66 reviews
Everybody knows about the show called happy tree friends a show where these cute little creatures go about their business but the horrify the viewers with the gruesome things that happen to theses cute little animals.
When I saw the show for the first time,I thought it was the most funny show out there, then a couple episodes in I got bored. By that time I real see how dark of a show it is, they even kill animal babies in the show. Right of the bat in the first couple I noticed that this was not for kids, even though idk if I am considered a kid but kids still shouldn't watch it. The way little kids are able to get away with watching this show is that a first glance it does look like a little kids TV show.
It was funny the first couple of time but, like happy wheels, the first time you play it you think it's the best but then it just gets repetitive, that is exactly what happy tree friends is, repetitive gore.The same thing kept happening over and over. I admit that each way a character was killed was unique to any other death, but the creators of the show just made it every possible way to make the show as bloody and gory as possible.
You can use these show to horrify people who have never seen this before, or watch it just for laughs, or if you just like sick twisted shows but as a series it offers nothing but repetitive gore.
When I saw the show for the first time,I thought it was the most funny show out there, then a couple episodes in I got bored. By that time I real see how dark of a show it is, they even kill animal babies in the show. Right of the bat in the first couple I noticed that this was not for kids, even though idk if I am considered a kid but kids still shouldn't watch it. The way little kids are able to get away with watching this show is that a first glance it does look like a little kids TV show.
It was funny the first couple of time but, like happy wheels, the first time you play it you think it's the best but then it just gets repetitive, that is exactly what happy tree friends is, repetitive gore.The same thing kept happening over and over. I admit that each way a character was killed was unique to any other death, but the creators of the show just made it every possible way to make the show as bloody and gory as possible.
You can use these show to horrify people who have never seen this before, or watch it just for laughs, or if you just like sick twisted shows but as a series it offers nothing but repetitive gore.
FANTASTIC GOREFEST! ADSAFRIKIN HILARIOUS! FLIPPY IS THE BEST CHARACTER. DON'T listen to those idiot's that say that the show is bad.
- alphaforce-64741
- Jul 8, 2021
- Permalink
I used to watch this when I was younger. Probably not a good idea. I had a wallpaper of Cuddles about to a stick a fork into a power outlet, although my favourite character was Flippy for some reason. When I was younger, I hated seeing blood and guts (and still do), but the cartoonish nature of the violence was bizarre enough to be entertaining. The scenarios are so unpredictable and ridiculous that I couldn't be disturbed. Strangely, I can't stomach this show now as an adult. I suppose I'm just too anxious now and the anticipation is too much for me to bear. Recommended for morbid children. Not recommended for anxious adults.
- briancham1994
- Nov 27, 2021
- Permalink
Okay imagine this funny show, Happy Tree Friends being combined with Animal Crossing. It would be really, really funny to ever watch, wouldn't it?
It would be hilarious to see, right? Imagine stupid characters like Isabelle, Tom Nook, Resetti, etc. dying some horrible and crazy deaths. Funny, am I right?
People say the Animal Crossing becoming a spin-off
of Happy Tree Friends would ruin other people's childhoods. But MY childhood? No it wouldn't ruin my childhood. It would be the funniest show on the planet, wouldn't it?
It would be hilarious to see, right? Imagine stupid characters like Isabelle, Tom Nook, Resetti, etc. dying some horrible and crazy deaths. Funny, am I right?
People say the Animal Crossing becoming a spin-off
of Happy Tree Friends would ruin other people's childhoods. But MY childhood? No it wouldn't ruin my childhood. It would be the funniest show on the planet, wouldn't it?
- HTF-is-awesome
- Jul 20, 2014
- Permalink
This show is so funny and gory. Don't let the kids watch it :) the negative reviews come from mothers finding their kids watching this show. Those mothers should really make their kids watch nick jr and pbs kids and pay attention to what they are watching. I wouldn't consider this a review, but a lesson, to mothers not paying attention to what their kids are watching. Over and out ;)
- jamesethoen
- Aug 25, 2018
- Permalink
I like Happy Tree Friends but I don't love it. I see this as more of a quick distraction instead of something I'd sit down and watch for two hours like Bob's Burgers. The main plot of the show could get pretty stale once in a while because of the fact it's pretty much the same joke over and over again. The most complex character is Flippy who is a war veteran with PTSD, this may sound like it's going to make the show dramatic and worth binge watching but it ends up just being an excuse for more characters to die. The only reason the show doesn't get repetitive after you watched two episodes is because of how intense and gory some of the deaths can get which causes you to want to continue watching. It's a great show to watch with friends but when you watch it alone it's just ok. If you like dark humor I'd recommend watching.
