The film was entirely independently funded by Sean Baker and Shih-Ching Tsou. As a result of the near non-existent budget, the duo were unable to afford actual crew members for film production.
Shooting took place in an actual take out restaurant during operating hours.
Part of the Criterion Collection, spine #1149.
Although Ming Ding is a Chinese character, he is played by Charles Jang, a Korean-American. Jang, who speaks Mandarin, auditioned for the role without mentioning his Korean background. A few phone calls later, Jang got the part. Source: Reflecting on Take Out (Criterion Collection)
After premiering at SlamDance in 2004 and at least 25 screenings at various film festivals, the filmmakers entered legal arbitration with Seth Landau, the maker of Take Out (2005) over the name of the film. As a result, the film did not get it's limited release date in theaters until 2008.