- Coach Gary Gaines: Being perfect is not about that scoreboard out there. It's not about winning. It's about you and your relationship with yourself, your family and your friends. Being perfect is about being able to look your friends in the eye and know that you didnt let them down because you told them the truth. And that truth is you did everything you could. There wasnt one more thing you could've done. Can you live in that moment as best you can, with clear eyes, and love in your heart, with joy in your heart? If you can do that gentleman - you're perfect!
- Coach Gary Gaines: [half time speech] Perfection is being able to look your friends in the eye and know you did everything you could not to let them down.
- Coach Gary Gaines: [half-time speech] I want you to take a moment, and I want you to look each other in the eyes. I want you to put each other in your hearts forever because forever is about to happen here in just a few minutes. I want you to close your eyes, and I want you to think about Boobie Miles, who is your brother. And he would die to be out there in that field with you tonight. And I want you to put that in your hearts. Boys my heart is full. My heart is full.
- Ivory Christian: What's wrong with y'all? Y'all are playin' like some little girls! Y'all act like you never played football before! These guys are nothin'! They bleed just like we do, and sweat just like we do. They went through two-a-days. We went through two-a-days in 110 degree heat. I want you to hit everything that move! If the ref gets in your way, you hit him! They're cheatin' us too! They're against us too. This is our team. This is us! Let's go right now! Let's get it off now and let's go!
- Brian Chavez: I'm gonna miss the heat.
- Don Billingsley: I'm gonna miss the lights.
- Brian Chavez: Yeah, me too. Stay low boys, keep those feet moving.
- Don Billingsley: Hey Chavez! Be perfect.
- Brian Chavez: You be perfect.
- Don Billingsley: See you Mike.
- Don Billingsley: We're gonna get drunk, we're gonna get laid, and we're gonna win state but not tonight.
- Mike Winchell: You ever feel cursed, Coach? Like, no matter what, inside your heart you feel that you're gonna lose. Like something's hanging over you, following you like a witch or a demon that just... I feel like that all the time. Even when things are going good. When we're winnin', it's there. And when we're losin', it's there.
- Coach Gary Gaines: It took me a long time to realize that, uh, there ain't much difference between winnin' and losin' except for how the outside world treats you. But inside you, it's about all the same, you know. It really is. Fact of matter is I believe that our only curses are the ones that are self-imposed. You know what I'm sayin'? We, all of us, dig our own holes.
- Radio Listener: There's too much learning going on at that school.
- Coach Gary Gaines: Being perfect is when you can look someone in the eye and know you did not let them down.
- Coach Gary Gaines: So how is it out there?
- Ivory Christian: They're fast, they're big, they're dirty... plus they're fast.
- Coach Gary Gaines: You said that already.
- Brian Chavez: We got to lighten up. We're 17.
- Don Billingsley: Do you feel 17?
- Mike Winchell: I don't feel 17.
- Don Billingsley: What's wrong with you?
- [yelling at his father after he throws his State Championship ring out the car window]
- Don Billingsley: What the hell is WRONG with you?
- Charles Billingsley: You just-you ain't gettin' it. You don't understand. This is the only thing you're ever gonna have. Forever, it carries you forever. It's an ugly fact of life. Donnie, hell. It's the only fact of life. You got one year, one stinkin' year to make yourself some memories, son. That's all. It's gone after that. And I'll be damned if you're not gonna miss it.
- Coach Gary Gaines: Gentlemen, the hopes and dreams of an entire town are riding on your shoulders. You may never matter again in your life as much as you do right now.
- Coach Gary Gaines: Everything all right?
- John Aubrey: Everything's going to be just fine. Everything's all right as long as we win state.
- Coach Gary Gaines: Or what?
- Charles Billingsley: Can't hold on to the lamp, can't hold on to the football.
- Don Billingsley: I can hold on to the football, Dad. Now get the hell out of here!
- Boobie Miles: I get straight A's. I'm a athlete.
- Reporter: In what subject?
- Boobie Miles: Hey, there's only one subject. It's football.
- Coach Gary Gaines: [to quarterback Mike Winchell] You're playing like the village idiot! You want people to think of you as the village idiot?
- Melissa: Are you gay?
