The five-minute skydiving scene, where Maxwell Smart falls from the airplane, and is saved by Agent 99, was actually shot in real life. Led by Norman Kent, a world famous skydiving photographer, a team of professional skydivers shot the entire sequence over a total of seventy jumps during a four-week period, always jumping during sunset and sunrise, to keep continuity in the scene.
One of the items in CONTROL's display cases is two small domes connected by a tube, a portable Cone of Silence from the original series.
Don Adams, who played the original Maxwell Smart, was born Donald Yarmy. The airline that took Max and 99 to Russia was called Yarmy International as a tribute to him.
In the opening scene, there is a picture of a wanted criminal on Max's refrigerator. The name of the criminal is Mr. Big, which is the name of the first villain in the original series Get Smart (1965), and the photograph is a one of Michael Dunn, who played the role.
Bernie Kopell: When Max stops a car in Washington, D.C., the driver is played by Bernie Kopell, the original Siegfried.
Leonard Stern: As the pilot of the airplane that The Chief and Max commandeer. Stern was one of the producers of the original Get Smart (1965) television series.