Curtis Armstrong credited as playing...
Morris Mecklen
- Buddy 'Aces' Israel: No, I tell you something. You know what? Listen to me. Listen. The deal is off in five minutes unless they give us something.
- Morris Mecklen: I don't know what to say to you. It is what it is.
- Buddy 'Aces' Israel: Bullshit! It isn't! I am not... I don't know how to say it any fucking louder. I am not giving up my boys. All right. End of fucking song.
- Morris Mecklen: And they are bricking us on that particular issue, pally. I've been cohabitating with these people for the last thirty hours. These are the premier prick cocksuckers of all time. I feel beaten by them; I feel bloodied. You're just gonna have to play ball.
- Buddy 'Aces' Israel: No. I don't have to do shit, which includes cooperating with these fuckers, until I get what I want! Listen to men. If we have to give them someone, give them Hugo, all right? I can take that, because he needs that regimented prison shit that they'll give him.
- Buddy 'Aces' Israel: It's bigger than that. They want everybody. Ivy, Beanie, Hugo, the works.
- Buddy 'Aces' Israel: This is not a fucking swap meet, all right Morrie? I'm not giving up my boys and you fucking know that. I gave you Sparazza. I'm gonna give them Sparazza and the west-coast syndicate gift-wrapped. Get it fucking done!
- Morris Mecklen: Listen to me, kid. Let's not antagonize this any more, okay? If we push this, they are gonna revoke your protective status and that nullifies any agreement we got. And that is mate. Checkmate, kiddo.
- [Israel drops his cell phone in despair and rests his head on the piano keys behind him]