The creators of the film had no prior knowledge of how to make a movie, so it was based on their knowledge of in-game movies.
The opening scene of the movie is the closing scene of the original video game.
The phone used by Cloud is a Panasonic P900iV only sold in Japan. It comes in three colors, and the black one is called "Cloud Black" after the character's name.
In 'Advent Children Complete', there is a scene where Sephiroth impales Cloud on his katana; a reference to the famous scene in the game.
According to director Tetsuya Nomura in the DVD Commentary, the original movie was only supposed to be twenty minutes. The details of the original story are sketchy, but from what little Nomura has said about it, all that is known is that it featured someone requesting a message to be sent to Cloud. The message is then relayed to Cloud through several children and although Nomura insisted that he very much liked the original script, he decided to make the project more grand in scope because early word of the project generated so much interest that he couldn't resist the demands for the film to be feature length.