28 reviews
- maggielocker
- Jul 18, 2006
- Permalink
This show is not a rip off of Lost. The concept for the show was made even before Lost got on the air. The show may seem simple at first with just some kids stuck on an island but there is SO much more to it! The stuff they do in every episode is really interesting. Yeah, it could be a little more edgy with maybe someone getting really sick or dying but it's still good. Watching the relationships between the characters is what gives this show a heart. Trying to figure out who's going to end up with who and how each character will react to a situation is what keeps it interesting. This show could easily get boring but it's not. It feels like forever when I have to wait a week for the new episodes. And, if you all think this is some 12 year old writing this well you're wrong. I'm 20 years old and my sister (age 18) loves this. I even think most of the audience for this show are mid-teen girls and up. The added bonus to the show is having Johnny Pacar and Jeremy Kissner as Jackson and Eric. They are very appealing to watch, especially Johnny. So don't listen to people who say that it's a cheesy kiddie show cause it's so not! Watch an episode or two and give it a chance. You'll love it, really!
I love this new show. I will quote someone who posted on message board below who gave good summary why this show is not the same as Lost!
"So I actually saw this show and loved it. I think it has lots of potential and I'm curious to see how it develops. And yes, the idea is much like Lost (I'm a huge fan of Lost) with a plane crashing and trapping a group of people on a tropical island. But Lost was also not the very first story to have that setting! Hello!? Blue Lagoon? Lord of the Flies? Gilligan's Island? Castaway? and the list goes on OF COURSE! because it really is an interesting concept. Throwing people on a deserted island and watching their behavior as they are stripped of the modern world and it's social structures can give a lot of insight and spark many questions regarding humanity in general. Also, Flight 29 Down's approach to this microcosmic concept is different to that of Lost's. I mean, at the very least, they are completely different genres!
It's interesting how much debate this show has gotten over whether or not it is a "ripoff." But people fail to notice that all over the internet it says that this show was in production before Lost was even on the air, and that the creators had been working with it for years, long before lost was even heard of. And If it really were a ripoff, then they worked impossibly fast in writing, pitching the script to Discovery Kids, casting, shooting, and getting it on the air after Lost became a hit, which was now only a year ago. It generally takes longer than a year to get an idea to become a show, and to get a show on the air. But regardless, Flight 29 Down really was made before Lost was on T.V.
Also, If I may toss in two more cents, Lost and Flight 29 Down are not the only two similar shows out there. How many sitcoms about families and their dumb dads are there? A LOT more than two. and we never stop enjoying them! well...that's not true; sometimes we get sick of them. but nonetheless, they keep getting made. But for some reason, no one calls any of them "knock offs."
Anyway, Flight 29 Down has a lot to offer. That much is apparent in the first two episodes. And I'm ready for a good family show."
"So I actually saw this show and loved it. I think it has lots of potential and I'm curious to see how it develops. And yes, the idea is much like Lost (I'm a huge fan of Lost) with a plane crashing and trapping a group of people on a tropical island. But Lost was also not the very first story to have that setting! Hello!? Blue Lagoon? Lord of the Flies? Gilligan's Island? Castaway? and the list goes on OF COURSE! because it really is an interesting concept. Throwing people on a deserted island and watching their behavior as they are stripped of the modern world and it's social structures can give a lot of insight and spark many questions regarding humanity in general. Also, Flight 29 Down's approach to this microcosmic concept is different to that of Lost's. I mean, at the very least, they are completely different genres!
It's interesting how much debate this show has gotten over whether or not it is a "ripoff." But people fail to notice that all over the internet it says that this show was in production before Lost was even on the air, and that the creators had been working with it for years, long before lost was even heard of. And If it really were a ripoff, then they worked impossibly fast in writing, pitching the script to Discovery Kids, casting, shooting, and getting it on the air after Lost became a hit, which was now only a year ago. It generally takes longer than a year to get an idea to become a show, and to get a show on the air. But regardless, Flight 29 Down really was made before Lost was on T.V.
Also, If I may toss in two more cents, Lost and Flight 29 Down are not the only two similar shows out there. How many sitcoms about families and their dumb dads are there? A LOT more than two. and we never stop enjoying them! well...that's not true; sometimes we get sick of them. but nonetheless, they keep getting made. But for some reason, no one calls any of them "knock offs."