- AcePilot19
- Jun 18, 2024
- Permalink
Happy tree friends slams into action...with many DVD's out, tons of merchandise and a successful show altogether getting all this from animal cruelty is genius as well as disturbing. So I have given a 9 as It is a very addictive show and you should watch it even if you like animals...I have 3 cats which I like and I still find it funny...by the way it is animated, I'm not that sick. Anyway in conclusion you should definitely get the DVD's, get the merchandise, get the £1 keyrings off ebay because this is about to become your life and the animation is like you've never seen animation before. Definitely the one to watch if you don't feel queasy at a bit of blood.
- Mat_neve1104
- Mar 30, 2006
- Permalink
I love animals and abstained from meat for at least six years now, but I can't help but have fun with the crazy hijinks the friends get into. I hate it when the baby dies though. Flippy is the most relatable character for me as someone with borderline personality disorder.
- widelywherever
- Oct 13, 2021
- Permalink
Happy Tree Friends. Where do I start. Well, Happy Tree Friends is possibly the best cartoon on the internet. I have seen all of the episodes or at least all of the ones which I am aware of their existence. This show, however, is nowhere near kid friendly. It features cute cuddly animals who start out with a happy thing like, playing on a merry go round, going to the zoo, sitting around a campfire. Then, out of nowhere comes some disastrous thing that Kills all of them in brutal ways. Or at least most of them. I bought the Overkill DVD which features 50+ episodes of brutal morbid death of cute innocent animals. It is the perfect show for anyone who has a weird demented sense of humor. I watch it a lot with my sister. I am usually laughing while she is screaming. That makes it even funnier. I loved the day I showed it to my parents and watched them cringe as Lumpy, the moose, sawed his leg off with a spoon. This show is not intended for young children or big babies. But, I think that's what I like about it. My favorite episode is, well, I don't have a favorite episode. I love them all. Every graphically violent one of them. I just can't get enough of my Happy Tree Friends.
"Resistence is Futile"
"Resistence is Futile"
- naphythespiffyone
- Nov 30, 2006
- Permalink
The joke got old after a couple of episodes, and it wasn't even that funny to begin with.
Gore is not a substitute for comedy, and it needs something else besides of gratuitous violence to work.
Itchy and Scratchy worked because it was a satire of the violence from many classic cartoons. (And also they were very minor characters from their respective show )
Gore is not a substitute for comedy, and it needs something else besides of gratuitous violence to work.
Itchy and Scratchy worked because it was a satire of the violence from many classic cartoons. (And also they were very minor characters from their respective show )
- Rectangular_businessman
- Feb 10, 2007
- Permalink
Happy Tree Friends is a show that started as a internet shorts that became very popular and gained it's own TV series that now aires on G4. Every episode features cute innocent cuddly animals getting slaughtered in the most gruesome ways possible. The internet shorts were about 3 minutes long so the writers didn't have much time to tell a story so they usually went to the violence really fast but in the TV seven minute episodes the writers are able to tell a nice story in which a character faces a normal problem and tries to solve it and always while trying to solve that problem the character would cause the other's character's deaths and it's own. Some characters like Cuddles, Toothy and Sniffles die in almost every episode they featured in so you can predict that they are going to die while other characters like Flippy and Splendid rarely die so the writers sometimes try to surprise fans when they kill these characters. The animation is done in flash and it takes about 6 months to do and it's really good and impressive for a non-mainstream cartoon. Even though the show makes me sick sometimes I still find it really funny and addictive and I think anyone with a twisted sense of humor will enjoy it. I the other hand anyone with an innocent sense of humor and weak stomach should stay away.
I give this funny show a 9.5
I give this funny show a 9.5
- alfredosolisfuentes
- Jun 19, 2007
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- hev-776-791177
- Aug 27, 2013
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It's like "Shirt Tales" and "The Get-Along Gang" had a knife fight that turned into a blood orgy. It's great!
Think what The Simpson's Itchy & Scratchy could do without a censor using pastel colored cuddlies in the tradition of Hello Kitty. It's like a 2-D animation version of "Meet the Feebles" without any of that pesky dialog.
Heads roll, eyes gouge, blood for ketchup, combat flashbacks, and each episode resets so they don't get rid of any of the cast. Four stars.
Check it out.
~ Ray
Think what The Simpson's Itchy & Scratchy could do without a censor using pastel colored cuddlies in the tradition of Hello Kitty. It's like a 2-D animation version of "Meet the Feebles" without any of that pesky dialog.
Heads roll, eyes gouge, blood for ketchup, combat flashbacks, and each episode resets so they don't get rid of any of the cast. Four stars.
Check it out.
