I mean it is still a pretty flawed show. The characters are a bit bland compared to those in other superhero shows like The Powerpuff Girls and My Life as a Teenage Robot which had better character development. The episodes tend to get very repetitive but compared to most Canadian cartoons, it's not that bad. Like I said, it's not a masterpiece but it isn't as bad as most people say. Looking at TV.com's reviews; a lot of people hate this show, but then again, they are self-centered jackasses who hate it just because it was made in Canada. But really it's not terrible but at the same time it's not a must-watch cartoon either. The animation is nice, the villains are kinda funny too. To those who said it's a Kim Possible/Buzz Lightyear knockoff; you guys are stupid, just because it takes place in space and features a kick-ass chick in a pink space tunic doesn't mean it's a ripoff of either shows. Yeah Betty's bracelet goes off but it's not ripping off Kim Possible and just because she's a redhead too doesn't make her a KP clone. Anyways, this show was just wrongfully bashed back in the day when it aired on Cartoon Network and I strongly disagree with these so called haters. I used to kinda like this show back when it was still airing on Cartoon Network over 8 years ago but today I just look at it as another decent cartoon that's nothing special but nothing terrible. You want a terrible cartoon, try watching Fanboy and Chum Chum on Nickelodeon, now that right there is a BAD cartoon!