232 reviews
I saw this movie on Thursdays night after having a really boring day. I had no expectations, those I had were rather negative. Being that the only movie I've ever watched Jimmy in is the American version of Taxi with Queen Latifah(?)...don't ask why! But seriously..this movie is so cute! Drew Barrymore is always sweet, but I almost fell in love with Fallon's character. Why can't I meet a cute nerd like that. :) Movies like that are excellent. Simple, sweet and necessary. Sunday on a Thursdays. I'm not even a sports fan, but it's something about American movies with baseball that fascinates me. Probably the fact that we don't have that sport here in Norway.
(My first comment ever.) Haha
(My first comment ever.) Haha
- MissPearBanana
- Feb 19, 2006
- Permalink
"Fever Pitch" shows what obsessions or deep passions can do to a relationship when both partners don't share the same thing or at least at the same level. Ben (Jimmy Fallon) is a devout Red Sox fan. He is a fanatic. He goes to every game, his apartment looks like a Fenway Park gift shop, and he goes to Florida every spring to watch the team play in spring training when the games don't count. Lindsey (Drew Barrymoore) is a young executive on her way up in the real world and is more or less married to her job. When the two of them eventually go out on their first date, she gets really sick, and he stays the night and takes care of her. This blows her away and she is sold. The relationship is full steam ahead, but the problem is that it's wintertime and baseball season hasn't gotten started yet. She doesn't know what she is in for.
Naturally, the Red Sox get in the way. Lindsey tries to be a good sport about it and even tries to learn the game and the two of them actually start going to games together and she becomes a fan as well. But things get out of hand when the team gets closer and closer to the playoffs and thats when problems arise.
"Fever Pitch" is cute, sweet, and has some funny moments. Jimmy Fallon is well cast and Drew Barrymoore isn't as annoying as she normally is. But there isn't anything really special about this film. Much of the arc in this film is very conventional and everyone already knows how the season turns out. Let's face it. Romantic comedies really need to be original or have something different to them to escape many of the typical clichés in this genre. At least it didn't take place in Manhattan like most of these films. "Fever Pitch" would make a nice rental and its a pretty good date film. (***)
Naturally, the Red Sox get in the way. Lindsey tries to be a good sport about it and even tries to learn the game and the two of them actually start going to games together and she becomes a fan as well. But things get out of hand when the team gets closer and closer to the playoffs and thats when problems arise.
"Fever Pitch" is cute, sweet, and has some funny moments. Jimmy Fallon is well cast and Drew Barrymoore isn't as annoying as she normally is. But there isn't anything really special about this film. Much of the arc in this film is very conventional and everyone already knows how the season turns out. Let's face it. Romantic comedies really need to be original or have something different to them to escape many of the typical clichés in this genre. At least it didn't take place in Manhattan like most of these films. "Fever Pitch" would make a nice rental and its a pretty good date film. (***)
If you enjoy romantic comedies then you will find this tale of two 30 year old singles who fall in love during the American League pennant race satisfying. On the other hand, if you are hanging around waiting for Kill Bill Volume 3 or Sin City 2 then you probably should stay away. The plot contains the obligatory guy meets girl's friends, girl meets guy's friends, and guy meets girl's parents scenes. There is even a guy meets girl's pet dog scene. That's all par for the course in a movie like this. However, what I liked about it was that the plot delved into the decision making process people make as they begin to realize that their romantic interest is not perfect and is in fact a bit quirky. The plot centers around answering the questions; how much quirkiness is too much and how much love does it take to trump those quirks? It is interesting to see the characters work that out because deep down (if we admit it) we all have quirks. Barrymore does a very good job in her role and Fallon sorta surprised me -- he's good as well. I rate it a 7 out of 10 as a romantic comedy. Add one point if you are a baseball fan or romantically involved with one. Add another point if you are a Red Sox fan and subtract two points if you are a Yankees fan.
My daughter gets really put out at me when I refer to Drew Barrymore as looking as if she'd been hit in the face with a frying pan, not to mention her Dudley Dooright chin that Jay Leno would die for. How wonderful, then, when I discovered in "Fever Pitch" that I really like Miss Barrymore; and Jimmy Fallon; and the Red Sox; and Boston! This film is probably best characterized as a sweet, light comedy. To be absolutely stereotypical, the girls will like the movie for its romantic charm and Jimmy Fallon's vulnerability, and the boys will like it for all the male bonding and the depiction of sports mania.
My sports-hating wife, my teenage daughter, and I all found something to like in the film. That says something in itself. It's a pleasant way to spend an hour and a half or so, and is probably a really good date flic, too.
My sports-hating wife, my teenage daughter, and I all found something to like in the film. That says something in itself. It's a pleasant way to spend an hour and a half or so, and is probably a really good date flic, too.
The Farrelly brothers, Bobby and Peter, are at it again. With "Fever Pitch" the creators of other films that have dealt with a lot of gross themes, abandon that tactic when they decided to bring Nick Hornby's film to the screen, something that it would have been hard to do. The novel, of the same title, dealt with a man's obsession with soccer, since it is set in England, where that sport consumes most of British sports fans. It's to the credit of the writing team of Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandell, to transform the book into a language that would appeal to most Americans, when they make their hero, a Boston Red Sox fan.
"Fever Pitch" is a film that presents an obsessive fan, Ben Wrightly, whose life revolves into the Red Sox season, and who is an eighth grade teacher with uncanny ways for involving his students into the subject he tries to teach them. When Ben takes four of his best pupils for a tour of a local firm, he meets, and falls hopelessly in love with the brainy Lindsey Meeks, a young woman who is going places, but at thirty, has no life of her own.
The story follows the two lovers through the ritual of attending the Red Sox, at home games, in Fenway Park. This team's fans are probably the most loyal people in the world, having stuck with a team that does marvelous things but, until 2004, never won a World Series. In fact, the ending, from what we heard, had to be changed because that was the year in which they finally won the event that had eluded them for eighty six years! Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon are perfect as the couple at the center of the film. Ms. Barrymore is a natural who always surprises in her appearances in front of the camera. Jimmy Fallon, a popular television comedian, turned movie actor, has a better opportunity here than in his last appearance in "Taxi", in our humble opinion.
