- Dollface: [standing at front door] Hi.
- James Hoyt: Hello.
- [James tries to turn on the front light but it won't work]
- Dollface: Is Tamara here?
- James Hoyt: No, you got the wrong house.
- Dollface: You sure?
- James Hoyt: Yeah. I'm sorry.
- Dollface: [after a long pause] See you later.
- Dollface: [referring to Christian Living pamphlet] Can I have one?
- Mormon Boy #1: Are you a sinner?
- Dollface: [after long pause] Sometimes.
- [first lines]
- Narrator: What you are about to see is inspired by true events. According to the FBI, there are an estimated 1.4 million violent crimes in America each year. On the night of February 11, 2005, Kristen McKay and James Hoyt left a friend's wedding reception and returned to the Hoyt family's summer home. The brutal events that took place there are still not entirely known.
- 911 Receptionist: 911, what's your emergency? 911, what's your emergency? Are you there?
- Mormon Boy #1: [upset] There... there are people here!
- 911 Receptionist: Okay, calm down. Where are you? What's your address?
- Mormon Boy #1: I don't know.
- 911 Receptionist: Are you in danger?
- Mormon Boy #1: Yes. Yes!
- 911 Receptionist: What's your name?
- Mormon Boy #1: Jordan. I need help.
- 911 Receptionist: Okay, can you tell me what street you're on?
- Mormon Boy #1: I don't know where we are.
- 911 Receptionist: Jordan, who are you with?
- Mormon Boy #1: We... went in the house. We found people.
- 911 Receptionist: You found who, Jordan? Who did you find?
- Mormon Boy #1: There's... there's blood on the walls. Help us! Help us!
- 911 Receptionist: Jordan, calm down.
- Mormon Boy #1: It's everywhere!
- 911 Receptionist: Jordan, what happened?
- Mormon Boy #1: There's blood everywhere!
- Kristen: What are you thinking?
- James Hoyt: Since we've been here, I haven't heard a dog bark... or a car pass. Nothing. Just us and them.
- James Hoyt: [referring to shotgun] How do you use this thing?
- Kristen: What do you mean?
- James Hoyt: I'm not even sure how to load it.
- Kristen: But you said you used to hunt with your dad.
- James Hoyt: No, I never did. It's just something I said.
- Kristen: [seeing Dollface standing outside] She's watching us.
- James Hoyt: She looks like a ghost. Do you want me to go talk to her?
- Kristen: They don't want to talk.
- James Hoyt: Well they want something. People don't just stand out there, staring at us like that. They want something.
- Mike: [on phone] Yo! Jimmy James. What's up buddy? It's Mike. Listen man, I'm outside. I got here early. Uh, just decided to come out and you know... just be here for you as soon as I possibly could, because you know how I like to wait on you hand and fucking foot...
- [object suddenly is shot through his windshield]
- Mike: [getting out of car] What the fuck?
- James Hoyt: [on phone] Mike, it's me. Um, we're at the house now. I... uh... I know you're fucking drunk and you're sleeping now, but uh... I'll tell you when I see you. Things... they didn't work out the way I planned, at all. Um, I'm going to need you to come out here and get me, just whenever you wake up in the morning. I'm going to give her the car. Just call me when you get this, okay? I know... I know it's a bitch to come all the way out here, but sorry. This sucks. Okay.
- James Hoyt: I was thinking while you were taking a bath. I want you to take the car tomorrow.
- Kristen: What do you mean?
- James Hoyt: I don't think a road trip is a good idea right now.
- James Hoyt: [to Kristen] I'm going to open the door, and I just want you to run. Okay?
- [the Man in the Mask suddenly starts to break down door with axe]
- James Hoyt: [referring to bathtub full of rose petals] I didn't know if the roses went in first or after.
- Kristen: Yeah, I don't know either.
- Kristen: James, we need a gun. Does your dad have a gun?
- James Hoyt: Kristen, I'm looking! There was one here when I was a kid. He always hid it.
- Kristen: I'm out of cigarettes.
- James Hoyt: I'll go get you some more.
- Kristen: I didn't... I didn't mean that. You don't have to. I'll just go to sleep. I'm tired anyway.
- James Hoyt: No, you won't.
- Kristen: I'll try.
- James Hoyt: It's alright. I want to drive for a little while anyway.
- Kristen: It's freezing. Let's get back in the car.
- James Hoyt: Wait a second.
- Kristen: What?
- James Hoyt: I just want to tell you something.
- Kristen: What do you want to tell me?
- [pulls out engagement ring]
- James Hoyt: I was in love the first time I saw you.
- James Hoyt: Clothes are in the bedroom if you want.
- Kristen: [referring to dress] I want to wear this. I only get to wear this tonight. It makes me feel pretty.
- James Hoyt: You are pretty.
- Kristen: I'm so sorry it wasn't the way you thought it would be. Really sorry.
- James Hoyt: What do we do now?
- Kristen: I don't know. I'm just not ready yet.
- James Hoyt: Okay.
- [James gets up to walk away]
- Kristen: [grabbing his hand] James, please. Talk to me.
- James Hoyt: Christ. This is embarrassing.
- Kristen: It's really nice, everything you did. It's beautiful.
- James Hoyt: [quietly] Yeah. Here...
- [hands engagement ring to Kristen]
- James Hoyt: I can't keep it. I can't take it back. Please. Just take it, please.