Tim Curry credited as playing...
Professor Calamitous
- Calamitous: May I use your...
- Sam Melnick: Telephone? Teeth whitening kit? Restroom?
- Calamitous: Restroom!
- Sam Melnick: No. It's for paying customers only.
- Calamitous: All right. I'll have a chocolate...
- Sam Melnick: Sundae? Rumball? Milkshake?
- [Jimmy and Officer Tubbs enter]
- Jimmy: Officer Tubbs, man that bathroom.
- Officer Tubbs: Thanks. Don't mind if I do.
- Jimmy: Wait a minute. If you can't finish anything, how did you finish that robot?
- Calamitous: Who says it's finished. I never put in a bathroom. Speaking of which...
- Calamitous: My, aren't we the smart one. But not smart enough to fall into my... um... it starts with a T.
- Jimmy: Trap?
- Calamitous: Yes! And now you will be my scientific slave. You will finish my... um... um...
- Jimmy: Sentences?
- Calamitous: No! My, um...
- Jimmy: Inventions?
- Calamitous: Inventions! Finish my inventions. And with them I shall take over the... um...
- Jimmy: Universe?
- Calamitous: Um... smaller.
- Jimmy: The town of Retroville?
- Calamitous: And all those fools who laughed at me. They called me "Half-done" and "Never-finish", which weren't very good nicknames, but they stung just the same.