Alicia Keys credited as playing...
Georgia Sykes
- Georgia Sykes: Once I'm inside, I'm putting chrome to Israel's head and backing out hot. Anybody get gully, you know.
- Sharice Watters: I'm gonna grip and rip. I got some handloads up here ready to put some niggas out. Trust me.
- Georgia Sykes: Just remember it's more of a rescue than a rampage, all right?
- Sharice Watters: Hey, come on, man. You know I had bring big mama through.
- Georgia Sykes: You got the .50 up?
- Sharice Watters: Sure do.
- Georgia Sykes: What the fuck? What the fuck are you trying to shoot? A jumbo jet out of the sky? Blast down the moon?
- Sharice Watters: Any of these niggas make one false move, these bitches taking dirt naps. I ain't trying to be up here all day. And I tell you what. That bitch-ass fed get in the way, RIP, nigga.
- Darwin Tremor: [an elevator opens to reveal Georgia, in a hooker get-up, to the Tremor brothers] I'm going down.
- Darwin Tremor: Yeah, I bet you are.
- Georgia Sykes: [doors closing]
- [kisses middle finger]
- Georgia Sykes: Faggot-ass redneck...