(at around 1h 22 mins) When the helicarrier starts to go down, Nick Fury tells Iron Man, "Stark, we're losing altitude," and display inside Iron Man's faceplate is counting down from about 15,000 feet. A few minutes later when Fury glances at a display on the bridge, it is counting down from 18,000 feet.
(at around 47 mins) After Captain America stops Iron Man and Thor from fighting, Thor knocks Iron Man behind him a good distance before hitting Cap's shield. But when the dust settles not only does Iron Man wake up pretty much next to Cap, he is also in front of Thor somehow.
(at around 2h) During the final battle, Iron Man explodes a "Leviathan" - one of the big Chitauri monsters - from the inside, labeling his attack "Jonah-style." He falls and hits a cab, which stops him. The camera angle then changes, and the cab is nowhere to be seen.
(at around 21 mins) When Capt. America is in the gym punching the second bag, the bag has no tape around the middle. When he and Fury begin talking, a close up of the bag has duct tape around the center. Next it switches back to clean again.
(at around 9 mins) During the tunnel chase between Agent Hill and Loki, after her vehicle is spun around and Loki has passed her, there are two scenes in which the hole in her windshield is not there.
(at around 1h 12 mins) When the computer locates the Tesseract's location while the Avengers are arguing with Nick Fury, the computer displays the location with Latitude & Longitude coordinates that doesn't conform to the format it's displayed in. "LAT:45°66.12 'N /LON:76°87.32'W" is shown, the format is degrees & minutes. The minutes must be between 1 to 59, here we can see 66.12 and 87.32 are greater than 59 and not a valid way to display minutes in this format. If input as a correct degree/minute display of 45.6612 N 76.8732 W the location is actually on a country road just northwest of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and not New York City.
At the end of the scene where Fury meets Rogers in the boxing gym to recruit him to retrieve the tesseract, he tells Rogers "There's a debriefing packet waiting for you in your apartment." There is no such thing. Briefing is what is done before a mission, either in-person or with a file. Debriefing is what is done after a mission, to evaluate points of failure and success during the mission.
(at around 11 mins) When Black Widow is being interrogated, the exterior shots shows a billboard with supposed Russian writing. However, the actual writing makes no sense and is just a collection of random Cyrillic letters. Additionally, the locomotives of the train seen passing by are all new American mainline freight locomotives, and would never be used in Russia or Eastern Europe in general.
(at around 39 mins) The German police cars shown in the Stuttgart-scene have yellow light bars. In reality all German emergency vehicles have blue flashing lights. Yellow flashing lights are generally used as a warning signal, i.e. for roadside assistance, construction machinery or garbage trucks.
The Helicarrier isn't designed correctly. Any military ship (Navy) or cutter (Coast Guard) capable of flight operations has 'netting' all around the flight deck. During air operations, this is opened almost flat, and if someone or something is blown overboard by the downwash from a jet engine or rotor, they or it lands on that netting 'fence'; and because of the nature of physics, the downwash will keep that person or thing pinned to the netting as the downwash passes around them and through the netting. On the Helicarrier, they show that netting around the flight deck, but the support structure for it is *above* the netting... anyone or anything blown overboard will hit that structure rather than the netting, and they will bounce over the side, defeating the purpose of the netting.
(at around 2h 5 mins) After carrying the nuke through the portal into space, Iron Man falls back through said portal. You cannot fall in space, since there is no gravity - he would simply keep moving in the direction he was already going, towards the alien spacecraft. However since the portal is a gateway between two points, and the threshold was at most only a few thousand meters above the Earth's surface, Earth's gravity would be able to act on objects beyond the threshold of the gateway. Also, parts of Stark's suit get ejected, pushing Stark back toward Earth.
Many of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents aim their M4 carbines by sticking the buttstock of their carbine under their armpit. No trained law enforcement or military personnel would ever do this in combat. They would actually shoulder their rifles, which provides better stability and makes the weapon's optical sights properly line up with their eyes.
Thor's attack on Captain America after Iron Man and Thor were fighting over Loki, was deliberately done in a way that would have killed Captain America if it wasn't for his shield. This is appalling given that just 5 minutes before Thor was telling Loki that he is sworn to protect Earth.
Captain America used the shield to break up the fight between Iron Man and Thor. Thus, Thor knew it had some power, his attack on Captain America was a show of his own.
Captain America used the shield to break up the fight between Iron Man and Thor. Thus, Thor knew it had some power, his attack on Captain America was a show of his own.
In the end-credits scene, the Shawarma restaurant is indicated by signs, t-shirts, and a chalkboard with shawarma, kabob and vegetarian specials listed. However, the back-lit menu at the top clearly shows steak, sandwiches, soups, Thai chicken salad (among others) and onion rings, and no indication of shawarma, gyros or other middle eastern/Mediterranean fare.
(at around 39 mins) When Loki blasts the police car, causing it to nose-skid then flip, as it comes to a rest there is some gas still escaping from the location of the compressed air cannon under the rear of the car.
(at around 1h) You can see the blue screens on Bruce Banner's glasses when Tony Stark is talking to him about embracing the Hulk rather than disliking it.
When Hawkeye "uses" Dr. Schäfer's eye to open the door, the scanner shows the German words "Netzhautscan-Kennzeichnung". This was translated literally from English, which is why it makes sense in English ("Irisscan identification") but no sense at all in German.
(at around 15 mins) Where the little girl in Kolkata searches for Dr. Banner, the Bangla signboards have typographical errors: 'Chemist' was written in Bangla like 'ka-me-sit', 'Watch Service' appeared as 'ghardir da-o-kan. Even 'Centre' was partially seen to be written as 'ka-ne...'. This most possibly occurred due to transliteration from english to Bangla unicode.
at about 50 minutes when Capt. American is looking for suspicious cargo on the helicarrier, the door marked 'SECURE STORAGE 10-C' labelled from the inside - it should be signed from the outside.