The Farrelly brothers film will satisfy their fans as well as baseball fans with this baseball tale.
"Fever Pitch" is a film that presents an obsessive fan, Ben Wrightly, whose life revolves into the Red Sox season, and who is an eighth grade teacher with uncanny ways for involving his students into the subject he tries to teach them. When Ben takes four of his best pupils for a tour of a local firm, he meets, and falls hopelessly in love with the brainy Lindsey Meeks, a young woman who is going places, but at thirty, has no life of her own.
The story follows the two lovers through the ritual of attending the Red Sox, at home games, in Fenway Park. This team's fans are probably the most loyal people in the world, having stuck with a team that does marvelous things but, until 2004, never won a World Series. In fact, the ending, from what we heard, had to be changed because that was the year in which they finally won the event that had eluded them for eighty six years! Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon are perfect as the couple at the center of the film. Ms. Barrymore is a natural who always surprises in her appearances in front of the camera. Jimmy Fallon, a popular television comedian, turned movie actor, has a better opportunity here than in his last appearance in "Taxi", in our humble opinion.
The Farrelly brothers film will satisfy their fans as well as baseball fans with this baseball tale.
Fever Pitch is a fun enough movie. It has a lot of funny moments (including a hilariously disturbing shower scene). Like most romantic comedies, it has a "dead zone" in the middle where all the heavy, "she's breaking up with me" stuff happens, but other than that it continues to be funny until the end.
Even though the plot revolves around fanaticism towards the Red Sox, it's not overloaded with sports. You don't have to be a fan to enjoy this film.
Of course that's easy for me to say: I've been a Red Sox fan since I was a boy, too.
7 out of 10.
Even though the plot revolves around fanaticism towards the Red Sox, it's not overloaded with sports. You don't have to be a fan to enjoy this film.
Of course that's easy for me to say: I've been a Red Sox fan since I was a boy, too.
7 out of 10.
I've enjoyed Nick Hornby's books, and their movie adaptations, but this is the exception. It was a huge disappointment, especially the character of "Ben" (Fallon), who comes across as a moron with almost no redeeming features.
I later found the original UK version, (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119114/), and was delighted to see fully realized, believable characters (with a brilliant performance by Colin Firth as the central character "Paul Ashworth").
Don't waste your time, watch the UK version instead. Vastly superior script and acting.
I later found the original UK version, (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119114/), and was delighted to see fully realized, believable characters (with a brilliant performance by Colin Firth as the central character "Paul Ashworth").
Don't waste your time, watch the UK version instead. Vastly superior script and acting.
- scottdpearson
- Apr 15, 2005
- Permalink
I have to admit that I went into Fever Pitch with low expectations. It's no huge revelation for me to say that Jimmy Fallon's last movie (Taxi) was Catwomanly bad, and the trailers for Fever Pitch were all right but didn't mesmerize me. I was already preparing some cheesy baseball puns for my review...
"I like Jimmy Fallon, but Taxi was strike one in his movie career. Well, now we've got steeeeee-riiiiiike twoooooooo! One more strike, and it's back to SNL!" or "Buy yourself some peanuts and cracker jacks, but don't buy tickets to Fever Pitch. You'll walk out of the theater and never go back!" Then the movie had to go and be way more entertaining than I was expecting. But hey, I couldn't let my puns go to waste, right? Another reason I thought I wouldn't care for the movie is that I hate the Boston Red Sox. My whole family hates 'em. The mere mention of Pedro Martinez' name sends me running to the bathroom. Oh man, hold on...
...All right, I'm back. Anyway, my mom, who is a St. Louis Cardinals fan, still believes the World Series was rigged last year. She refuses to believe the Sox won it legitimately. But I'm man enough to admit that Fever Pitch caused me to sympathize, albeit only slightly, with the plight of Red Sox fans.
Anybody who has a passion for sports will be able to relate to this movie on some level. Unless you have a favorite sports team you can't fully understand the extreme highs and lows that a fan such as Fallon's Ben can go through. There's nothing quite so fresh as the smell of a new season and nothing quite so smooth as a clean slate. Well, figuratively speaking. It's the joy of being a sports fan. "Wait 'til next year," becomes your mantra, your motto, your prayer - and Fever Pitch effectively captures that essence.
I love the fact that the movie takes a fictional story and throws it against the real-life backdrop of the Red Sox' improbable World Series run last year. I don't love it so much that I want to marry it, but you know what I mean. I expected this to be handled in a fairly cheesy manner, and while some of the humor is a little silly, it's actually pretty realistic.
You see, Ben's uncle took him to his first Red Sox game when he was 7 years old, and when he died he left Ben his two season tickets. Ben hasn't missed a game in 23 years. At the beginning of each season he has a draft day where he and his friends get together to figure out who gets to go to which games with him. He makes everybody dance for the Yankees games and whenever somebody complains he threatens them with tickets for the games with the Royals (sorry Mr. Shade) and the Devil Rays. It's a very good scene, and it works so well because I actually know of people who do the "ticket draft day." I also must admit that I can relate to when Ben goes to dinner with Lindsey and her parents. The Red Sox are playing a road game, but instead of watching it live on TV Ben decides to tape it. One of the most dangerous things in life is taping a game and then being in public and trying to avoid hearing the result. Been there. It's a very tense and scary situation. Weeeeeell, Ben enters the danger zone when a guy shows up at the restaurant and mentions watching the game. Ben immediately covers his ears and starts shrieking like a banshee so as not to hear the outcome. Lindsey is embarrassed, and her parents don't know what to think. Yeah, sports fans can be weird, I don't deny it. But it's real.
Now if you're expecting the crude, edgy stuff that the Farrelly brothers are known for then you could be disappointed. They do have their moments though, like when Ben says he likes how Lindsey sometimes talks out of the side of her mouth "like an adorable stroke victim," but overall this is definitely a softer, more romantic side that the bros are putting on display.