~ Ray
- rgibson103
- Nov 3, 2006
- Permalink
So, I saw this for the first time with a group of friends. I thought it was going to be one of the dumbest things ever because of how cute all of the characters were. As it turned out, it was the hardest I've laughed in about a year. I literally cried for over a minute I was laughing so hard when the first little guy got his head ripped off. I really love all of the unique and graphic ways that it happens as well. The best part is, my mind wasn't altered at all while watching! It's a must see without a doubt. Pure, uncensored... genius. If you're looking for a way to kill time, laugh, or just watch a lot of TV, if you watch this, you will not be upset in the slightest. The shock value of this is off the charts. Sorry about the unnecessary stuff after "...genius." Had to make ten lines...
- chaaaaals19
- Jul 27, 2011
- Permalink
Happy Tree Friends is an American flash cartoon that features a wide variety of characters; each with varying personalities and appearances. Sounds pretty FRICKIN' stupid at first... But that's when you're wrong kid.
This show has become a POPULAR INTERNET PHENOMENON. By taking a look at the likable characters, the colorful adventures, the EPIC writing, and of course THE FRICKIN' CATCHY THEME SONG, you can see why. Plus, it's a GREAT show to sit down and watch with the family. Seriously, try it out one time.
With over 150 episodes divided into multiple seasons, there's plenty of HTF to watch. Check out Mondo Media on Youtube; I'm pretty sure EVERY EPISODE is on there. They also got DVDs and stuff like that... BUT WHY WOULD YOU BUY THAT CRAP when it's ALL ONLINE? I mean, GO USE THE MONEY FOR SOMETHING ELSE LIKE WENDY'S.
I give this a FRICKIN' 8/10. I don't think you will be disappointed.
This show has become a POPULAR INTERNET PHENOMENON. By taking a look at the likable characters, the colorful adventures, the EPIC writing, and of course THE FRICKIN' CATCHY THEME SONG, you can see why. Plus, it's a GREAT show to sit down and watch with the family. Seriously, try it out one time.
With over 150 episodes divided into multiple seasons, there's plenty of HTF to watch. Check out Mondo Media on Youtube; I'm pretty sure EVERY EPISODE is on there. They also got DVDs and stuff like that... BUT WHY WOULD YOU BUY THAT CRAP when it's ALL ONLINE? I mean, GO USE THE MONEY FOR SOMETHING ELSE LIKE WENDY'S.
I give this a FRICKIN' 8/10. I don't think you will be disappointed.
- Hi_This_Is_Bob
- Jan 19, 2017
- Permalink
Happy Tree Friends is a flash cartoon series by Mondo Mini Shows, created by Kenn Navarro, Aubrey Ankrum and Rhode Montijo. Warren Graff is also credited in creating the Happy Tree Friends.
As indicated on the official site, the show is "not recommended for small children ." Notwithstanding the cuteness of its characters, the show is extremely violent. Every episode features at least one character's violent and bloody death, except the two episodes: "Out on a Limb", "Nuttin' but the Tooth","Asbestos i can do" and possibly "House Warming" (which still featured blood and gore and characters who would have possibly died of blood loss or shock).
While the violence of these deaths is compared to that of The Itchy & Scratchy Show (a short cartoon featured on The Simpsons), the deaths in Happy Tree Friends are even more graphic and more drawn out.
The show is nearly free of dialogue; when the characters do speak, their words are severely garbled. Though it is obvious what each character's reaction is, their words can barely be understood. According to the website, the idea for Happy Tree Friends was conceived by Rhode Montijo when he drew a yellow rabbit (slightly resembling Cuddles) on a piece of paper and wrote "Resistance Is Futile" underneath it.
As indicated on the official site, the show is "not recommended for small children ." Notwithstanding the cuteness of its characters, the show is extremely violent. Every episode features at least one character's violent and bloody death, except the two episodes: "Out on a Limb", "Nuttin' but the Tooth","Asbestos i can do" and possibly "House Warming" (which still featured blood and gore and characters who would have possibly died of blood loss or shock).
While the violence of these deaths is compared to that of The Itchy & Scratchy Show (a short cartoon featured on The Simpsons), the deaths in Happy Tree Friends are even more graphic and more drawn out.
The show is nearly free of dialogue; when the characters do speak, their words are severely garbled. Though it is obvious what each character's reaction is, their words can barely be understood. According to the website, the idea for Happy Tree Friends was conceived by Rhode Montijo when he drew a yellow rabbit (slightly resembling Cuddles) on a piece of paper and wrote "Resistance Is Futile" underneath it.
- henrymadman
- Jul 3, 2007
- Permalink
I was curious about this show, it was suggested to me by Netflix. Cute fluffy cartoon animals getting killed in the most gruesome ways does sound something that I may like and that might be funny.
I sat through the first 2 episodes. I didn't laugh or even smile. It's not clever, it's not funny, it's not worth sitting through it for even seven minutes. It's boring, too far fetched, even for an adult cartoon, and distasteful.
