: Mr. Bittleman?
- [Bittleman jumps, sending his chess game flying]
- Frank Bernard: Playing checkers, I see.
- Stan Bittleman: [disappointed] I was about to win.
- Dirk Nowitzki: Can you sign this? It's for my niece.
- Calvin Cambridge: Sure. What's her name?
- Dirk Nowitzki: Uhhh... Dirk.
- Calvin Cambridge: Did I come here to play, or did I come just for a show?
- Coach Wagner: You were only here tonight to increase attendance, not to play.
- Coach Wagner: How could we lose to the BULLS? We're out of sync especially Calvin and Tracy, what's the matter with you two? The was your gimmie, now we're going to have to beat the raptors or we're out. You got that? We're going to have to tighten up guys, pull this thing together. Darn it!
- Stan Bittleman: Hey, hey, hey, stop, get off, get off Calvin, do not hurt Calvin, What are you doing?
- [to Calvin]
- Stan Bittleman: Are you ok?
- [to Ox]
- Stan Bittleman: Look do not hurt him, do you know how valuable he is to me?
- Ox: It's his sneakers that's how he can play so well.
- Stan Bittleman: You lay one more hand on him and our sleeping in the basement.
- [to everyone else]
- Stan Bittleman: All right everybody, go to sleep, it's all over. Good Night.
- [last lines]
- Tracey Reynolds: Hey, you want me to leave the light on for you?
- Calvin Cambridge: Nah, I'm cool.
- Stan Bittleman: [confronting Calvin at the stadium entrance] Give me the sneakers, Calvin. Your game... is over.
- [Calvin knocks him aside with his scooter]
- Stan Bittleman: Aaah! Uhh.
- Calvin Cambridge: My game is just beginning.
- Frank Bernard: Here's your uniform, Calvin. Special ordered-- official shirt, short, socks, and sneakers.
- Calvin Cambridge: Uh, but I like my own sneakers.
- Frank Bernard: Oh... ours aren't good enough for the kid.
- Calvin Cambridge: No, it's nothing like that. It's just that I play better in mind.
- Frank Bernard: Play? You just have to look good.
- Calvin Cambridge: What do you mean?
- [Calvin goes to the coach's office]
- Calvin Cambridge: Coach, may I please ask you a question?
- Coach Wagner: Sure.
- Calvin Cambridge: Coach, I have a lot of friends here tonight, and, uh... I was just wondering... wondering am I here to play, or am I just here for show?
- Coach Wagner: Calvin, I'm gonna be straight with you. You were hired tonight just to increase attendance, not to play.
- Calvin Cambridge: Man...
- Coach Wagner: But... I saw the tape of that halftime show you put on. You got some game. I am honored to have you on my team.
- Calvin Cambridge: Thanks, coach.
- Coach Wagner: You bet.
- [the Knights are going over a play during a time out]
- Coach Wagner: Okay guys, defense first
- [Calvin tries to to look and see what's going on]
- Calvin Cambridge: What?
- Coach Wagner: They are killing us on the wings. Drop out of the zone and play an aggressive man to man.
- Calvin Cambridge: [trying to squeeze in] Come on guys. It's not funny.
- Coach Wagner: Same assignment as before. Now, offense. Is there any play that's gonna work for us tonight?
- [Calvin manages the squeeze through and pops up]
- Calvin Cambridge: I have an idea.
- Tracey Reynolds: Oh, man.
- Calvin Cambridge: I've been watching, and they're vulnerable from the weak side, especially to a pick set away from the hoop. Why don't we run the give-and-give-and-go?
- Marvin Joad: You mean the give-and-go?
- Calvin Cambridge: No, see, they'll be expecting that. Have Tracy feed the ball to Henderson. Henderson's gonna feed the ball to Joad. Joad's gonna pass it back to Tracy. As Henderson sets the pick, Tracy's gonna take the shot.
- Coach Wagner: I like it.
- Tracey Reynolds: Oh, no. No. I'm not gonna run some play by some snotty-nosed kid, man.
- Henderson: Damn straight, coach.
- Coach Wagner: Fine. Henderson, you're out. Tracy, you take Henderson's slot. Calvin, you take the shot.
- Calvin Cambridge: What?
- [Calvin realizes that he's not wearing his sneakers]
- Frank Bernard: Have you lost your mind?
- Coach Wagner: You said I could play anybody I want.
- Frank Bernard: Yeah, well, I didn't mean him.
- Coach Wagner: Am I the coach or not?
- Frank Bernard: You are. For now.
- Stan Bittleman: Okay, let me get this straight. You guys want to have Calvin play for the Knights?
- Frank Bernard: Right.
- Stan Bittleman: Why?
- Coach Wagner: I've been coaching 35 years. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of.
- Frank Bernard: Well, you didn't see him play at halftime.
- [They turn to look at Calvin]
- Calvin Cambridge: Hey, coach.
- [Coach waves at him]
- Coach Wagner: Hi... again.
- Calvin Cambridge: Am I'm gonna be a Knight?
- Coach Wagner: [whispering] He's four and a half feet tall.
- Frank Bernard: I know.
- [laughs]
- Frank Bernard: Can you imagine the press we're gonna get? Look, coach, I know attendance is in the crapper, Ok, and I'm not averse to using the word gimmick. This is about making money.
- Stan Bittleman: I see. And speaking of money, uh...
- Frank Bernard: Ah, yes, money. Mr. Bittleman, I'm prepared to make you an offer of $5,000 for a one-day contract.
- Stan Bittleman: Ah... well. Uh, seeing that, um, I'm Calvin's guardian, uh... I do have to make certain that nobody takes advantage of him.
- Coach Wagner: You mean except for you?
- Stan Bittleman: Hey, I resent that.
- Frank Bernard: Uh, Mr. Bittleman, uh, perhaps, uh, perhaps, uh... an extra, uh, $2,500 might help, uh, ease your worries.
- Stan Bittleman: Deal.
- Frank Bernard: Good.
- Stan Bittleman: I always knew that there was something special about Calvin.
- Stan Bittleman: Excuse me, Mr. Williams?
- Mr. Williams: It's possible.
- Stan Bittleman: My dentist, Frank Nister, said that I might be able to find you here.
- Loan Shark #1: Who's Nister?
- Loan Shark #2: The guy with the ear.
- Stan Bittleman: My name is Stan Bittleman.
- Mr. Williams: What can I do for you, Mr. Bittleman?
- Stan Bittleman: I'm looking for a, uh, sports broker, uh, to make a sizable investment in the Raptors to beat the Knights.
- Mr. Williams: Why are you speaking in code? You want to place a bet? How much?
- Stan Bittleman: $100,000.
- [All the loan sharks are impressed]
- Mr. Williams: That's a lot of money. You good for it?
- Stan Bittleman: Of course I am.
- Mr. Williams: What makes you so confident?
- Stan Bittleman: Well, let's just say I have a good feeling that Calvin Cambridge is going to have... an off game.
- Mr. Williams: Tell me more.