That's not to say that the movie ever gets way too sappy. Thankfully, when the sap starts to ooze a bit, the Farrellys know when to pull away. A romantic moment with Lindsey jumping on the field and running over to Ben to declare her undying love for him turns into Ben sincerely replying, "You've gotta tell me about the outfield. Is it spongy?" Jimmy Fallon proves that with the right material he can handle himself well on the big screen, and Drew Barrymore remains a constant source of romantic comedy charm. Fever Pitch is just good, solid entertainment that takes a somewhat fresh look at the romantic comedy genre. It's a movie that guys and gals can both relate to. Particularly the guys who practice sports fanaticism at some point during the year and the ladies who must deal with 'em.
Now if the Red Sox fans could please shut up about the "Curse of the Bambino" I would appreciate it. My Memphis Tigers have NEVER won the NCAA basketball championship, so I officially declare my plight greater than yours.
THE GIST Fans of Jimmy Fallon, Drew Barrymore, romantic comedy, the Red Sox, baseball, or sports fanaticism in general should consider giving Fever Pitch a look. I wouldn't go out of my way to rush and see it at the first available time, but it'll make a great matinée.
Rating: 3.25 (out of 5)
"I like Jimmy Fallon, but Taxi was strike one in his movie career. Well, now we've got steeeeee-riiiiiike twoooooooo! One more strike, and it's back to SNL!" or "Buy yourself some peanuts and cracker jacks, but don't buy tickets to Fever Pitch. You'll walk out of the theater and never go back!" Then the movie had to go and be way more entertaining than I was expecting. But hey, I couldn't let my puns go to waste, right? Another reason I thought I wouldn't care for the movie is that I hate the Boston Red Sox. My whole family hates 'em. The mere mention of Pedro Martinez' name sends me running to the bathroom. Oh man, hold on...
...All right, I'm back. Anyway, my mom, who is a St. Louis Cardinals fan, still believes the World Series was rigged last year. She refuses to believe the Sox won it legitimately. But I'm man enough to admit that Fever Pitch caused me to sympathize, albeit only slightly, with the plight of Red Sox fans.
Anybody who has a passion for sports will be able to relate to this movie on some level. Unless you have a favorite sports team you can't fully understand the extreme highs and lows that a fan such as Fallon's Ben can go through. There's nothing quite so fresh as the smell of a new season and nothing quite so smooth as a clean slate. Well, figuratively speaking. It's the joy of being a sports fan. "Wait 'til next year," becomes your mantra, your motto, your prayer - and Fever Pitch effectively captures that essence.
I love the fact that the movie takes a fictional story and throws it against the real-life backdrop of the Red Sox' improbable World Series run last year. I don't love it so much that I want to marry it, but you know what I mean. I expected this to be handled in a fairly cheesy manner, and while some of the humor is a little silly, it's actually pretty realistic.
You see, Ben's uncle took him to his first Red Sox game when he was 7 years old, and when he died he left Ben his two season tickets. Ben hasn't missed a game in 23 years. At the beginning of each season he has a draft day where he and his friends get together to figure out who gets to go to which games with him. He makes everybody dance for the Yankees games and whenever somebody complains he threatens them with tickets for the games with the Royals (sorry Mr. Shade) and the Devil Rays. It's a very good scene, and it works so well because I actually know of people who do the "ticket draft day." I also must admit that I can relate to when Ben goes to dinner with Lindsey and her parents. The Red Sox are playing a road game, but instead of watching it live on TV Ben decides to tape it. One of the most dangerous things in life is taping a game and then being in public and trying to avoid hearing the result. Been there. It's a very tense and scary situation. Weeeeeell, Ben enters the danger zone when a guy shows up at the restaurant and mentions watching the game. Ben immediately covers his ears and starts shrieking like a banshee so as not to hear the outcome. Lindsey is embarrassed, and her parents don't know what to think. Yeah, sports fans can be weird, I don't deny it. But it's real.
Now if you're expecting the crude, edgy stuff that the Farrelly brothers are known for then you could be disappointed. They do have their moments though, like when Ben says he likes how Lindsey sometimes talks out of the side of her mouth "like an adorable stroke victim," but overall this is definitely a softer, more romantic side that the bros are putting on display.
That's not to say that the movie ever gets way too sappy. Thankfully, when the sap starts to ooze a bit, the Farrellys know when to pull away. A romantic moment with Lindsey jumping on the field and running over to Ben to declare her undying love for him turns into Ben sincerely replying, "You've gotta tell me about the outfield. Is it spongy?" Jimmy Fallon proves that with the right material he can handle himself well on the big screen, and Drew Barrymore remains a constant source of romantic comedy charm. Fever Pitch is just good, solid entertainment that takes a somewhat fresh look at the romantic comedy genre. It's a movie that guys and gals can both relate to. Particularly the guys who practice sports fanaticism at some point during the year and the ladies who must deal with 'em.
Now if the Red Sox fans could please shut up about the "Curse of the Bambino" I would appreciate it. My Memphis Tigers have NEVER won the NCAA basketball championship, so I officially declare my plight greater than yours.
THE GIST Fans of Jimmy Fallon, Drew Barrymore, romantic comedy, the Red Sox, baseball, or sports fanaticism in general should consider giving Fever Pitch a look. I wouldn't go out of my way to rush and see it at the first available time, but it'll make a great matinée.
Rating: 3.25 (out of 5)
- TheMovieMark
- Apr 7, 2005
- Permalink
Ever since the day his uncle took him to Fenway Park as a young boy, "Ben Wrightman" (Jimmy Fallon) has been Red Sox fan. And thanks to his uncle bequeathing him season tickets upon his death, Ben never misses a home game and is devoted to them from early spring to late fall. Then one winter day he meets a young woman named "Lindsey Meeks" (Drew Barrymore) who is almost the complete opposite of him and they both fall in love. What Lindsey doesn't know, however, is the fanatical devotion Ben has for the Red Sox and this creates a huge problem for their relationship from that point on. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a cute romantic-comedy which benefited from the good chemistry between the two of them. Admittedly, there are some slow parts here and there and the humor isn't as sharp as it could have been, but even so it was an okay film for the most part and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Average.
