29 reviews
Working for a TV station, I was lucky enough to get to see the first episode of this show. It's a smart and funny show that I hope continues in this direction. It's two lead actors, Ron Livingston and Rosemarie Dewitt, play their roles as crisis negotiators very well. I only hope that the writing continues to be as strong in progressive episodes as it was in the pilot.
Being a big fan of "harder edge" shows like 24, The Shield, & The Sopranos, I was surprised to find I really enjoyed this show. I've been a big fan of Ron Livingston's since he had a side role in Swingers back in '96, and while I haven't seen much featuring Rosemarie Dewitt, I thought she provided a perfect foil for Ron Livingston's dry wit.
Overall, I'd rate the show an 8 out of 10, only because I've only seen the first episode so far. I hope they continue to build on the relationship between the two lead characters and keep the level of writing high.
Being a big fan of "harder edge" shows like 24, The Shield, & The Sopranos, I was surprised to find I really enjoyed this show. I've been a big fan of Ron Livingston's since he had a side role in Swingers back in '96, and while I haven't seen much featuring Rosemarie Dewitt, I thought she provided a perfect foil for Ron Livingston's dry wit.
Overall, I'd rate the show an 8 out of 10, only because I've only seen the first episode so far. I hope they continue to build on the relationship between the two lead characters and keep the level of writing high.
In Australia, the three major commercial television stations (Channels 7, 9 and 10) have always tried to match each other with similar shows to vie for the viewer's attention.
Channel 10 has always been home to 'Law & Order' (and its subsequents like 'SVU'), where as Channel 7 has been home to Jerry Bruckheimer's series including 'CSI' (as well as 'CSI: Miami' and 'CSI: New York'), 'Cold Case' and 'Without a Trace'. And then there was Channel 7...with it's re-runs of 'Blue Heelers' (an Aussie crime show) in the afternoons.
Well, 7 (now yahoo7) had to get in on this action, of course. And so Australians were treated to 'Criminal Minds'. As much as I like Mandy Patinkin the show wasn't anything special so I quit after the first episode. The same went for 'Bones'. And then 7 had the insight to put 'Standoff' on Monday nights, head-to-head with 9's 'Cold Case'.
Let me tell you, 'Standoff' is one entertaining show. The two leads are fun to watch and the show is interesting enough. I was hooked from the first episode. A must see to fans of crime drama, and, in my opinion, the best new show since 'CSI'. 7 out of 10.
Channel 10 has always been home to 'Law & Order' (and its subsequents like 'SVU'), where as Channel 7 has been home to Jerry Bruckheimer's series including 'CSI' (as well as 'CSI: Miami' and 'CSI: New York'), 'Cold Case' and 'Without a Trace'. And then there was Channel 7...with it's re-runs of 'Blue Heelers' (an Aussie crime show) in the afternoons.
Well, 7 (now yahoo7) had to get in on this action, of course. And so Australians were treated to 'Criminal Minds'. As much as I like Mandy Patinkin the show wasn't anything special so I quit after the first episode. The same went for 'Bones'. And then 7 had the insight to put 'Standoff' on Monday nights, head-to-head with 9's 'Cold Case'.
Let me tell you, 'Standoff' is one entertaining show. The two leads are fun to watch and the show is interesting enough. I was hooked from the first episode. A must see to fans of crime drama, and, in my opinion, the best new show since 'CSI'. 7 out of 10.
This aired nationally on the Seven Network (www.yahoo7.com.au/tv) in Australia in the summer non-ratings period 2006-07. It got the prime 8.30pm Monday night timeslot, however it must have not built an audience because it was not carried over to ratings period. Or Seven was told it was cancelled in the US and they did not bother to continue with it. However the final 8 episodes have shown up on Tuesday nights at the unpopular 10.30pm timeslot, after the end of priority prime time. Which is unfortunate because this an absolute cracker of a show! It has so much pace and is sharply written. It builds so much tension and is terribly well acted. It runs circles around shows like CSI, Criminal Minds etc. But like most good shows out of the US it was cancelled because I guess it was over most of their heads. Just like Arrested Development, Dead Like Me, Commander in Chief, Strangers with Candy and the list goes on.
