- [last lines]
- Dave: [on radio] Sheriff?
- Sheriff: Yeah, Dave?
- Dave: Ran the Sinclair family through CDIC. Trudy and the doctor didn't have two sons. They had three.
- [Nick is sitting alone while everyone is making out. Dalton comes up to him with his camera]
- Nick: [grinning] Don't even think about it, I ain't kissing you, dude.
- Dalton: [mocking disappointment] Aw, come on. You know you want to.
- [Nick and Dalton laugh]
- Dalton: Haha, just kidding. Psych! I wouldn't kiss your ass for shit, man.
- Bo: [to Vincent] Hey, town's looking real good. We almost finished what Ma started. Those two are good, they'll fit perfectly. What I tell ya, huh? Ain't your work more real now? Ma would be proud, yeah, she'd be real proud. She always said your talent would make up for what God took away from you. There's two more, we've still got a lot of work to do.
- Dalton: Hey, do you think that Wade will stay with Carly after she moves to New York?
- Nick: I don't know. Maybe...
- Dalton: Cause, you know... the way she's been lookin' at me...
- Nick: Hey! It ain't happening, man. And even if it was happening - it ain't happening. Nothing personal.
- Dalton: Why's that? I mean, you like me better than Wade, right?
- Nick: [sighs] Wade's not so bad.
- Dalton: Yeah, I like Wade, too.
- Paige: [trying to explain away why she dropped out of sight in the truck's cabin] Lip balm. I dropped my stupid lip balm.
- Carly: I don't believe this. You steal a car and it's my fault. You evade arrest and it's the cops' fault...
- Nick: One of 'em took a swing at me.
- Carly: You get kicked out of the house, it's Mom and Dad's fault. You lose your football scholarship and it's the coach's fault! You can't keep a job for more than two weeks because it's every manager's fault!
- Nick: I'm surrounded by idiots.
- Carly: So then why did you come, to piss me off?
- Nick: Why don't you get it? You're the good twin, I'm the evil one.
- Carly: Grow up. You are so afraid to take things seriously.
- [seeing all the fan belts]
- Wade: He has everything but a 15 inch fan belt. Where is he anyway? He said he'd be 30 minutes, its been almost 45.
- [sighs]
- Wade: I guess I'll have to make do with a 16.
- [grabs it]
- Bo: [from behind] You plan on stealing that?
- Wade: [startled] No, I ah - I left money by the cash register.
- [indeed he did as a $20 bill lies there]
- Blake: [to the stranger in the truck] Yo, man. You need something?
- Carly: What does he want?
- Wade: Hey, can you turn off your lights, please?
- [no response]
- Paige: Okay, this is getting kinda creepy.
- Blake: Hey, come on, man, get out of here! Nothing to see here, let's go!
- Wade: Can we help you?
- Carly: Maybe we're on his property?
- Wade: Nah, we didn't pass the gate.
- Blake: Hey man, turn your lights off! Hello? Turn your lights off! No, I'm serious. Turn your lights off or I'll whip this on your ass!
- Wade: Hey, hey, it's cool, man.
- [Nick throws a bottle and smashes one of the headlights]
- Carly: NICK!
- [pause]
- Carly: Oh, my...
- Dalton: [yelling at the man in the truck] WHAT?
- Carly: [approaching the door to the wax museum] Doesn't 'closed' mean 'I don't want you in here?'
- Wade: Relax. No one'll care
- Carly: What if's someone's here?
- Wade: [calling out] Hello? Anyone in here?
- [after silence]
- Wade: See? Fine. Look how cool this is. Everything in here is wax, the floors, the walls, look at this!
- [gestures to a large ornament]
- Wade: This is wax
- Carly: [sarcastic] Yeah, cool, awesome.
- Wade: Who are these people supposed to be? Aren't there supposed to be famous people in a wax museum? I don't recognize this guy.
- Roadkill Driver: Sorry. I kind of get used to the smell.
- Carly: Really? I don't think I could ever get used to it.
- [upon seeing Vincent drive up to his place with two more dead bodies]
- Bo: [muttering] Damn it. I told him before never to come up here!
- [first lines]
- Trudy Sinclair: You are being such a good boy. Would you like some more cereal, sweetheart? Here you go.