Anyway, Flight 29 Down has a lot to offer. That much is apparent in the first two episodes. And I'm ready for a good family show."
- ilikejp123
- Oct 16, 2005
- Permalink
This show is so awesome!!! It is suspenseful, funny, and dramatic. I don't think there is another show like it. Okay sure maybe Lost is like it but still. I mean lost is for older teenagers and adults. This show is for kids and young teens. The acting is the best part. I think the best actors in this series are Corbin Bleu, Johnny Pacar, Halle Hirsh, and Kristy Wu. The rest of the actors are pretty good too. I hope this show stays on the air for a long time. I know it may not be as good as The Suite Life of Zack and Cody or That's So Raven, but it's still good. Besides most shows you see today have the same old plot. Teenagers trying to make their way through a confusing and frustrating life. Dealing with school, family, friends, and dating. But this show is both creative and real. At least give it a chance. I promise you won't regret it. I don't. I watch it almost every time it's on! 9/10 for Flight 29 Down!
- vanhoosenink
- Mar 20, 2006
- Permalink
This show is the kids version of Lost, superficial kids go down i a plane onto a deserted island. What were these kids doing on a plane without an adult? Who knows. This show tackles the tough issues of today's world, finders keepers or return it to its owner? Probably one of the worst shows I have ever seen next to Zoey 101 and The Batman. This show couldn't be any more superficial. There's a girl who obviously has everything handed to her, a short kid who hates how everyone else is taller. all around dumb show. Why Haven't the parents figured out the the plane was down and try to chart out where it would have gone down to save there kids? I wish I could give it a lower score than 1 but unfortunately I cant, so 1 star it is.
"Flight 29 Down" is an excellent family show. It's sort of a mixture of "Survior", "Lost", and "Gilligan's Island". This series focuses on seven of the eleven passengers of the crashed plane 29 DWN. It is about their trials and how they cope and survive until rescue comes; if it comes. I'm not that great at explaining how awesome this show is in a nut shell so this is a description from a webmaster named Gwen "This show focuses on 7 of the 10 teenage survivors of a plane crash. They're all from LA but not all of them are friends. Their plane lands on some island in the South Pacific. 3 of the teens and the pilot go off in the jungle to explore it leaving the other 7 to worry about setting up camp and finding enough food and water. They have a radio but it is a long time before they get any contact with anyone. Each episode takes place within 1 or half a day of them being on the island. Drama occurs between the castaways revealing their insecurities, crushes, egos, and social problems. Surviving becomes more than just finding enough food and shelter. They eventually become like a family, having to learn to live and work together." Also here is my own description of each of the main characters:
-Nathan: Nathan is Mr. Popular. Captain of the football and track team, he feels he can do no wrong being that he's an experienced Boy Scout. Having been the class president for the last few consecutive years, Nathan feels the need to take charge of the odd band of cast-aways, but not if his rival has anything to say about it! Nathan soon finds out that doing things for scout points and badges is completely different than real life.
-Daley: Daley's fiery spirit and true sense of organization and competition earned her the position of class president. But do those things really come in handy on a deserted island? Yes and no. she makes a big effort to keep the group all on the same page at the same time as keeping an eye on her little step-brother, Lex, but always seems to fail. With her tragic family background, she has learned how take care of herself and others. But the real question is, can she ever become close to someone again?
-Lex: What does E=MC squared REALLY mean? Just go ask Lex! He's a ten year old prodigy child. when he's not studying for exams in his high school classes or adding to his butterfly collection, Lex uses his time to make his older sister and the "other big kids" listen to him. Only when they're really in trouble do they turn to him, but Lex is always glad to help even though he's preoccupied with the same problem his sister has: making friends.
-Eric: He's a low life, evil, manipulative rat. But that's why we love him! Eric's attempts to charm his crush, Taylor, plans to avoid work at all costs, and well-placed sarcasm always add comic relief to any situation. Even when faced with life-threatening situations, Eric always comes up with a remark that will have the audience doubling over.