- nickapopolis87
- Aug 10, 2007
- Permalink
Standoff is absolutely one of the best TV shows on Fox. I wasn't sure how this TV show would be able to create so many hostage situations... I mean a criminal takes a bank hostage, what more is there? But I was wrong. Every episode contains a totally different hostage situation, whether it being catholic parents taking their children hostage or an ex-military man capturing a prosecutor. But it isn't the situation which makes the show interesting, it's the character development. Each character has their own unique background, and it's especially interesting hearing the backgrounds and reasoning's of the hostage taker. Every episode is intense, thrilling and emotional.
Fox on the other hand is one of the most stupid networks of all time. Last summer, Fox promoted three (and more) new television constantly. Every person who watched this network last summer new about the shows Vanished, Justice and Standoff. I don't think I have seen a network advertise so many shows. Who knew one year later, almost all the TV shows Fox has spoken so highly about has been canceled (besides Till Death). Fox hasn't given any of these shows a chance. Most amazing series took off after a few seasons. The show Full House which has one of the highest ratings in it's time had almost no viewers before the third season started.
Standoff is the wrong show to take off. I must admit that Justice was just a copy of C.S.I. even though it was directed by the same guy. Justice was just a risk. Vanished as well was way too much like 24. I'm not saying Vanished was bad... I enjoyed the show but not nearly as much as 24.
I think Fox should create a petition or something of that sort so it can bring Standoff back. Tonight (July 20th) is the last episode ever. I think it should be the last episode of the season, not series.
I've known ever since Fox moved Standoff to Friday night, just as they did to the show Vanished that it was done.
Fox on the other hand is one of the most stupid networks of all time. Last summer, Fox promoted three (and more) new television constantly. Every person who watched this network last summer new about the shows Vanished, Justice and Standoff. I don't think I have seen a network advertise so many shows. Who knew one year later, almost all the TV shows Fox has spoken so highly about has been canceled (besides Till Death). Fox hasn't given any of these shows a chance. Most amazing series took off after a few seasons. The show Full House which has one of the highest ratings in it's time had almost no viewers before the third season started.
Standoff is the wrong show to take off. I must admit that Justice was just a copy of C.S.I. even though it was directed by the same guy. Justice was just a risk. Vanished as well was way too much like 24. I'm not saying Vanished was bad... I enjoyed the show but not nearly as much as 24.
I think Fox should create a petition or something of that sort so it can bring Standoff back. Tonight (July 20th) is the last episode ever. I think it should be the last episode of the season, not series.
I've known ever since Fox moved Standoff to Friday night, just as they did to the show Vanished that it was done.
Thank you Sky for bringing this show to the UK, it's great, and a nice change to actually get a good drama/comedy instead of more reality TV.
The characters are well thought out, and well acted. A great cast, especially Gina Torres as the "Boss".
The story lines are solid, and without too much emphasis on the technical aspects the viewers is allowed to get involved with the personal story that evolves each week.
It's also interesting to have the running theme of the relationship between the two main characters, and to see how this will develop as time goes on.
Well done FOX, please don't cancel this one.
The characters are well thought out, and well acted. A great cast, especially Gina Torres as the "Boss".
The story lines are solid, and without too much emphasis on the technical aspects the viewers is allowed to get involved with the personal story that evolves each week.
It's also interesting to have the running theme of the relationship between the two main characters, and to see how this will develop as time goes on.
Well done FOX, please don't cancel this one.
Matt Flannery (Ron Livingston) and Emily Lehman (Rosemarie DeWitt) are an FBI negotiation team. Cheryl Carrera (Gina Torres) is the head of the unit. This is a functional police procedural drama. Each week they get a new case.
The two leads have some good chemistry. They are both good actors, and they are able to convey some sexual tension. In fact it's so good, they actually married 3 years later. Maybe it's a good thing that this show got canceled so they have some time apart. Anyways this only lasted only 18 episodes. My guess is that neither lead is a A-lister, and there isn't anything particularly original in the concept. Although I liked the two leads, there's just not enough flash.
The two leads have some good chemistry. They are both good actors, and they are able to convey some sexual tension. In fact it's so good, they actually married 3 years later. Maybe it's a good thing that this show got canceled so they have some time apart. Anyways this only lasted only 18 episodes. My guess is that neither lead is a A-lister, and there isn't anything particularly original in the concept. Although I liked the two leads, there's just not enough flash.