I went to see Fever Pitch with my Mom, and I can say that we both loved it. It wasn't the typical romantic comedy where someone is pining for the other, and blah blah blah... You weren't waiting for the climatic first kiss or for them to finally get together. It was more real, because you saw them through the relationship, rather than the whole movie be about them getting together. People could actually relate to the film, because it didn't seem like extraordinary circumstances, or impossible situations. It was really funny, and I think it was Jimmy Fallon's best performance. All in all... I would definitely recommend it!
- americas_for_sale
- Apr 9, 2005
- Permalink
When I heard about a movie featuring Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon, I was curious. Of course we all know they're two great comedians, but we had never actually seen them share the big screen. I was really happy to see that this pairing is perfect for this type of rom com. I've watched a lot of romantic comedies in my life, but this one still sticks out as one of the best. Whether it be the sweet but funny interactions between the two, or the fun storyline, it never fails to make me smile. It also helps that they really do have a lot of chemistry and so you're constantly rooting for them to end up together. If you love romance, comedy, or even baseball, I thoroughly recommend it.
- schroederana
- Jun 28, 2021
- Permalink
Is this the worst movie I've ever seen? Mmm, not sure- I'm almost sixty and I've seen a lot of movies. But for sure it's the worst movie I've seen in this century, which means it was even worse than COLD MOUNTAIN and that's pretty bad.
The problem that I couldn't get around is that I simply could't believe the story. The "leading man" is an extremely sick puppy. Although an adult in years he has a baseball obsession that completely over-rules everything else in his life. Drew goes to his apartment and finds that he has only one 'normal' set of clothes: all of his other clothes are Red Sox logo items. His towels. His sheets. Everything. This is an obsession that completely rules his life. In the real world this man would be hospitalized or in intense therapy- in Hollywood, he's a love interest. Go figure.
The worst part is that you know that Drew is going to wind up in love with this guy. It's a mainstream studio movie so you know she's not going to walk off into the sunset alone: Fox has too much invested on her and she's the only 'big name' performer in view here. Maybe for Drew's next project she can remake just the first act of PSYCHO. Marian can learn to adjust to Norman's taxidermy fetish, sort out his mother obsession, and it can end with Marian and Norman taking a shower together.
That would at least be sick fun. The worst thing, FEVER PITCH is boring. It seemed to me that it ran about ten hours, and I thought it would never be over.
Do you get the impression I really hated this movie? You're right.
The problem that I couldn't get around is that I simply could't believe the story. The "leading man" is an extremely sick puppy. Although an adult in years he has a baseball obsession that completely over-rules everything else in his life. Drew goes to his apartment and finds that he has only one 'normal' set of clothes: all of his other clothes are Red Sox logo items. His towels. His sheets. Everything. This is an obsession that completely rules his life. In the real world this man would be hospitalized or in intense therapy- in Hollywood, he's a love interest. Go figure.
The worst part is that you know that Drew is going to wind up in love with this guy. It's a mainstream studio movie so you know she's not going to walk off into the sunset alone: Fox has too much invested on her and she's the only 'big name' performer in view here. Maybe for Drew's next project she can remake just the first act of PSYCHO. Marian can learn to adjust to Norman's taxidermy fetish, sort out his mother obsession, and it can end with Marian and Norman taking a shower together.
That would at least be sick fun. The worst thing, FEVER PITCH is boring. It seemed to me that it ran about ten hours, and I thought it would never be over.
Do you get the impression I really hated this movie? You're right.
"Fever Pitch" is supposed to be an adaptation of Nick Hornby's book "Pitch Fever". Only in the book Hornby himself is the main character. And he hasn't got an obsession with baseball, but with soccer. The rest is the same as in the movie, though. Or is it? The truth is "Fever Pitch" has almost nothing to do with the book. It has not so much been based on as it has been inspired by Hornby's novel. On its own "Fever Pitch" is a pretty romantic movie that tries to avoid going over the top with its humor most of the time. Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore try their best not to be unbearable and succeed more or less. The Farrelly brothers clearly took the Weitz brothers as an example for how to get out of the dick joke business into more mature movies. Of course, "Fever Pitch" doesn't hold a candle to the wonderful "About A Boy", but you have to say that the Farrellys were given weaker material to work with in the first place. In its best moments the movie makes you chuckle and in its worst it makes you yawn and look at your watch. Yep, the big problem with "Fever Pitch" is that it drags on too long. Stripped from Hornby's hilarious observations on his favorite sport and its connections to his own life the story just isn't very interesting (which has also already been the problem with the first adaptation of the novel). What do we learn from that? Just because an author is popular doesn't mean that all his novel translate well to film. J.D. Salinger had a reason why he denied film makers to ever adapt his stories, you know?
- Superunknovvn
- Jan 29, 2006
- Permalink
Drew Barrymore and Jimmy what's-his-name from SNL costar in FEVER PITCH, the story of a nice girl (albeit a 30-year-old "girl") who is dating a nebbish obsessed with the Red Sox. This constantly gets in the way of their relationship, so she breaks it off. He realizes how much he misses her and takes drastic action -- offering to sell his Sox season tickets -- to prove his love. It all ends in some slapstick schtick on the field at Fenway Park. Fallon (I had to look up his name to remind me) lacks screen presence, although he might remind some of a junior Mike Myers. Barrymore is OK, if you can accept her in the role of a junior business exec whose biological time clock is fast running out. The two unfortunately lack any serious chemistry, and the movie is just a series of clichés. I gave it one more point that I might have due to a number of colorful character actors surrounding Fallon whenever the setting is Fenway Park, which it frequently is.
- xredgarnetx
- Feb 8, 2008
- Permalink
Fever Pitch turned out to be a pretty decent movie although I do not believe it represented itself fairly in the previews. It was made to be a comedy by the Farrelly Brothers and it was much more of a love story with a few funny moments. It is probably good they went this route with the film, due to the fact that I do not really think Jimmy Fallon is a very funny guy.