Gruesome & funny I can handle, but the idea of this cartoon has not been executed well at all. It's just a load of crap and a waste of my time and a waste of their money. The only plus is the way they drew the cartoons, therefor not 1 star but 2.
I sat through the first 2 episodes. I didn't laugh or even smile. It's not clever, it's not funny, it's not worth sitting through it for even seven minutes. It's boring, too far fetched, even for an adult cartoon, and distasteful.
Gruesome & funny I can handle, but the idea of this cartoon has not been executed well at all. It's just a load of crap and a waste of my time and a waste of their money. The only plus is the way they drew the cartoons, therefor not 1 star but 2.
- darkmare376
- Oct 6, 2014
- Permalink
Happy Tree Friends is generally considered a controversial anime due to its depiction of explicit violence and gore, and especially due to fact that the sufferers are a group of cute baby animals. Many people may say it's not fun to watch and think the people who like it must be sick but, for me, it's not the violence depicted down there that attracted me most, though sure the violence is "cool" for me. There's something more to be truly appreciated; that said, it's its pure innovation in terms of the tragic deaths of those animals that are creative and enjoyable as an animated art form.
It's definitely pretty normal that every person has to seek some sort of excitement to release themselves from the boredom of repetitive and fast-paced daily life. So, in this case, a guy who really loves this show a lot sure can be sick, but those who simply enjoy the show for a change and who watch it for occasional fun may not be.
For instance, I don't like Kill Bill that much as others do. The reason is, it lacks pace and story, though it's violent and gory. Happy Tree Friends doesn't have story either but on the other hand, it's really creative. Almost every episode has something new to offer you. The styles of deaths happen to each animal varies. The highly dramatic sequences are really hard to mount even for those Hollywood directors. But hey, thanks to the nature of this series - namely cartoon, the idea's really come true.
Despite some less impressive episodes, this show is on the whole impressive. Though you might get bored watching it all day long, and sure you will if you're still "normal", occasionally watching it for a change can bring some real fun.
It's definitely pretty normal that every person has to seek some sort of excitement to release themselves from the boredom of repetitive and fast-paced daily life. So, in this case, a guy who really loves this show a lot sure can be sick, but those who simply enjoy the show for a change and who watch it for occasional fun may not be.
For instance, I don't like Kill Bill that much as others do. The reason is, it lacks pace and story, though it's violent and gory. Happy Tree Friends doesn't have story either but on the other hand, it's really creative. Almost every episode has something new to offer you. The styles of deaths happen to each animal varies. The highly dramatic sequences are really hard to mount even for those Hollywood directors. But hey, thanks to the nature of this series - namely cartoon, the idea's really come true.
Despite some less impressive episodes, this show is on the whole impressive. Though you might get bored watching it all day long, and sure you will if you're still "normal", occasionally watching it for a change can bring some real fun.
Whenever I see my favorite characters die or see how much pain they can get into, it makes the part very, very stupid, but whenever I see characters I really really really REALLY HATE so much I wish they can jump off a cliff die, I laugh at how painful their death is or how much pain they get into. It's been AGES since Mondo Media last put an episode of this hilarious, enjoyably stupid, and entertaining show on the internet. So, flip all you haters, you all have been hating on a hilarious show that's so hilarious, it's even better than that South Park piece of sh!t for no reason and just whine like little babies. Imagine if it were a baby show. I'm pretty sure that Happy Tree Friends would be the best baby show in this generation.
- Futurama_Fanatic
- Mar 27, 2008
- Permalink
anyone who has a heart or a mind or a stomach won't enjoy these at all. The characters are small animals with the consistency of butter and they seem to just get laughs out of blood and gore. Some episodes are total junk, physically impossible, and utterly stupid. I am sorry to say some of my friends liked this, and as a result I just avoid them to stop the flow of bile coming to my mouth. If you want to watch something funny, you have Blackadder, Monty Python, the simpsons, blazing saddles, young Frankenstein, and fawlty towers. In any case you have a wide variety of movies and shows where you might even have to think to get the jokes.
- dizztrocks
- Jan 10, 2007
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- QuadeC2010
- Oct 14, 2012
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Ummmm...I have watched a little bit of it and I find it scary to be honest because you see, I'm still a teenager experiencing things and stuff but anyway, I saw one or two episodes of it and I find them okay but for some reason, my parents downloaded them last year... When I first heard of 'Happy Tree Friends', I thought it was about happiness and pollution and all of that crap, so yeah. I was pretty uncomfortable when I was watching the show for the first time and I was like "What even is this sh*t...", so I covered my eyes and everything but I'm glad my parents warned me about the blood and animals killing themselves etc. (that reminds me of my friends, man I'm so deep sometimes) That's why I rated it 3 out of 10 stars because I didn't expect that a show would go that far with that type of violence like for example, South Park, The Simpsons and Family Guy.