- Jack Lengyel: For those of you who may not know, this is the final resting place for six members of the 1970 Thundering Herd. The plane crash that took their lives was so severe, so absolute, that their bodies were unable to be identified. So they were buried here. Together. Six players. Six teammates. Six Sons of Marshall. This is our past, gentlemen. This is where we have been. This is how we got here. This is who we are. Today, I want to talk about our opponent this afternoon. They're bigger, faster, stronger, more experienced, and on paper, they're just better. And they know it too. But I want to tell you something that they don't know. They don't know your heart. I do. I've seen it. You have shown it to me. You have shown this coaching staff, your teammates. You have shown yourselves just exactly who you are in here.
- [Thumps his chest]
- Jack Lengyel: When you take that field today, you've got to lay that heart on the line, men. From the soles of your feet, with every ounce of blood you've got in your body, lay it on the line until the final whistle blows. And if you do that, if you do that, we cannot lose. We may be behind on the scoreboard at the end of the game but if you play like that, we cannot be defeated. Now we came here today to remember six young men and 69 others who will not be on the field with you today, but they will be watching. You can bet your ass that they'll be gritting their teeth with every snap of that football. You understand me? How you play today, from this moment on is how you will be remembered. This is your opportunity to rise from these ashes and grab glory. We are...
- Young Thundering Herd: Marshall!
- Jack Lengyel: We are.
- Young Thundering Herd: Marshall!
- Jack Lengyel: We are!
- Young Thundering Herd: Marshall!
- Jack Lengyel: The funerals end today!
- Jack Lengyel: One day, not today, not tomorrow, not this season, probably not next season either but one day, you and I are gonna wake up and suddenly we're gonna be like every other team in every other sport where winning is everything and nothing else matters. And when that day comes, well that's, that's when we'll honor them.
- Bobby Bowden: [West Virginia University coach, referring to the green cross and MU on the back of his own players' WVU helmets. Sincere and smiling] Colors clash a bit, don't they?
- Jack Lengyel: That's first class, Coach. First class.
- Annie Cantrell: [voice over] Those were not welcome days. We buried sons, brothers, mothers, fathers, fiancés. Clocks ticked, but time did not pass. The sun rose and the sun set, but the shadows remained. When once there was sound, now there was silence. What once was whole, now was shattered.
- Nate Ruffin: Coach, that... was my team. They left it in my hands.
- Jack Lengyel: No... no, they did not. They just left.
- Jack Lengyel: Don, are you married?
- President Dedmon: Yes sir, 25 years this year.
- Jack Lengyel: Now, I am going to bet... that you didn't propose over the phone.
- President Dedmon: Ummm, no.
- Jack Lengyel: And I'm pretty sure, that she didn't accept with a letter.
- President Dedmon: Uhhhh.
- Jack Lengyel: Don?
- President Dedmon: Jack?
- Jack Lengyel: Don?
- President Dedmon: Jack?
- Jack Lengyel: Don... you can do this!
- President Dedmon: [after receiving the game ball from coach Lengyel] I'm not a player.
- Jack Lengyel: We are Marshall. We'll take anybody.
- Jack Lengyel: When I heard about what had happened, your situation, the only thing I could think about was the four of them. I thought about how much they mean to me, about how bad it would hurt if... well if I was to lose them. Then I thought about a team, and a school, and a town thats gotta be hurtin' real bad. And I thought, hell, maybe I could help.
- Red Dawson: We got a huge problem on the O line, Coach.
- Jack Lengyel: Mm-hmm. I don't think it's because the defensive line is... so spectacular.
- Red Dawson: No. No.
- President Dedmon: Jack, I may not know football, but I have dealt with the NCAA. They like their rules, and the biggest one is freshmen are not allowed to play intercollegiate athletics.
- Jack Lengyel: That's why you're gonna get them to make an exception.
- President Dedmon: How am I supposed to...
- Jack Lengyel: [interrupts] ... Explain it to them. We would like to field a team. We don't have enough players to do that. They can help us get more players, faster. Simple as that.
- President Dedmon: Simple as that.
- Jack Lengyel: It's the only way we'll be even halfway competitive in recruiting.
- [Dedmon shakes his head at the suggestion]
- Jack Lengyel: My youngest crapped his pants yesterday.
- President Dedmon: Well, that happens.
- Jack Lengyel: He's four. Sandy was out so I had to clean him up. When she got home, I told her what happened, she couldn't believe it. I said "I know, the kid's four, he shouldn't be doing that anymore.", She said "No, not that, I can't believe after all these years you finally changed a diaper."
- President Dedmon: Congratulations
- Jack Lengyel: There's a first time for everything, Don.
- Coach Rick Tolley: Fellas, you gave a good effort out there today. But let me be clear about this... A good effort is not enough! Now, I'm proud of you. But, I will not accept losing with you. Because there's only one thing they judge us on. There's only one thing people remember. And it ain't how we play the game! Winning is everything!
- Nate Ruffin: What's the name of the airline?
- Fireman #1: If I knew anything, I'd tell you.
- Nate Ruffin: Just look at the front of the plane!
- Fireman #1: Son, there is no front of the plane anymore.