Fallon plays Ben, a math teacher and avid Boston Red Sox fan who has not missed a game in 23 years. Drew Barrymore is Lindsey Meeks, a professional of some kind (I'm not really sure if we are told what she actually does or not). Lindsey is up for a promotion and is working hard to make her relationship with Ben work while still reaching her promotion at work. She seems to be putting more into the relationship than Ben is at this point.
The ending was pretty original and somewhat sweet. Again, this is not what I was expecting from the Farrelly's. Also, if you, too, are a Red Sox fan, then this is a nice twist on how events went down and a good way to relive what was probably your greatest year in baseball.
If you plan on seeing a typical Farrelly gross-out film, this is not it. If you are on a date and want to see a decent movie that both men and women can enjoy, then this will do it. I rate it 7 of 10.
Fallon plays Ben, a math teacher and avid Boston Red Sox fan who has not missed a game in 23 years. Drew Barrymore is Lindsey Meeks, a professional of some kind (I'm not really sure if we are told what she actually does or not). Lindsey is up for a promotion and is working hard to make her relationship with Ben work while still reaching her promotion at work. She seems to be putting more into the relationship than Ben is at this point.
The ending was pretty original and somewhat sweet. Again, this is not what I was expecting from the Farrelly's. Also, if you, too, are a Red Sox fan, then this is a nice twist on how events went down and a good way to relive what was probably your greatest year in baseball.
If you plan on seeing a typical Farrelly gross-out film, this is not it. If you are on a date and want to see a decent movie that both men and women can enjoy, then this will do it. I rate it 7 of 10.
- FrancesTheWHORE
- Apr 11, 2005
- Permalink
"Fever Pitch" isn't a bad film; it's a terrible film.
Is it possible American movie audiences and critics are so numbed and lobotomized by the excrement that Hollywood churns out that they'll praise to the skies even a mediocre film with barely any laughs? That's the only reason I can think of why this horrible romantic comedy (and I use that term loosely because there's nothing funny in this film) is getting good reviews.
I sat through this film stunned that screenwriters Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel would even for an instant think their script was funny.
The brilliant Nick Hornby usually translates well to film. He adapted "Fever Pitch" for a British film starring Colin Firth and Ruth Gemmell in 1997; Peter Hedges found Hornby's voice for "About a Boy" (2002) and when "High Fidelity" was Americanized for a movie in 2000, writers D.V. DeVincentis, Steve Pink, John Cusack and Scott Rosenberg didn't go wrong because they kept the essence of Hornby's wit and humor. They made one of the best films of that year.
So why does the American version of "Fever Pitch" go so painfully awry? The British version wasn't a masterpiece, but it was charming, funny, unexpected and gave us two characters we could like, respect and understand.
But Ganz and Mandel have excised everything funny in Hornby's work. In Americanizing the story, they've butchered it, removing all that was good and unique about Hornby's work and replacing it with conventional drivel.
They've transformed a funny story into a formulaic romantic comedy, never once veering from the wretched formula. Lindsey (Drew Barrymore) has three girlfriends, each of whom has a distinct function. One's overweight, the second's cynical and ambitious, and the third's a romantic. Want to guess how many male friends Ben (Jimmy Fallon) has?
What made "High Fidelity" such fun was not only a good leading man and lady, but engaging supporting characters. In this "Fever Pitch," the six supporting friends do or say nothing especially funny. They're so insignificant, they're not even decorative. The only reason they're in the film is because the formula demands it. Poor Ione Skye winds up as one Lindsey's pals in a thankless role. The lovely Skye must have been wishing Lloyd Dobler would swoop in and take her away. Come to think of it, Cusack would've made an excellent Ben. Of course, Cusack is too smart to attach himself to such an utterly tedious script.
There isn't a single, solitary moment in this film that seems original or unforced. Every plot turn is predictable, every lame joke telegraphed. Ganz and Mandel labor for laughs. The first 45 minutes are so excruciatingly slow, you wonder if these chaps realized they were writing a comedy. You can mark the plot turns in this film by your watch. It's almost as if Ganz and Mandel penned this with some screen writing guru's formula pasted on the wall. When they got to a certain page, they looked up at the formula and said, "OK, the guru says this has to happen now." And, presto!
Directors Bobby and Peter Farrelly don't help the film any. They have no concept how to introduce their story and characters (they hand over the V.O. narration not to the protagonist, but to another guy who sits behind Ben at Fenway Park). Thanks to some extremely clunky writing, we have to watch Barrymore and Fallon stumble through their unfunny initial meetings.
Barrymore does cute and adorable better than most. She's as good at it as Goldie Hawn in her heyday. But even her cuteness can't save this extraordinarily awful film. She tries hard to wring some energy and humor out of this story. About 30 minutes into the film, Lindsey tells Ben, "You're funny." The only explanation for her remark is that it was in the script. For Fallon's Ben never says anything even remotely funny. Fallon is neither witty nor funny; when he does comedy, he overacts.
Fallon was never any good on "Saturday Night Live." He was quite possibly the least funny person on that show. Remember that lame sketch about a radio DJ who did all the voices? The only reason "Weekend Update" worked occasionally was because Fallon's cohort, Tina Fey, knows a thing or two about comedy.
Actors who think they're funny and behave that way rarely, if ever, are actually funny. That's true of Fallon. He thinks he's hysterically funny when he barely raises a chuckle. His stuttering, unsure-of-himself shtick didn't work on the small screen; it's lousier on the big screen.
Unfortunately for Fallon, his role in this picture also requires a few dramatic moments. If you thought his comedy was bad, wait till you get a load of his dramatic stuff. Two scenes in particular - the first in a park, the second in front of Ben's school - are painful to watch. The scenes require an actor with a smidgen of dramatic ability, but Fallon has neither the knowledge nor the ability to make them work. His range of emotions doesn't even run the gamut from A to B.
Ben has no personality or depth. Often, he comes across as an oaf. And not a lovable one at that. It boggles the mind what Lindsey would find attractive about him. Compare Fallon's performance to Firth's in the British version, and you'll understand how terribly flat, unfunny and forced Fallon's Ben is and how wrong he is for this role. Watching Fallon in "Fever Pitch" makes one long for the dramatic depth and comedic nuance of Ashton Kutcher!