-Taylor: Taylor is the princess of the group. Like Eric, she will avoid work at any cost and is the definition of a "dumb blonde"... or so we think! could there really be a caring human being under all that pink? If so it will need a lot of coaxing, less snide remarks by the others, and one very special person. Then maybe, just maybe, she can change the status quo.
-Melissa: If you ever wondered what an optimist is, well, here you go. Mel is a fountain of encouragement and endless patience. She always tries her hardest to make the best of a situation in the form of a compliment, a hug, or maybe even a cupcake. Think she's the perfect "good girl" right? well she was, that is until Jackson came along. Can she keep her mouth shut or will it slip that she can't stop thinking about him.
-Jackson: Jackson is basically one big question mark. Or at least he is in the beginning. Can anybody reach him? He's only been at school a few months and got in on a specialty scholarship. There are rumors going around that he's been in a gang and maybe still is. But that's just the question, are they really rumors? Due to the fact that he keeps to himself, they may never know. Is there a super big brain behind those sapphire blue eyes or are the lights on and nobody's home. Your guess is as good as their's. But despite everyone's opinions of this mysterious guy, they might just have to huddle under his street smart wing if they are going to survive. (he's my favorite!)
If you like drama, romance, comedy, action, or any of these 7 fantastic actors, you'll love this show. So don't hesitate to try it. If you have any questions, just come to the board below and we'll be happy to answer. We don't bite, really! This is the best show I've seen in a long time and is perfect for kids, teenagers, and adults. I guarantee you won't be sorry you watched it!
Podelings : D
-Nathan: Nathan is Mr. Popular. Captain of the football and track team, he feels he can do no wrong being that he's an experienced Boy Scout. Having been the class president for the last few consecutive years, Nathan feels the need to take charge of the odd band of cast-aways, but not if his rival has anything to say about it! Nathan soon finds out that doing things for scout points and badges is completely different than real life.
-Daley: Daley's fiery spirit and true sense of organization and competition earned her the position of class president. But do those things really come in handy on a deserted island? Yes and no. she makes a big effort to keep the group all on the same page at the same time as keeping an eye on her little step-brother, Lex, but always seems to fail. With her tragic family background, she has learned how take care of herself and others. But the real question is, can she ever become close to someone again?
-Lex: What does E=MC squared REALLY mean? Just go ask Lex! He's a ten year old prodigy child. when he's not studying for exams in his high school classes or adding to his butterfly collection, Lex uses his time to make his older sister and the "other big kids" listen to him. Only when they're really in trouble do they turn to him, but Lex is always glad to help even though he's preoccupied with the same problem his sister has: making friends.
-Eric: He's a low life, evil, manipulative rat. But that's why we love him! Eric's attempts to charm his crush, Taylor, plans to avoid work at all costs, and well-placed sarcasm always add comic relief to any situation. Even when faced with life-threatening situations, Eric always comes up with a remark that will have the audience doubling over.
-Taylor: Taylor is the princess of the group. Like Eric, she will avoid work at any cost and is the definition of a "dumb blonde"... or so we think! could there really be a caring human being under all that pink? If so it will need a lot of coaxing, less snide remarks by the others, and one very special person. Then maybe, just maybe, she can change the status quo.
-Melissa: If you ever wondered what an optimist is, well, here you go. Mel is a fountain of encouragement and endless patience. She always tries her hardest to make the best of a situation in the form of a compliment, a hug, or maybe even a cupcake. Think she's the perfect "good girl" right? well she was, that is until Jackson came along. Can she keep her mouth shut or will it slip that she can't stop thinking about him.
-Jackson: Jackson is basically one big question mark. Or at least he is in the beginning. Can anybody reach him? He's only been at school a few months and got in on a specialty scholarship. There are rumors going around that he's been in a gang and maybe still is. But that's just the question, are they really rumors? Due to the fact that he keeps to himself, they may never know. Is there a super big brain behind those sapphire blue eyes or are the lights on and nobody's home. Your guess is as good as their's. But despite everyone's opinions of this mysterious guy, they might just have to huddle under his street smart wing if they are going to survive. (he's my favorite!)
