- Ingeras: My father was a great man, a hero, so they say. But sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster.
- Master Vampire: I have been waiting an eternity for a man of your strength to arrive. But what kind of man crawls into his own grave in search of hope?
- Vlad: A desperate one.
- Vlad: [in a rage to his people after they try to burn him] Do you think you are alive because you can fight? You are alive because of what I did to save you!
- Master Vampire: [holds Vlad by the throat] Why spill blood if not for the pleasure of it?
- Vlad: Because men do not fear swords. They fear monsters. They run from them. By putting one village to the stake, I spared ten more. Sometimes the world no longer needs a hero. Sometimes what it needs... is a monster.
- Master Vampire: [tightening his grip a little] And you believe you know what it means to be a monster? Hmm?... You have no idea... but I'm going to show you.
- Master Vampire: What is it that you are seeking?
- Vlad: I want the power to destroy my enemies and save my family.
- Mirena: What is happening to you?
- [Vlad cuts the tent open as his skin burns]
- Mirena: No! Stop it!
- [as she pulls him to her]
- Mirena: May God strike down whoever did this to you!
- Vlad: [pained] I chose this!
- Mirena: This is the strength you sought? But why?
- Vlad: Because I sent corpses back to Mehmed, instead of our son.
- Mirena: [near tears] You did this for us?
- Vlad: In two days, I'll be restored... I just have to resist.
- Mirena: Resist what?
- [when he says nothing, panicked]
- Mirena: Resist what, Vlad? Tell me!
- Vlad: The thirst... for blood.
- Vlad: Lord, if you've not yet forsaken me, grant me your strength that I might resist the darkness. Allow me to endure this yet one more day. I beg you. Please.
- Mirena: [to Vlad] Time is always too short for those who need it. But for those who love, it lasts forever.
- Vlad: Don't think I haven't noticed you following me.
- Shkelgim: [stepping around the tree] You're mistaken. I follow them.
- [looking towards to sky at the bats]
- Shkelgim: They recognize one of their own. The night is their kingdom. Blood, their sustenance. And some they say have lived for as long as there have been prey to devour.
- Hamza Bey: When a soldier is plucked as a child and raised to know no other life, they will kill without question and die without complaint.
- Vlad: [to Mirena] I was the same age as Ingeras when I was sent to live with the Turks. To fight for them. If I never saw another, it would be too soon.
- Vlad: [seeing the bats leaving cave] Bats don't come out during the day. Something's disturbed them.
- Brother Lucian: [to Vlad] Four nights ago, every brother in our order awoken from an identical dream. I would not have thought it possible had I not suffered the same vision myself, that night. Of a creature laying siege to this holy place.
- Hamza Bey: [in Turkish, to Vlad] It still lives in you, Lord Impaler. Locked in a dark cage, hidden away. But you and I... we both know it's there.
- Hamza Bey: The Sultan is preparing for battle and requires 1,000 boys for his army including your son.
- Ingeras: [narrating] Prince Vlad Dracula was a hero. But there are no pictures or statues of him. I am his legacy. His sacrifice taught me that even after the darkest night, the sun will rise again. For if the heart is strong enough, the soul is reborn with each new day. In life after life. Age after age. Forever.
- [first lines]
- Ingeras: [narrating] In the year of our Lord, 1442, the Turkish sultan enslaved 1,000 Transylvanian boys to fill the ranks of his army. These child slaves were beaten without mercy, trained to kill without conscience, to crave the blood of all who defied the Turks.
- Ingeras: From among these boys, one grew into a warrior so fierce that entire armies would retreat in terror at the mention of his name. Vlad the Impaler. Son of the Dragon.
- Ingeras: Sickened by his monstrous acts, Vlad came to bury his past with the dead and returned to Transylvania to rule in peace. His subjects called him Prince. I called him Father. But the world would come to know him as... Dracula.