Just as "High Fidelity" did, an Americanized "Fever Pitch" could've worked brilliantly. It just needed better writers, more competent directors and, most definitely, a stronger, funnier, smarter leading man. Do yourself a huge favor: Avoid this rotten film; rent the 1997 British version and read Hornby's book, instead.
Is it possible American movie audiences and critics are so numbed and lobotomized by the excrement that Hollywood churns out that they'll praise to the skies even a mediocre film with barely any laughs? That's the only reason I can think of why this horrible romantic comedy (and I use that term loosely because there's nothing funny in this film) is getting good reviews.
I sat through this film stunned that screenwriters Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel would even for an instant think their script was funny.
The brilliant Nick Hornby usually translates well to film. He adapted "Fever Pitch" for a British film starring Colin Firth and Ruth Gemmell in 1997; Peter Hedges found Hornby's voice for "About a Boy" (2002) and when "High Fidelity" was Americanized for a movie in 2000, writers D.V. DeVincentis, Steve Pink, John Cusack and Scott Rosenberg didn't go wrong because they kept the essence of Hornby's wit and humor. They made one of the best films of that year.
So why does the American version of "Fever Pitch" go so painfully awry? The British version wasn't a masterpiece, but it was charming, funny, unexpected and gave us two characters we could like, respect and understand.
But Ganz and Mandel have excised everything funny in Hornby's work. In Americanizing the story, they've butchered it, removing all that was good and unique about Hornby's work and replacing it with conventional drivel.
They've transformed a funny story into a formulaic romantic comedy, never once veering from the wretched formula. Lindsey (Drew Barrymore) has three girlfriends, each of whom has a distinct function. One's overweight, the second's cynical and ambitious, and the third's a romantic. Want to guess how many male friends Ben (Jimmy Fallon) has?
What made "High Fidelity" such fun was not only a good leading man and lady, but engaging supporting characters. In this "Fever Pitch," the six supporting friends do or say nothing especially funny. They're so insignificant, they're not even decorative. The only reason they're in the film is because the formula demands it. Poor Ione Skye winds up as one Lindsey's pals in a thankless role. The lovely Skye must have been wishing Lloyd Dobler would swoop in and take her away. Come to think of it, Cusack would've made an excellent Ben. Of course, Cusack is too smart to attach himself to such an utterly tedious script.
There isn't a single, solitary moment in this film that seems original or unforced. Every plot turn is predictable, every lame joke telegraphed. Ganz and Mandel labor for laughs. The first 45 minutes are so excruciatingly slow, you wonder if these chaps realized they were writing a comedy. You can mark the plot turns in this film by your watch. It's almost as if Ganz and Mandel penned this with some screen writing guru's formula pasted on the wall. When they got to a certain page, they looked up at the formula and said, "OK, the guru says this has to happen now." And, presto!
Directors Bobby and Peter Farrelly don't help the film any. They have no concept how to introduce their story and characters (they hand over the V.O. narration not to the protagonist, but to another guy who sits behind Ben at Fenway Park). Thanks to some extremely clunky writing, we have to watch Barrymore and Fallon stumble through their unfunny initial meetings.
Barrymore does cute and adorable better than most. She's as good at it as Goldie Hawn in her heyday. But even her cuteness can't save this extraordinarily awful film. She tries hard to wring some energy and humor out of this story. About 30 minutes into the film, Lindsey tells Ben, "You're funny." The only explanation for her remark is that it was in the script. For Fallon's Ben never says anything even remotely funny. Fallon is neither witty nor funny; when he does comedy, he overacts.
Fallon was never any good on "Saturday Night Live." He was quite possibly the least funny person on that show. Remember that lame sketch about a radio DJ who did all the voices? The only reason "Weekend Update" worked occasionally was because Fallon's cohort, Tina Fey, knows a thing or two about comedy.
Actors who think they're funny and behave that way rarely, if ever, are actually funny. That's true of Fallon. He thinks he's hysterically funny when he barely raises a chuckle. His stuttering, unsure-of-himself shtick didn't work on the small screen; it's lousier on the big screen.
Unfortunately for Fallon, his role in this picture also requires a few dramatic moments. If you thought his comedy was bad, wait till you get a load of his dramatic stuff. Two scenes in particular - the first in a park, the second in front of Ben's school - are painful to watch. The scenes require an actor with a smidgen of dramatic ability, but Fallon has neither the knowledge nor the ability to make them work. His range of emotions doesn't even run the gamut from A to B.
Ben has no personality or depth. Often, he comes across as an oaf. And not a lovable one at that. It boggles the mind what Lindsey would find attractive about him. Compare Fallon's performance to Firth's in the British version, and you'll understand how terribly flat, unfunny and forced Fallon's Ben is and how wrong he is for this role. Watching Fallon in "Fever Pitch" makes one long for the dramatic depth and comedic nuance of Ashton Kutcher!
Just as "High Fidelity" did, an Americanized "Fever Pitch" could've worked brilliantly. It just needed better writers, more competent directors and, most definitely, a stronger, funnier, smarter leading man. Do yourself a huge favor: Avoid this rotten film; rent the 1997 British version and read Hornby's book, instead.
"Fever Pitch" is a sweet and charming addition to the small genre of sports romances as date movies or movies a son could be willing to go to with his mother (though the guys in the audience got noticeably restless during the romantic scenes).
I have lived through a milder version of such a story, as my first exposure to baseball was dating my husband the spring after the Mets first World Series win and then I watched the Mets clinch their next one because I was the one still up in the wee hours with our two little sons, who have grown up to teach me more about baseball through our local neighborhood National League team's other heartbreaking failures to win it again (and it was me who took our older son to his only Fenway Park game as I caught a bit of Red Sox fever as a graduate student in Boston).
So compared to reality, the script believably creates two people with actual jobs. It is particularly impressive that Drew Barrymore's character is a substantive workaholic who has anti-Barbie skills, though she pretty much only visits with her three bland girlfriends during gym workouts that allow for much jiggling and the minor side stories with her parents don't completely work.