If you like drama, romance, comedy, action, or any of these 7 fantastic actors, you'll love this show. So don't hesitate to try it. If you have any questions, just come to the board below and we'll be happy to answer. We don't bite, really! This is the best show I've seen in a long time and is perfect for kids, teenagers, and adults. I guarantee you won't be sorry you watched it!
- Your IMDb pal
Podelings : D
Although they're meant for very different audiences, it's hard not to compare Flight 29 Down to Lost: both shows were filmed on the island of Oahu, both have characters with similar traits (for example, F29D's Taylor bears quite a bit of a resemblance to Lost's resident spoiled brat Shannon and Lex shares some of the qualities belonging to Lost's Locke and Sayid) and the general premise of each show is similar (people surviving a plane crash on a tropical island). With all of these similarities, there has been lots of discussion on whether or not F29D is a Lost rip-off and the fact that F29D began to air fairly soon after Lost (about 13 months later), certainly lends even more proof to back up this claim. Perhaps the creator of F29 D wanted to ride on the coattails of one of the biggest TV shows on the air? Having said all of that, F29D is a fairly enjoyable show for anyone who's into Disney and Nickelodeon shows like Hannah Montana, That's So Raven and Zoey 101. There's a fairly nice mix of action and comedy and the teen drama isn't too dark. I prefer the real Lost to this Disney-ized version, but for the kids and pre-teens, there should be enough here to keep them entertained until they're ready to graduate to the adult version.
- PrincessConsuelaBananahammock
- Feb 23, 2008
- Permalink
I like this show. I have to say that it's a kid version of Lost, but it's not as dramatic as Lost, so it's suitable for kids. And that's good.
There have been a lot of shows that I've liked, but haven't gone on for a long time. It's actually kinda sad. Some good shows just aren't caught on by people, and it's not as popular as other ones. I hope this stays on for a while, it's got a good plot, and it's not so 'heavy' as other shows. Even though it's a 'kids' show, or 'preteen' or whatever you wanna call it, it's a fun show that everyone can like. But to like it, it's gotta be aired for a while, right?
I also LOVE the fact that it's filmed in HAWAi'I!!! Chee-hee!! Haha, I love it, 'cause I'm from Hawai'i. So yeah, makes sense huh? But really, it's a fun show. I hope it lasts.
There have been a lot of shows that I've liked, but haven't gone on for a long time. It's actually kinda sad. Some good shows just aren't caught on by people, and it's not as popular as other ones. I hope this stays on for a while, it's got a good plot, and it's not so 'heavy' as other shows. Even though it's a 'kids' show, or 'preteen' or whatever you wanna call it, it's a fun show that everyone can like. But to like it, it's gotta be aired for a while, right?
I also LOVE the fact that it's filmed in HAWAi'I!!! Chee-hee!! Haha, I love it, 'cause I'm from Hawai'i. So yeah, makes sense huh? But really, it's a fun show. I hope it lasts.
- scribblesofdreams
- Oct 22, 2005
- Permalink
With lots of drama ,blame throwing,and thieving involved this would have to be one of the best shows that i have watched in years. An amazing tale of seven kids trying to learn how to survive on a tropical island was a great idea for a show. Also my younger siblings love this and they are below the age of ten. This show reminds me a lot of lost but the children's version. I encourage you all to rant this show as it is no longer on TV. Suitable for all ages. If you enjoy lost and you wont let your kids watch it they might enjoy this. I know that from personal experience that that little kids love it and my siblings wont stop watching it. You and your children will really enjoy this series.
- zakkaryvanderwerf
- May 25, 2008
- Permalink
Very good TV show. Johnny Pacar acted excellently and he acted very good as a mysterious person! The show was very enjoyable. I think if you haven't seen every episode then you should try and watch it every time its on television and you are defiantly gonna love it! All of the actors and actresses did a very good job acting in every single episode! The story lines were very good. The show was very entertaining! It is my favourite show and i even worship it! Its very good quality and your sure to love it! They actors were acting like that was exactly who they really were and you might think they weren't acting.