- Melissa: [to Ivory Christian] Is he gay?
- Mike Winchell: I'm not gay.
- Melissa: Can you prove it?
- State Trooper: You boys gonna go undefeated?
- Brian Chavez: Yes sir.
- State Trooper: You boys gonna win state?
- Brian Chavez: Yes sir.
- State Trooper: Good.
- Mike Winchell: He designed his offense around one player. We're dead.
- Brian Chavez: We're not dead. You just need to start throwing the ball.
- Don Billingsley: We're dead.
- Brian: [after taking a picture of his infant daughter being held by Mike Winchell] I tell you what - Why don't you hold onto her for a while? Babysit her for us for a couple of hours? We're gonna go get ourselves drink, ya know, back in a while. All right, see ya later.
- [They start to walk off, Mike looks shocked. Brian laughs]
- Brian: I'm just kidding!
- [to his daughter]
- Brian: Come here, sweetie.
- Drunk Driver: Billingsley! Party at Taylor's house NOW Billingsley! Gonna get wasted! Yeah! Billingsley! BILLINGSLEY!
- Brian Chavez: Isn't that guy, like, 35?
- Cheerleader: Hi Don!
- Don Billingsley: Hey Karen.
- Cheerleader: I made this is for you
- [Hands him a rice krispie treat]
- Cheerleader: . Do you like it? Do you like it?
- Don Billingsley: Yeah... I think so. What is it?
- Cheerleader: It's you as a rice krispie. Do you like it?
- Don Billingsley: Yeah, I love it. Thanks.
- Boobie Miles: Yo, Billingsley, you don't have to ever worry about hanging on to the football, you know why?
- Don Billingsley: Why?
- Boobie Miles: Because you ain't never gonna get the ball. Your job is to be blocking for Boobie and I don't care if your dad is sitting over there crying.
- Don Billingsley: [Attacks Boobie] You just never shut up, do you?
- Coach Gary Gaines: You quit reading your press clippings, all right? Because you're smaller, and you're gonna be smaller every week. Ain't gonna be no growth spurt between now and the first game. They're gonna underestimate you every single week. We teach you this technique for a reason. We do not do this to make our heads rattle. You're gonna use your mind. You're gonna play with your heart. That's what you're gonna use to win the State Championship.
- Don Billingsley: If I have anything to say about it tonight you're going to get drunk and you're going to get laid.
- Mike Winchell: I'm not going out drunk and foolin'.
- Reporter: Your dad played at Permian. What's it like to be the son of a local legend?
- Don Billingsley: Next question.
- Reporter: Should we believe the hype?
- Boobie Miles: What hype?
- Reporter: The hype about Boobie Miles.
- Boobie Miles: Now hype is something that's not for real. I'm all real.
- Coach Gary Gaines: Hey, hey son! Come here. Where are you going?
- Chris Comer: You don't want me to go in Coach?
- Coach Gary Gaines: You're not wearing a helmet?
- [Comer realizes he has no helmet on]
- Coach Gary Gaines: My goodness gracious!
- Boobie Miles: God made black beautiful. God made Boobie beautiful. And when I knock someone out, I'm gonna knock 'em out in nikes and I'm gonna smile while I do it.
- Mike Winchell: Hey Boobie, you didn't lift.
- Boobie Miles: C'mon man. This is god given. The only thing I gotta do is show up.
- Coach Gary Gaines: I've seen you fight. I've seen you not quit. Can you give me a great effort and just a little bit more. Can you be perfect?
- Brian Chavez: We will win State.
- Don Billingsley: Chavez, you're like a human pi"ata. You get your ass all beat more than anybody I know, and you just sit there and spit out candy.
- Mike Winchell: That's because he's out of here. He's got the grades. And no matter what we win or loose he knows he's getting out. He's got one foot out the door, man.
- Brian Chavez: Give me the gun.
- Don Billingsley: [making fun of Chavez] You're going to be drinking martinis, eating lamb chops, getting manicures...
- Brian Chavez: You're just jealous.
- Don Billingsley: ...removing your freakin' shoes.
- Sharon Gaines: How about Alaska? We could move to Alaska. I bet they're not as serious about their football in Alaska.