It is even set up credibly how she meets Jimmy Fallon's math teacher and how she falls for his "winter guy" -- though it's surprising that his Red Sox paraphernalia filled apartment didn't tip her off to his Jekyll-and-Hyde "summer guy." Their relationship crisis during the baseball season is also played out in a refreshingly grown-up way, from efforts at compromise to her frank challenges to him, centered around that they are both facing thirty and single. Fallon surprisingly rises to his character's gradual emotional maturity.
While the ending borrows heavily from O. Henry, the script writers did a yeoman job of quickly incorporating the Sox's incredible 2004 season into a revised story line (with lots of cooperation from the Red Sox organization for filming at the stadium).
The script goes out of its way to explain why Fallon doesn't have a Boston accent, as an immigrant from New Jersey, but that doesn't explain why his motley friends don't. The most authentic sounding Boston sounds come from most of his "summer family" of other season ticket holders, who kindly kibitz the basics of Sox lore to neophyte Barrymore (and any such audience members).
The song selection includes many Red Sox fans' favorites, from the opening notes of the classic "Dirty Water," though most are held to be heard over the closing credits as if you are listening to local radio and are worth sitting through to hear.
I have lived through a milder version of such a story, as my first exposure to baseball was dating my husband the spring after the Mets first World Series win and then I watched the Mets clinch their next one because I was the one still up in the wee hours with our two little sons, who have grown up to teach me more about baseball through our local neighborhood National League team's other heartbreaking failures to win it again (and it was me who took our older son to his only Fenway Park game as I caught a bit of Red Sox fever as a graduate student in Boston).
So compared to reality, the script believably creates two people with actual jobs. It is particularly impressive that Drew Barrymore's character is a substantive workaholic who has anti-Barbie skills, though she pretty much only visits with her three bland girlfriends during gym workouts that allow for much jiggling and the minor side stories with her parents don't completely work.
It is even set up credibly how she meets Jimmy Fallon's math teacher and how she falls for his "winter guy" -- though it's surprising that his Red Sox paraphernalia filled apartment didn't tip her off to his Jekyll-and-Hyde "summer guy." Their relationship crisis during the baseball season is also played out in a refreshingly grown-up way, from efforts at compromise to her frank challenges to him, centered around that they are both facing thirty and single. Fallon surprisingly rises to his character's gradual emotional maturity.
While the ending borrows heavily from O. Henry, the script writers did a yeoman job of quickly incorporating the Sox's incredible 2004 season into a revised story line (with lots of cooperation from the Red Sox organization for filming at the stadium).
The script goes out of its way to explain why Fallon doesn't have a Boston accent, as an immigrant from New Jersey, but that doesn't explain why his motley friends don't. The most authentic sounding Boston sounds come from most of his "summer family" of other season ticket holders, who kindly kibitz the basics of Sox lore to neophyte Barrymore (and any such audience members).
The song selection includes many Red Sox fans' favorites, from the opening notes of the classic "Dirty Water," though most are held to be heard over the closing credits as if you are listening to local radio and are worth sitting through to hear.
The only reason I saw this movie was for Jimmy Fallon, who I've had a crush on since 9th grade, which was his first year on SNL. I am a die-hard Yankees fan, and I didn't find the movie painful until the last 15 minutes, when they begin showing clips of the ALCS games. I had to cover my ears and make small noises so I wouldn't have to hear that which must not be heard, but otherwise it was completely bearable.
I thought Jimmy played the role very well, because the character was supposed to be nervous and quirky, and he is a nervous and quirky guy. I know that it may not be a Academy Award-winning stretch, but the movie is just a light, fun, romantic comedy that is actually appropriate for both women and men to see.
Jimmy and Drew worked well together, and they had much better chemistry on camera than other actors in the past. (Ed Burns and Angelina Jolie in that stupid movie? What?) I think Jimmy has a positive career ahead of him, and thank goodness, because Taxi could have killed it. I think Fever Pitch will help him out a lot. Everyone needs to stop being so critical of his acting ability because he is just starting out in movies. I imagine it must be difficult, and if you look at any of the other great actors of our time (Tom Hanks, Russell Crowe, etc) you'll see that they started off in some flops. Busom Buddies? Australian soap operas? Here's wishing Jimmy a successful career on screen. I never wanted him to leave SNL but what can you do?
I thought Jimmy played the role very well, because the character was supposed to be nervous and quirky, and he is a nervous and quirky guy. I know that it may not be a Academy Award-winning stretch, but the movie is just a light, fun, romantic comedy that is actually appropriate for both women and men to see.
Jimmy and Drew worked well together, and they had much better chemistry on camera than other actors in the past. (Ed Burns and Angelina Jolie in that stupid movie? What?) I think Jimmy has a positive career ahead of him, and thank goodness, because Taxi could have killed it. I think Fever Pitch will help him out a lot. Everyone needs to stop being so critical of his acting ability because he is just starting out in movies. I imagine it must be difficult, and if you look at any of the other great actors of our time (Tom Hanks, Russell Crowe, etc) you'll see that they started off in some flops. Busom Buddies? Australian soap operas? Here's wishing Jimmy a successful career on screen. I never wanted him to leave SNL but what can you do?
I was really hoping that Jimmy Fallon would do well with a major role in a Farrelly Bros film, but I was disappointed with the results. I liked about 30% of Jimmy's dialogue; the rest was sophomoric and silly. I love joking around too, but "Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food." (Confucius?) Even if some of the one-liner jokes were funny, it was too much. So much so, that I had a really tough time seeing the romantic side of this story. The relationship did not fit very well in my book. I didn't believe Drew Barrymore's character either. She didn't fit or flesh out her job very well, in my opinion.
So, not having a believable story or romantic chemistry in a romantic comedy makes for a poor romantic comedy. That didn't come out quite right, but you get the gist. They missed the mark with this one.
Good baseball footage and a decent line here or there pumped it up from a one to a three in my book. Unfortunately, I can not give it any more than that. 3 of 10
So, not having a believable story or romantic chemistry in a romantic comedy makes for a poor romantic comedy. That didn't come out quite right, but you get the gist. They missed the mark with this one.