Flight 29 Down is without a doubt one of my favorite shows. I know that people think that it's only for kids around the ages of like 8-12, but I'm older than that and absolutely love it!! I know some of the problems they have are more to teach kids lessons about sharing and being nice to other people, general things like that, but i think they are important lessons that kids should know. I think every person in the group is kind of there to teach you something. Erik is easy. He's there to teach kids that 1) in your life you're going to have to deal with people who only think about the good of themselves and 2) that it's not good to only think of yourself and do things that may help you, but hurt others. I think Taylor is mainly there to teach you that things happen in your life that you can't control. But you should try to do something about it. Taylor doesn't exactly help the group or anything, but she does when things are tough and they really need her. I think Mel is just simply supposed to teach kids that by being nice to people you'll usually get the same from them and that being a nice person and helping people is a good thing. I think that Jackson is there to teach kids that just because someone may have done a bad thing, that doesn't make them a bad person. When the group found out Jackson's secret, they were all a bit afraid. They didn't know what he would do to them, but they discovered that Jackson is a great person who really tries to help everything go smoothly. Lex. Lex is without a doubt the brains. He is like, what 9 and I think he's smarter than the other 6 put together. He's there to teach kids that when bad things happen you shouldn't exactly freak out and panic, but that it helps to try to stay calm and figure out what to do. Nathan is mainly there to teach people that if you can't do something, or you can't do it well that you shouldn't just give up. Daley is the leader. She seems to always solve the problems and make things better around camp. She helps kids realize that people who seem bossy or whatever are usually just natural leaders and even though sometimes it's hard to work with a bossy person, they usually save you in some way. I think that's why Daley's my favorite character on this show. She always can find a solution to any kind of problem the group may be having. I guess what I'm trying to get down to is that Fight 29 Down is a great show for both kids and adults. I give it a 10!
- sandra-hinz
- Jul 6, 2006
- Permalink
This is the best show that ever hit the earth. I'm not allowed to watch Lost, and this is pretty much the kid version and I really love it!
I have three things to ask: 1. When is a season 1 DVD coming out? 2. When does season 2 start? 3. I still don't understand Lex. What is his secret? Why is he so smart?
Jackson is my favorite character because he is very mysterious.
The worst character on the show is Eric. He is annoying, dumb, and the meanest kid there. He shows people's secret to other yet he wants his own privacy. Why should they give it to him?
Whoever thinks this show is totally lame is wrong!
I have three things to ask: 1. When is a season 1 DVD coming out? 2. When does season 2 start? 3. I still don't understand Lex. What is his secret? Why is he so smart?
Jackson is my favorite character because he is very mysterious.
The worst character on the show is Eric. He is annoying, dumb, and the meanest kid there. He shows people's secret to other yet he wants his own privacy. Why should they give it to him?
Whoever thinks this show is totally lame is wrong!
- eric-j-hagan
- Mar 31, 2006
- Permalink
First of all, Flight 29 down is a fantastic show not only because of its catchy plot and great script, but because of its characters. This show catches watchers attention because how much you can relate with the characters and their personality's, not to mention the great acting. It really makes you think if you would act the same way given you were ever stranded on an island like these conflicting castaways. It's definitely a show I will give 10+ stars to. And even though some people don't give it a try because of doubts, I believe that it's hilarious and once you watch one, your hooked. So do what I did and try it and you won't regret it.
- AnotherSlammerino
- Jan 1, 2007
- Permalink
Flight 29 Down is an excellent show. The show is about a group of kids on their way to a camping trip when their flight is taken down by a tropical storm. While on the island, the kids are trying to find ways to escape or survive. The actors on this show is all unique and great. You will be able to relate to at lease one character. The shows are all heart-warming and in the end as they leave each show by telling how many days they been on this island. The music is catchy and the video confessions are very creative, which set it apart from the hit show Lost. DO NOT THINK OF FLIGHT 29 DOWN AS A COPY OF LOST!! It is very simple. Flight 29 Down been in productions before Lost. Its a shame how credit is not where it due. If you love kid survival shows like The Tribe, Endurance, or Real Kids, Real Adventures, Then you will love Flight 29 Down.