- SnoopyStyle
- Sep 10, 2013
- Permalink
Standoff could definitely shine if it was given a chance. It has just enough action to satisfy you but not too much and the writers make the character plots interesting but not overpowering. It is too bad that FOX refuses to give great show a chance. THis is an amazing show but of course FOX doesn't give chances to any shows except the popular ones. The only complaint I have on this show is that it doesn't show enough of Matt and Emily's relationship. It is very witty and has a few funny lines that keep it real. This is an awesome show that deserves a chance. This show is about two hostage negotiators who have a secret relationship and can't show it in the office. When Matt admits the relationship over the radio to a hostage taker (ht)the whole office knows and his FBI job is in trouble as well as his partners. Matt and Emily obviously care about each other and have trouble hiding it. They have to deal with dating and saving hostages from kidnappers, upset teens, bank robbers and saving themselves from some Mexican Drug traffickers. (only in one episode). It is an amazing show that is not given the time of day. Literally FOX puts it in the Friday 9/8 c death time slot. So of course no new viewers are going to find it. It is also being threatened by rumors that it has been canceled which is ruining and lessening it's veiwership. It has not been canceled by FOX .
... within ten-fifteen-minutes you know exactly what you are getting yourself in-for and the increasing-banality-lying-ahead... American-crime-drama and European-crime-drama are totally not from the same programming-genre... not to say there are not any shows matching equal quality.. just that it would be great if there were to be lots more.
I know a lot of people don't enjoy this show, but we are already into the 2nd episode, and I find this show really great. The chemistry between the two lead characters are just plain great, and the rest of the cast is excellent. And the situations these people are put up against are not your average crisis, these are ones with point, and interest.
This is a great show. Anybody who thinks differently should catch the reruns and rethink their critique. If you give it a chance then you might actually enjoy it. This show is not a bomb like some people say. I can see this show having more than 1 season. Maybe more than 2 or 3 for that matter. I've got my fingers crossed.
This is a great show. Anybody who thinks differently should catch the reruns and rethink their critique. If you give it a chance then you might actually enjoy it. This show is not a bomb like some people say. I can see this show having more than 1 season. Maybe more than 2 or 3 for that matter. I've got my fingers crossed.
- mr_congenialityng
- Sep 14, 2006
- Permalink
Standoff is an awesome show. The plot is great and so is the cast. The show is about Matt Flannery (Ron Livingston) and Emily Lehman (Rosemarie DeWitt) who are the top-ranked crisis negotiators in the FBI Crisis Negotiation Unit, when they are not working together they are more than partners. Ron Livingston and Emily Lehman's chemistry kind of reminds me of the same chemistry that David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel (from "Bones") except Ron Livingston and Emily Lehman's characters have more of a relationship than David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel's characters. I hope this show lasts, just as along FOX does cancel another good show. This show premiered September 2006 on FOX.
- SonicStuart
- Sep 4, 2006
- Permalink
"There's no crisis situation they can't handle... unless it involves a network that cancels it." Thank you Fox! What in the world were they thinking when they green lighted this show? Okay, the idea must have looked good on paper- two good looking male and female FBI negotiators, a romantic involvement, an obligatory and ever complaining African-American female boss, a sniper with itchy fingers and so on
seriously??? I happened to see the pilot episode and by the end of it I knew that this show wouldn't survive but I didn't know that they actually made 18 episodes of it. Trust me, I like Ron Livingston and he was the reason I sat down to watch the show but what a letdown. I think the show was ruined mainly because of formulaic writing. It seems as if the producers specifically hired writers who couldn't hack in to Hollywood and allowed them to run their juices high while on a dose of Hollywood inspired clichés. I don't watch police procedural shows but I know this much that this was probably the worst produced show because one it was an exercise in style over substance and second everything about it was so predictable, case in point(s) – predictable romantic involvement and constant bantering, which involved several one liners, between the lead FBI negotiators; unnecessary stylish camera angles, pans and zooms; a boss that would pop up just at the right moment to remind her prodigies to focus more on work than on each other's rump. The list goes on: in the pilot episode, the senator and his wife are cardboard cutouts of a stereotypical image of what a senator and his wife should look like- well bred, educated white couple with well combed hair and dressed in crisp suits with a clearly visible 1 mm thick layer of makeup. Michael Cudlitz, who for some reason loves to play law enforcement officers in just about every movie and show, repeats the same routine that he did in the movie The Negotiator with a little more character development that, once again, borders on stereotype- a trigger happy member of the law enforcement. What a hoot! There is absolutely no sense of any kind of realism in the show. It stands out as something that was made for the sake of making a show for TV that would generate revenue and nothing more. The show could have been great only if they had some creative people behind it who, in all modesty, could have learned few things from the makers of CSI.