In the theatrical version, the company NAMCO Bandai is misspelled as NAMECO Bandai in the credits. The spelling is corrected on DVD and Blu-ray.
(at around 56 mins) When one of the computer operators resumed playing Galaga (1981), the sound effect used is for an enemy ship attempting to capture the player's ship. Instead, this sound effect was used for normal gameplay.
During the attack of New York when the cars are initially being blown up, the ratchet cable attached to one of the cars is visible when it spins over.
(at around 2h 10 mins) A reflector screen is visible on Hawkeye's sunglasses at the very end when Thor and a restrained Loki are returning, presumably, to Asgard.
The reception scene said to take place in Stuttgart, Germany, was clearly filmed in the U.S. (Cleveland, in fact). There are no such skyscraper buildings in Stuttgart as seen in the background. All S-Class Mercedeses shown are U.S.-spec-models, easily recognizable by the yellow front side marker lights. Furthermore, Königstrasse is mainly a shopping street, and Königstrasse 22, in particular, is a shopping arcade containing, among a dozen shops, two cinemas. There is no building in the vicinity higher than half a dozen floors, and Königstrasse 22 opens on the street, not on a square. Furthermore, Stuttgart has no elevated trains, which can be seen in the background of the square scene.
In the Kolkata (Calcutta) scene, the little girl, the woman, and Bruce Banner are all speaking to each other in Hindi. The overwhelmingly dominant language in Kolkata and the rest of West Bengal is Bengali, spoken by >85% of the population. A poor girl from a slum in Kolkata would invariably be speaking Bengali.
Thanos gives Loki his only Infinity Stone in the form of a staff. Granted he doesn't tell him the staff has a Infinity Stone. But he still allows him to have more stones than himself. This plan makes no sense, because at the instant of Thanos allowing Loki more stones than himself, that would instantly put Loki in a better position of power than his own. Thus, leaving Thanos devoid of any bargain power to control Loki. It doesn't make sense for Thanos to give out his 2 stones to Loki while leaving himself with none.
Nick Fury claiming that Thor's presence on Earth showed S.H.I.E.L.D. that Earth was "not alone" and "hopelessly, hilariously outgunned" by beings from other planets directly contradicts the events from Captain Marvel (2019), where S.H.I.E.L.D. learns all of this. Although Fury could be lying to hide the earlier knowledge from the Avengers, the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. did not start researching ways to protect Earth using the power of the Tesseract until after Thor arrived (a delay of over 15 years) makes it much more likely this is mistake. Since Loki needed someone to help him unlock the power of the Tesseract, the research being done now is crucial to the plot.
Loki's goal is merely to have a realm he can be a king of, but this makes no sense, as he already has one. He is the son of Laufey, and as such, king of Jotunheim. He even mentions this later when he confronts Thanos.
When Cap starts to check what Fury is hiding below deck Cap has to break open the door that is clearly marked "Secure Storage" but if it is secure how come alarms didn't go off when he did it.
In Avengers Endgame, Doctor Strange wizard portals can transport people in the far out space back to Earth.
While Doctor Strange wasn't a wizard yet, any of his predecessor wizard mentors that Avengers Endgame showed were all clearly on New York during the alien attack, could have very easily done a portal to transport themselves to the roof of the Stark Tower were the machine causing the portal was. Then do a portal below the machine to send it to a far point of the Galaxy, solving the conflict in a matter of minutes. They would intervene due to the risk of the aliens and Loki attempting to steal the stone they had, and all them having stones. That is a plot-hole caused by Avengers Endgame.
While Doctor Strange wasn't a wizard yet, any of his predecessor wizard mentors that Avengers Endgame showed were all clearly on New York during the alien attack, could have very easily done a portal to transport themselves to the roof of the Stark Tower were the machine causing the portal was. Then do a portal below the machine to send it to a far point of the Galaxy, solving the conflict in a matter of minutes. They would intervene due to the risk of the aliens and Loki attempting to steal the stone they had, and all them having stones. That is a plot-hole caused by Avengers Endgame.
At 9:25 Barton And Maria Hill are involved in an exchange of gunfire. Hawkeye, who never misses with any weapon, fires two times and misses both shots. The only time in the MCU he does this.
When Tony Stark is reviewing the Avengers membership with Loki, he refers to Thor as a demigod. In mythology, a demigod is the offspring of a god and a mortal. Thor is the child of two gods and therefore a full-blooded god, not a demigod. Someone as smart as Tony Stark should know the difference.
When Tony Stark (Iron Man) and Captain America realize where Loki has the Tesseract, Tony runs out to get his Iron Man suit. Captain America enters the room where Black Widow has been talking with Hawkeye, and asks "can you fly one of those jets." Hawkeye says "I can." But we (and Cap) know that Black Widow can fly: she was flying over Stuttgart, and then she was flying when they all had Loki in custody aboard the jet before Thor broke in and stole him.
When Loki introduces himself upon arrival at S.H.I.E.L.D., Selvig recognizes his name from the Norse mythology he grew up with and identifies him as Thor's brother. While this is accurate for the characters in the MCU (and Marvel Comics universe), in Norse Mythology, Loki is not Thor's brother. Selvig would only know Loki to be a companion god of Odin and Thor.
After Thor appears and takes Loki out of Captain America, Iron Man and Black Widow's custody, Black Widow urges Captain America not to intervene, on the basis of Thor and Loki being gods. This is highly remiss for her, given that their entire mission was to take Loki into custody. Equally, Loki being a god did not stop her from intervening to apprehend him in Stuttgart, so it is unclear why this suddenly becomes a problem when Thor arrives.