- MKing55251
- Mar 10, 2007
- Permalink
- m_and_g_wil_be
- Jan 12, 2025
- Permalink
- carrie_babyc
- Oct 24, 2007
- Permalink
This is the best show on Discovery Kids.I was already a Corbin Bleu Fan. When I found out that Corbin was going to be in this show, I felt that I just had to watch it.This show reminds me of Lost and Survivor. Although I think that Flight 29 Down is much better. All of the cast names are Corbin Bleu(Nathan), Allen Alvarado(Lex), Hallee Hirsh(Daley), Johnny Pacar(Jackson), Jeremy James Kissner(Eric), Lauren Storm(Taylor), and Kristy Wu(Melissa). It is written by Stan Rogow,who is also wrote scripts for Lizzie McGuire.All of my siblings love it. I like this show so much that I bought the book, which tells the beginning of what happened , before the show started. I give it three thumbs up.
This is a really good show. I was surprised, because I thought it was a ripoff of "Lost", but now I know that the show actually started production before "Lost" did. The main actors on the show are all good, and it's well-written. The talented young cast (Allen Alvarado, Corbin Bleu, Hallee Hirsh, Jeremy Kissner, Johnny Pacar, Lauren Storm, and Kristy Wu) are all great and will all have great careers after the show ends. Bleu's career, in particular, is kicking off with a bang after the huge successes of his Disney movies, "High School Musical" and "Jump In". Great ensemble cast, great show. I look forward to seeing these actors in other movies and TV shows in the future.
- indigochronicles15
- Jan 31, 2007
- Permalink
Flight 29 Down seems so familiar to me because I'm from Hawai'i and looking at where they filmed it reminds me on when I actually swum there. And I use to camp there with my family. It was great! Anyway as I watch the show I see how the director uses the beautiful landscape of Mokuleia. He could develop the story from just the place where the kids are stranded. And the story line is great. But what actually got me to watch was when I read the newspaper. It said a kids show filming. I found that Hawai'i shots a lot of shows and movies here and that it does make it feel real as if we were there. The actors must have had fun filming I mean even I find something new to do here. But I live here. So I hope that Flight 29 Down will last a long time before going off air.
- surfababegurl
- Jan 21, 2006
- Permalink
I love this show it is SO great. people say its a cheap cut off of LOST but we all know its not. I love this show! Every that says it is coping off of LOST ha not around for a while. First what about Gilligan's island , survivors, the real Gilligan's island (the remake of the older version) and a-zillion others but no one pays attention to that. DO THEY? Anyway i like the video diaries heres way : 1)iget a close up of Corbin Bleu's face(aka Nathan) 2)It show how the character really feel. Some think that kids my age don't like the show i do because i seriously think that if me and 9 of my other classmates were strand on an island we'ed act the same way!
- Herringfive
- Jan 27, 2006
- Permalink
Okay, I get that this is a watered down kid's show, but every character, especially the one adult and so-called pilot, is an idiot. That's no fun to watch, right off the bat. Don't tell me this guy was the only chaperone for a school trip PLUS having his hands full flying the plane. Maybe if they'd had a few more adult chaperones who happened to get killed in the crash, that would make it more realistic and believable, but I guess that would be reason to lose a G-rating for NBC's Discovery Kids lineup.
I'm watching a rerun of the pilot episode as I write this, and AIRLINERS DON'T FLOAT! That's why they're required to have flotation devices for all passengers, so WHERE ARE THEY? Oh, and the word for the letter W in the international phonetic alphabet is WHISKEY, not "William". Isn't that taking watering things down for the G-rating a little too far?
I thought that the purpose of the Discovery Kids lineup was to inform and educate by entertaining. The only way for this to have any educational value would be for all the characters to die off, the way they would if it would be a real-life situation, to show the audience how NOT to survive.
Like I said, every character in this show is an idiot. Maybe it's autobiographical for the writers!
I'm watching a rerun of the pilot episode as I write this, and AIRLINERS DON'T FLOAT! That's why they're required to have flotation devices for all passengers, so WHERE ARE THEY? Oh, and the word for the letter W in the international phonetic alphabet is WHISKEY, not "William". Isn't that taking watering things down for the G-rating a little too far?
I thought that the purpose of the Discovery Kids lineup was to inform and educate by entertaining. The only way for this to have any educational value would be for all the characters to die off, the way they would if it would be a real-life situation, to show the audience how NOT to survive.
Like I said, every character in this show is an idiot. Maybe it's autobiographical for the writers!