- Yorish: I say that civilization is an illusion, a game of pretend. What is real is the fact that we are still animals, driven by primal instincts. As a psychiatrist, you must know this to be true.
- Carol: To be honest, ambassador, when someone starts talking to me about the truth, what I hear is what they're telling me about themselves more than what they're saying about the world.
- Dr. Henryk Belicec: Quite right, well done, doctor.
- Yorish: Perhaps this is true, perhaps being a Russian in this country is a kind of pathology. So what do you think, can you help me? Can you give me a pill? To make me see the world the way you Americans see the world. Can a pill help me understand Iraq, or Dafur, or even New Orleans?
- Dr. Henryk Belicec: Don't be drawn in by his madness, doctor. He is Russian, he needs to argue like he needs to breathe.
- Yorish: All I am saying is that civilization crumbles whenever we need it most. In the right situation, we are all capable of the most terrible crimes. To imagine a world where this was not so, where every crisis did not result in new atrocities, where every newspaper is not full of war and violence. Well, this is to imagine a world where human beings cease to be human.
- Carol: While I'll give you that we still retain some basic animal instincts, you have to admit we're not the same animal we were a few thousand years ago.
- Yorish: True.
- Carol: Read Piaget, Kohlberg or Maslow, Graves, Wilber, and you'll see that we're still evolving. Our consciousness is changing. Five hundred years ago, postmodern feminists didn't exist yet one sits right beside you today. And while that fact may not undo all of the terrible things that have been done in this world, at least it gives me reason to believe that one day, things may be different.
- Yorish: Thank you, doctor.
- Carol: You're welcome, ambassador.
- Dr. Henryk Belicec: Excellent.
- [last lines]
- Yorish: [repeated line; in voice-over] In the right situation, we are all capable of the most terrible crimes. To imagine a world where this was not so, where every crisis did not result in new atrocities, where every newspaper is not full of war and violence. Well, this is to imagine a world where human beings cease to be human.
- Dr. Henryk Belicec: [to Carol] So Ben tells me you are a psychiatrist. This is very interesting. This is exactly what I need.
- Yorish: All you need is what every Czech needs: a stiff Russian boot up your behind.
- Dr. Henryk Belicec: Pity they don't make Russian boots anymore. They're all made in China.
- Tucker: Don't fight, Carol. There's no need for it. All you have to do is nothing. That's all we're asking. It doesn't hurt. Watch. It's just like catching a cold.
- Carol: I'm so afraid I'm gonna fall asleep, I'm gonna lose him, I'm gonna lose you. I'm gonna lose everything that matters.
- Ben: No. You can easily go for a week without sleep then we'll find a pharmacy, do whatever it takes to make sure you stay awake. I just want you to know, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. Nothing.
- Tucker: I don't understand your resistance, Carol. You get people pills to make their lives better. How is that so different from what we're doing?
- [first lines]
- News Announcer: [off-screen] Tragic news tonight as the space shuttle "Patriot" explodes during an unscheduled landing attempt.
- News Stand Vendor: [on the phone] Why should I buy you flowers? I didn't do anything wrong... I'm all about the romance!