- Frank T. Hopkins: Mister... you can say anything you want about me. I'm gonna have to ask you not to talk about my horse that way.
- Prince Bin Al Reeh: You will not defeat me. I am born of a great tribe, People of the Horse.
- Frank T. Hopkins: So am I.
- Sheik Riyadh: How is the coffee? If you were to put a horseshoe in it, do you suppose it would stand erect?
- Katib: At your age uncle, I suppose it is that only thing that might!
- Sheik Riyadh: Boldly spoken... for a man with no wives.
- Aziz: You are most wise to tie your horse. Were he to cover an Arab mare,
- [...]
- Aziz: the foal would have to be destroyed before it touches the ground... as would the sire.
- Frank T. Hopkins: [to Hidalgo] You hear that? Keep your pride tucked.
- Frank T. Hopkins: Get out of here mister. Leave me be.
- Yusef: This is not possible...I was charged with the crime of stealing milk. As punishment I have been assigned to the American and his horse.
- Frank T. Hopkins: You're working for me?
- Yusef: It was this or be removed of my left hand. The future will tell if I have chosen poorly.
- Jazira: I do not know if you are a good as it is said, but I have faith in the painted stallion. It is said that you captured him in the wild.
- Frank T. Hopkins: Badlands. Long time ago.
- Jazira: How did you tame him?
- Frank T. Hopkins: I didn't.
- [the Sheik offers to shake Frank's hand]
- Frank T. Hopkins: What about your ability to tell the future?
- Sheik Riyadh: If I had the ability to foretell the future, perhaps I would have bet on a painted horse.
- Sheik Riyadh: [Frank offers his Colt to the Sheik] I lost the race, Frank Hopkins.
- Frank T. Hopkins: But you won a friend. It's a gift.
- Jazira: [without niqab] Why do I feel that you truly see me when others do not?
- Frank T. Hopkins: Well, my horse likes ya.
- Sheik Riyadh: And you, an impure unbeliever in the tent of a man who can trace his very blood back to Adam, you will be removed of your infidel self.
- Frank T. Hopkins: Removed of my what?
- Sheik Riyadh: Like a stallion not worthy of breeding.
- Frank T. Hopkins: I ain't too much of a gambler, sir.
- Sheik Riyadh: To the contrary. You are gambling with your very life in this great race.
- Jazira: I would know you only as a white man.
- Frank T. Hopkins: Maybe I got good at hiding my face, too.
- Frank T. Hopkins: Only fools or gamblers walk behind a stange mare, Sheikh! You can believe that.
- Sheik Riyadh: Is that a passage from the Bible?
- Preston Webb: Well, I didn't ride eleven-hundred miles to finish second place!
- Frank T. Hopkins: Why did you then?
- Jazira: The Indians of the West. You have seen their vanishing kind?
- Frank T. Hopkins: I am their kind.
- Frank T. Hopkins: Tell him to fetch more water.
- [Yusef yells at the slave boy in Arabic and sends him off with a kick]
- Frank T. Hopkins: Hey.
- [hands Yusef another bucket]
- Frank T. Hopkins: You, too.
- Yusef: Why do you buy this boy, anyway?
- Frank T. Hopkins: Someone has to do your work, goatherder!
- Frank T. Hopkins: A gift from above, not a plague.
- [picks up the dead locust and takes a bite]
- Frank T. Hopkins: Once you get past the legs, it ain't too bad.
- Aziz: What shall I tell his Excellency?
- Frank T. Hopkins: You can tell him pound sand for all I care.
- Prince Bin Al Reeh: I could defeat any rider in the great race, if I was allowed to sit the back of Al-Hattal. Why am I not?
- Jazira: Because the sacred is not for sale, as are you.
- Buffalo Bill Cody: [about Hopkins] Can cross the country in thirty days but can't find his horse backstage!
- Frank T. Hopkins: [put his hat down next to Hidalgo] Well, what do you make of it so far?
- [Hidalgo picks up Hopkins' hat with his mouth]
- Frank T. Hopkins: Nope, too late to turn back now.
- Jazira: What does this mean?
- Frank T. Hopkins: Shunka Wakan? Big dog. There's no word in Sioux for horse. When the Indians saw the first one the Spanish brought over, they didn't know what the hell it was. When they saw how it could run, carry a man through battle, become his friend for life, well, they figured it had to be a sacred animal.
- Jazira: Indeed.
- Frank T. Hopkins: [after Hidalgo has thrown him off] You're lucky this gun's got blanks.
- [trips off banner fence]
- Frank T. Hopkins: When you're in a desert, the sight of green grass and fresh water can be mighty tempting. Sometimes you're just seeing things.
- Lady Anne Davenport: Tell me, Mr. Hopkins, what breed is your stud?
- Frank T. Hopkins: Hidalgo's a mustang, ma'am.
- Major Davenport: Oh! Mustang?
- Lady Anne Davenport: From the Spanish "mesteño". Meaning "untamed".
- Frank T. Hopkins: That's right.
- Lady Anne Davenport: Horse of the red Indian. Small, hearty. Mixed blood, of Spanish origin.
- Major Davenport: Mixed.