I have read some reviews comparing this show to Harry Potter and Sailor Moon among things. That is entirely untrue. I don't see anything resembling a magical school, and that in itself is refreshing. Not that there's anything wrong with that concept, but Witch doesn't fall into that category and I like that. These girls are real girls tackling real life issues alongside having to deal with learning a new side of themselves as Guardians with extraordinary powers. The tassling Blunk being described as a Dobie type character is also wrong. He is not a house elf or servant of any kind, but as with many animated shows for kids, fills the role of comic sidekick or mascot quite nicely. The only similarity I see with Sailor Moon is some of the transformation sequences where the girls turn into their slightly older, guardian forms, but that is where it ends. You do see that in some newer cartoons these days, inspired by Sailor Moon and others like it in Japan, and there is nothing wrong with that so long as it's not a blatant rip off. Witch is no such thing.
I also enjoy Winx Club, but noticed someone mention that Witch is girlier than Winx? I do believe Winx to be much more girly than Witch could ever hope to be, since the girls in Winx fuss over themselves and their clothes a bit much, their costumes are also extremely geared that way and a bit too revealing for very small girls to want to emulate in my opinion... kinda like Brats. I love the Witch costumes, and they vary in style from girl to girl to show a little individuality, even if they share the same overall elements and color scheme. Think of some (not all) superhero groups that have the same type of costume theme within their group and you'll get that from Witch. It's also nice they look good without being overly revealing. Another thing I've noticed is the storytelling is a bit rushed and stiff in Winx and lacks good transition between scenes at times. I feel Witch has better overall animation and production value in those areas.
Plus I can think of some guys not being too embarrassed to admit they like Witch, since it has some good action scenes with the guy characters and a darker atmosphere, where not too many guys would admit the same with Winx, with it's elements of glamour, sparkly stuff, mushy romance, and girls acting and talking - well - very girly. I think it's all well and good for girls, and I am one who enjoys the girly stuff just as much as the more boyish stuff (GI Joe, Transformers, and more), but I can spot a show that caters to both genders a little better in the long run, and Witch does just that. I know a guy personally that would sit and watch Witch and enjoy it but wouldn't touch Winx with a 10 foot pole for all those reasons, as well as a lot of other cartoons I watch. That's saying a lot.
I am also a big fan of animation, having watched everything from anime to animated movies, and all sorts of cartoon shows, and I find the animation in Witch to be very nice. I've seen some very weird or crappy looking animation,but this is far above that. Some of the action scenes alone and the way they are executed would blow your mind.
As for difference between the show and books, I have yet to read the books series to form an opinion on that. But I know I love the show and would tune in to watch another season if they ever release one.