Dylan Baker credited as playing...
- [Steven gets prepared to bury Charlie's body in the backyard]
- Steven: [Steven takes the tarp off of Charlie] Happy Halloween.
- Billy: [shouting from the top floor bedroom window] Daddy! I'm back from Trick-or-Treating!
- Steven: [whispers] Billy. Shh. Please, be quiet.
- Billy: [shouts] Why?
- Steven: Because you'll bother the neighbors, now go watch Charlie Brown and I'll be in in a minute.
- Billy: Charlie's Brown's an asshole!
- Steven: Billy Wilkens! Language.
- [Steven sighs continuing to bury Charlie]
- [the girls set up the dead corpses around the fire]
- Laurie: I'm nervous.
- Danielle: [combs the front of her hair] Hey. You're gonna be fine. Just be yourself.
- Laurie: It's my first time so... just bear with me.
- [the girls begin to dance, snarl, and hiss]
- Steven: What are you doing?
- [the girls' skin begins to rip, peel, with growls, as Steven begins to scream]
- Laurie: My, my what big eyes you have.
- [Laurie throws her back up and then strikes down to bite Steven's neck as he screams with horror]
- [Steven tries to bury Charlie in the backyard when the neighbor dog Spike barks at him through the fence]
- Steven: Spike! Spike! Get your ass in here. Are you finished crapping or what?
- Mr. Kreeg: [Steven hides in the hole when another child in the hole kicks and grunts]
- Mr. Kreeg: Who the hell is that?
- [Steven kicks the kid to shut up]
- Steven: I've got an NRA membership in my pocket and a shotgun over the fireplace, so get outta here before I...
- Mr. Kreeg: It's me, Mr. Kreeg. Steven, Steven Wilkins.
- Steven: What in God's name are you doing down there, Wilkins? Hiding Bodies?
- [Steven kicks the kid again as he grunts from the bag]
- Mr. Kreeg: What did you say?
- Steven: Nothing, its... Uh, septic tank is acting up.
- Mr. Kreeg: Is that what that smell is?
- Steven: I'm afraid so.
- Mr. Kreeg: Then fix it. It stinks like a dead whore out here.
- Steven: I'm...
- [kicks the kid]
- Steven: ...Trying.
- [kicks the kid again]
- Mr. Kreeg: And keep your kid out of my yard. Goddamn freak.
- [Mr. Kreeg heads back to his house]
- Steven: Happy Halloween.
- Mr. Kreeg: Screw you!
- [Mr. Kreeg slams his back door]
- [Steven Wilkens drags Charlie into the house when he gets some unexpected Trick or Treaters]
- [the kids knock saying Trick or Treat!]
- Chip: We know you're in there.
- Sara: We can see you.
- Macy: Hello!
- Steven: [the kids start pounding and ringing the door bell as Mr. Wilken's screams] Just a minute!
- [Steven opens the door and the kids scream at his bloody chocolate covered shirt]
- Steven: Wait. No, no. Shh, shh. No.
- [the kids start laughing]
- Chip: Uh, great costume, Mr. Wilkens.
- Steven: [muttering] Oh, right, candy.
- Chip: Thanks.
- Macy: Uh, Principal Wilkens, do you think that we might be able to have your jack-o'-lantern, please?
- Steven: You're not gonna smash it, are you?
- Macy: No, it's a scavenger hunt, for UNICEF.
- [Macy smiles then gets nervous]
- Steven: Anything for a good cause.
- [Chip notices the blood trail leading from Steven's porch into his home, Chip slowly looks up at him]
- Steven: [whispers] Happy Halloween.
- Chip: Yeah. Happy Halloween.
- [Chip leaves and reveals Sam standing behind him]
- Steven: [Steven jiggles the candy bowl at Sam] Did you get one?
- [Sam quickly grabs a candy before walking down the porch steps, Sam drag his candy bag that let's out what sounds like a cat screaming when Steven closes the front door]
- [Steven talks to Charlie on the front steps of his house]
- Steven: [bangs a knife on the pumpkin basket full of candy between them] Here. Help yourself. It's for the pumpkin, not you. Promise. All of mine were dull.
- [notices the bottom of Charlie's shoes]
- Steven: Ah. Smashing jack-o'-lanterns? Stealing candy? It's okay. Believe it or not, I was just like you when I was a kid. Till my dad set me straight, that is. See, my dad taught me tonight is about respecting the dead because this is the one night that the dead and all sorts of other things roam free - and pay us a visit. Sorry. All these traditions, jack-o'-lanterns, putting on costumes, handing out treats, they were started to protect us, but nowadays... No one really cares.