I give it 3 stars- one for the idea, one for casting Ron Livingston and one for canceling it.
I give it 3 stars- one for the idea, one for casting Ron Livingston and one for canceling it.
- hprashantarora
- Apr 19, 2012
- Permalink
It's a refreshing crime-drama about two people, of the opposite sex, working as a team for the FBI's Crisis Negotiation Unit, including good action, well written dialogue with snappy comebacks.
Simply put, this is just great entertainment. Great chemistry between the co-stars, their characters and relationship are not cardboard cutouts.
Ron Livingston and Rosemarie DeWitt does a great job fleshing out the lead characters, and the show even has a good supporting cast. Gina Torres does a great job as their boss.
Don't miss it, I'm at least hoping for another season! This is FOX, though, so you never know.
Simply put, this is just great entertainment. Great chemistry between the co-stars, their characters and relationship are not cardboard cutouts.
Ron Livingston and Rosemarie DeWitt does a great job fleshing out the lead characters, and the show even has a good supporting cast. Gina Torres does a great job as their boss.
Don't miss it, I'm at least hoping for another season! This is FOX, though, so you never know.
Standoff was a great show, even though it was canceled. The camera angle in the first couple of episodes was very impressive. The plots, dialog, and acting were excellent as well, and the actors were a perfect fit with the characters. As the season progressed, each episode was better than the last. The only thing that the show lacked was a twist at the conclusion. In every episode, the crisis was resolved at the end, which made the show a bit unreal. Nevertheless, the show had four things that I personally love: wit, humor, action, and drama. I would rate Standoff a 9 because of its lack of a twist and not a "happily ever after" ending, but I would recommend it to anyone who lives to watch shows with wit, humor, action, and drama like I do.
- vp-livewatch24
- Jul 21, 2007
- Permalink
I think this show is one of the best that has been on TV in a long time. It is always clever and exciting with a good mix of romance, drama, comedy and action. I hope it is around for many seasons to come.
Too often in the last few years we have seen spin-off after spin-off of the same formulaic "Cooke cutter shows" offering nothing new in terms of entertainment; various versions of "reality TV shows" and "Forensic shows" can be seen at any hour of the day ad nauseam. Then like a breath of fresh air Standoff came on the scene offering so much more. It is the quintessential TV drama packed with dynamic characters whose chemistry is nothing short of electric. Ron Livingston and Rosemarie DeWitt are red hot together on screen. This is a truly fantastic show.
Too often in the last few years we have seen spin-off after spin-off of the same formulaic "Cooke cutter shows" offering nothing new in terms of entertainment; various versions of "reality TV shows" and "Forensic shows" can be seen at any hour of the day ad nauseam. Then like a breath of fresh air Standoff came on the scene offering so much more. It is the quintessential TV drama packed with dynamic characters whose chemistry is nothing short of electric. Ron Livingston and Rosemarie DeWitt are red hot together on screen. This is a truly fantastic show.
- rsimonitch
- Jan 20, 2007
- Permalink
Standoff is one of the best shows that fox has out there. This show has everything characters, story lines. And the greatest of all chemistry. Many people criticizing it only because they don't understand the potential a show like this can lead too, of course if used in the right way. Look at other fox drama's House was a poor show at the beginning and now look how big it's become. Along with that is the new show Bones. Another fox show that was on the brink of extinction when fox allowed it to continue and now its another hit. When fox comes out with a great show its usually in the drama department. For standoff look at the writing staff, the actors, its just an amazing show definitely worth more seasons and more views.
The show is fast paced with great technological effects (a la 24). The chemistry is appealing between the two main actors. The way that UPS-like delivery truck was found and even a package with a camera phone could be traced by number; then it was opened and a picture taken of the contents of the first package and rushed to the hostage negotiators. Even better value . . . there were two hostages in the first show. The paint ball scene was hilarious. And lastly, the song at the end is fantastic. All of the words were not there and only part of the song, but I heard enough to like it immediately. If any one knows the song title or who sings it, I would appreciate the info.