Good baseball footage and a decent line here or there pumped it up from a one to a three in my book. Unfortunately, I can not give it any more than that. 3 of 10
- deadsenator
- Apr 7, 2005
- Permalink
FEVER PITCH (2005) *** Drew Barrymore, Jimmy Fallon, Jack Kehler, Ione Skye, KaDee Strickland, Marissa Jaret Winokur, James Sikking, JoBeth Williams, Lenny Clarke, Siobhan Fallon. Reasonably funny romantic comedy with Fallon and Barrymore falling in love with each other and dealing with Fallon's obsessive fanaticism with the Boston Red Sox that proves to be at times taxing and calls into question what true love really is sacrifices for one another. Based on Nick Hornby's best-seller (his soccer freak fan is transplanted for obvious reasons by vet screen writing team Babaloo Mandel and Lowell Ganz) and a near-perfect fit for funmeister filmmakers Peter & Bobby Farrelly who eschew most of their gross-out humor for a valentine to the desperate cursed life of a Boston fan with a fairy-tale only-in-truth-being-stranger-than-fiction end results (the World Series win by the BoSox sent the original ending into a tailspin). Barrymore and Fallon's loosey-goosey chemistry is often on the mark but the Farrelly's are thisclose to being in Garry Marshall rom-com territory.
- george.schmidt
- Apr 10, 2005
- Permalink
First off, I'm a native Cape Codder, a huge Red Sox fan and I was an extra in this film. I was in the 1980 flashback scene at the beginning. That's neither here nor there, though. What I've come to talk about his how god-awful this film is. First off, I hated Jimmy Fallon way before this film, but this one just cemented it. He is definitely one of the least funny comedic actors ever. If his tenure on SNL wasn't proof how talentless this guy really is, this film makes a strong case for him getting his SAG card revoked. The only redeeming quality of the film is that the 2004 Red Sox are in it. That's it. The humor is slim to none, the romance is pretty much extremely annoying. Drew Barrymore looks like she wishes she were somewhere else. Worst Farrelly Brothers film for sure and just a plain piece of crap film.
- reverendtom
- Dec 6, 2006
- Permalink
I was not only an extra in this movie, I got to see it in Boston to a sold out cinema. Over a thousand Boston Red Sox / Farrelly fans jammed themselves into a movie theater near Boston Common to watch a comedy....about them....Red Sox fanatics! Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon star is this cute comedy about love and lust. The love is between the two young lovers. The lust is for the Red Sox winning the world series. Although Fallon is not a great actor, he is the best actor for the role. He is funny enough and gets the most laughs. Barrymore on the other hand is the same old Barrymore. At times, I felt supporting actress Ione Skye would have been a better actor for the role. All in all, all Boston Red Sox fans will love this movie. For the rest of the world, this is just a funny movie.
- caspian1978
- Apr 10, 2005
- Permalink
This movie was by far the best performance that Jimmy Fallon has produced on the big screen. Another romantic comedy produced by the Farrelly brothers who brought out the talents of Fallon and Drew Barrymore, "Fever Pitch" is a nice movie which is more about relationships than Baseball.
Lindsey, played by Drew Barrymore (50 First Dates,) is a career minded women whose life is driven by her successful career. She meets Ben, played by Jimmy Fallon (Taxi,) who is a school teacher but is an obsessed fan of the Boston Red Sox. Lindsey falls for Ben before the season starts, and doesn't quite understand how intense of a fan he is until the season starts and she tries to have a relationship that must work around the Red Sox drive to the World Series.
"Fever Pitch" brings to life the relationship dilemma that women have with men who are fans of a sports team, be it baseball, football or whatever. A lot of women have a hard time understanding the devotion a man has to his team. Likewise, men do not understand the problem women have with their devotion.
This movie brought to light the acting talents of both Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore. This is the first movie I have seen Fallon in that I have been able to stand him and Barrymore needs to continue to find directors who now HOW to direct her so she can continue to do quality work. Just a hint, Charlie's Angel's is not that movie or director(s).
I also enjoyed the direction by the Farrelly brothers who continue to show that when they have a modicum of talent in front of the camera, they produce quality movies. I also found the screenplay by Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel was written smartly and humorous even if it the resolutions to the conflict were unoriginal which creates conflict for me because more often then not I do not like there screenplays. They are very hot and cold writes for me, either I like their work, like "Spies Like Us", or I hate it, like "A League of Their Own." Overall, I say go and see this movie with someone you love, and if the two of you can relate to the movie then even better, maybe you will learn something that you can use latter on.
**This review and others can be seen at www.bbmc.dockratent.com**
Lindsey, played by Drew Barrymore (50 First Dates,) is a career minded women whose life is driven by her successful career. She meets Ben, played by Jimmy Fallon (Taxi,) who is a school teacher but is an obsessed fan of the Boston Red Sox. Lindsey falls for Ben before the season starts, and doesn't quite understand how intense of a fan he is until the season starts and she tries to have a relationship that must work around the Red Sox drive to the World Series.
"Fever Pitch" brings to life the relationship dilemma that women have with men who are fans of a sports team, be it baseball, football or whatever. A lot of women have a hard time understanding the devotion a man has to his team. Likewise, men do not understand the problem women have with their devotion.
This movie brought to light the acting talents of both Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore. This is the first movie I have seen Fallon in that I have been able to stand him and Barrymore needs to continue to find directors who now HOW to direct her so she can continue to do quality work. Just a hint, Charlie's Angel's is not that movie or director(s).
I also enjoyed the direction by the Farrelly brothers who continue to show that when they have a modicum of talent in front of the camera, they produce quality movies. I also found the screenplay by Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel was written smartly and humorous even if it the resolutions to the conflict were unoriginal which creates conflict for me because more often then not I do not like there screenplays. They are very hot and cold writes for me, either I like their work, like "Spies Like Us", or I hate it, like "A League of Their Own." Overall, I say go and see this movie with someone you love, and if the two of you can relate to the movie then even better, maybe you will learn something that you can use latter on.
**This review and others can be seen at www.bbmc.dockratent.com**