Watching the first season of Knots Landing again as it's on Prime for 7 more days... I had watched this season years earlier, and it's basically an episodic soap opera but not one with cliffhangers, etc...
Mostly dealing with post hippie issues like the environment and progressive nonsense that was already being replaced with more intriguing aspects of what the show would turn into by season 2, a bonafide nighttime soap, with cheating and backstabbig, the likes of its source series, Dallas...
However, the episodes that are linked to Dallas, like JR or Bobby or, in this case, Lucy visiting is too much looking back and not enough moving forward...
Which some episodes do as this has a good cast... Richard in particular is intriguing as, playing a weasel lawyer, he's the closest thing to an antagonist...
Ironically the dullest characters are the ones directly related to Dallas, Gary and Valene... They're just nice people without many problems... And this is their episode, and it's not great...
But seeing Charlene Tilton, one of the cutest actresses ever, is always nice... however, she had her own show that was a better show, so she's slumming here while keeping the cast from growing their own story-lines...
Basically, you already know (especially at this point) that Lucy won't stay with them because you already know she's a co-star on Dallas... It's all pointless...
Enough of the Dallas stuff... connection to that series about the oil business is flimsy to begin with...
JR and Bobby's brother Gary Ewing on Dallas (originally played David Ackroyd) was never an important enough character to even merit a spinoff.