Email me at "dr_nuclear@bellsouth.net"
Email me at "dr_nuclear@bellsouth.net"
- dr_nuclear
- Sep 5, 2006
- Permalink
27 March 2009. It is rare for any television series to be able to sustain a popular style crime drama and at the same time consistently and powerful captivate with strong and intimate emotional and riveting story lines that penetrate the soul and inner psyche of the human condition. This one year series (prematurely cancelled) contained both humor, a decent on-going storyline with the two principle characters and dealt weekly with hard-hitting plots that exposed deeply, unnerving emotional stories about relationships, anxiety, fears and provided great insight into our own feelings. At the same time, this feel good series didn't avoid death, hurt, injury and at the same time maintained a premise about the goodness of people. This series remains relevant, pertinent in this day and age of national security concerns, recession and in some ways has become even more important because of today's fears of societal and individual rage at the system. There is much that viewers can take away from this series and take comfort in the message that this series has to offer, particularly in today's uncertain social environment.
- Babyblue2004-1
- Nov 30, 2006
- Permalink
This is an excellent show that is VERY well scripted and cast. The chemistry between Ron and Rosemarie makes an already awesome show perfect. The supporting cast also add a interesting element. The negotiations are intense and gripping. The personal relationship between Matt and Emily and how they use it to help talk down the Hostage Takers, with the exception of maybe the episode "Partners in Crime", adds an interesting and unusual element. There is no show like this on TV. The depth and weight of these characters, and some secrets that are yet to be revealed are amazingly real and fascinating. FOX did the right thing by not letting this show get canceled. Give it a try, it is, I believe, one of the best shows on TV at this time.
Overall this show is a must see!
Overall this show is a must see!
- marylouise-1
- Nov 24, 2006
- Permalink
I liked this show, it was clever and interesting and did not treat the viewer like an idiot.
The sexual tension between the main characters added an extra dimension (although predictable at times) to the show.
The situations that are presented were thought provoking and allows the user to get into the world of the criminal and the police in a way that makes you think.
In addition to the mind games the addition of the swat team helped give a balance to the program (action is good in places).
I would have liked to see the characters grow and develop through another series but was disappointed when the show was canceled.
It seems like the suits are not prepared to cater for a more intelligent audience but would rather pander to the whims of a wider (less educated) demographic.
The sexual tension between the main characters added an extra dimension (although predictable at times) to the show.
The situations that are presented were thought provoking and allows the user to get into the world of the criminal and the police in a way that makes you think.
In addition to the mind games the addition of the swat team helped give a balance to the program (action is good in places).
I would have liked to see the characters grow and develop through another series but was disappointed when the show was canceled.
It seems like the suits are not prepared to cater for a more intelligent audience but would rather pander to the whims of a wider (less educated) demographic.
It's an excellent show, full of action. Remind me PrisonBreak,DayBreak, 24. Thrill, action, tremble... Negotiation Accent makes this show special. And now U see that's not that easy than U thought.
This tactics, rules and breaking these rules to get success - is very useful even in everyday life. So I recommend this TV show for all.
I find this show really great. Strange relationship between the two lead characters are just plain great, and the rest of the cast is excellent. And the situations these people are put up against are not your average crisis, these are ones with point, and interest.
P.S. I don't wanna this show to be closed like DB, 9. "Don't even think about it" - that's for sm1 who are in power to do it. (if U read it :))
Thanx for this excellent series! Waiting for the next episodes Standoff is one of the best new series out this season
This tactics, rules and breaking these rules to get success - is very useful even in everyday life. So I recommend this TV show for all.
I find this show really great. Strange relationship between the two lead characters are just plain great, and the rest of the cast is excellent. And the situations these people are put up against are not your average crisis, these are ones with point, and interest.
P.S. I don't wanna this show to be closed like DB, 9. "Don't even think about it" - that's for sm1 who are in power to do it. (if U read it :))
Thanx for this excellent series! Waiting for the next episodes Standoff is one of the best new series out this season
- pureevil_9
- Oct 16, 2006
- Permalink