- Henry: [to Junior] Twenty-five years ago, Clay took my blood, he made you from me! The government chose me because there's never been anybody like me. He's been lying to you the whole time. He told you, you were an orphan, and of all the people in the world to come after me, why would he send you?
- Junior: Because I'm the best.
- Henry: [aiming his gun at Junior] You are obviously not the best!
- Junior: You're just trying to rattle me.
- Henry: I'm trying to save you!
- Junior: I'm not you old man... I'M NOT YOU
- Clay Verris: [to Junior] The whole point of this was to give you all of Henry's gifts without his pain. The thing that you're struggling with, it's fear. Embrace it, and then overcome it. Everything that we've worked for is at stake. He has to die. He's your darkness you had to walk through on your own.
- [Clay hugs a tearful Junior]
- Clay Verris: I love you, Junior.
- Junior: You made a person out of another person, then you sent me to kill him. You made a choice to do this to me.
- Henry: [to Junior] How did he start you? Hunting birds, rabbit? I'm guessing nineteen, twenty years-old, the first time he ordered you to shoot a person.
- Henry Brogan: My government lied to me and tried to kill me, if that's what you mean.
- Yuri Kovacs: In Russia we call that 'Tuesday'.
- Henry Brogan: [waking him in his chair] Shooter on the roof.
- Baron: You're a shitty house guest, you know that?
- Clay Verris: Look what we created. You were the inspiration for all this.
- Henry: Why not just make whole army full of them?
- Clay Verris: Why not? You should be flattered.
- Henry: You should be dead.
- Junior: [referring to Henry] He knew every move of mine before I made it. I had him right there to take the shot, and he'd be gone, like a ghost. Who is he?
- Clay Verris: Don't you think your country deserves a perfect version of you?
- Henry Brogan: There is no perfect version of me. Or him. Or anybody.
- Henry: [referring to Junior] When I saw him, it was like I was seeing a ghost. Like every trigger I've ever pulled.
- Clay Verris: I should've cloned myself
- Clay Verris: [points to Junior's replacement] *He* was A Weapon
- [points to Junior]
- Clay Verris: *You're* my son
- Henry Brogan: I just wanted to put you on a private plane and give you a free trip to Hungary.
- Danny Zakarewski: Where I'm going to find...?
- Henry Brogan: Hungarians.
- Henry Brogan: Of all the people in the world to come after me, why would he send you?
- Junior: Because I'm the best.
- Henry Brogan: [putting his gun to Junior's head] You are obviously not the best.
- Danny Zakarewski: My father is FBI.
- Danny Zakarewski: And very large by serving your country.
- Danny Zakarewski: He died while off duty, trying to stop a bank robbery.
- Henry Brogan: Sorry about that.
- Henry Brogan: The file says you are a naval member.
- Henry Brogan: Yes, like the ocean.
- Danny Zakarewski: Who doesn't like being stuck in a tin with a few hundred sailors.
- Danny Zakarewski: Fine, destroy the bunker in Mogadishu.
- Henry Brogan: So HIM .
- Henry Brogan: Defense Clandestine Service recruit assets that run.
- Henry Brogan: There is no one lack.
- Henry Brogan: And the Office of Inspector General put you on the dock.
- Henry Brogan: Watch over men who only want to retire.
- Henry Brogan: That doesn't bother you?
- Henry: Sorry just now, bad habits.
- Henry: I don't trust people easily, I'm sure you don't either.
- Danny Zakarweski: Why do you say that?
- Danny Zakarweski: Where did you get that?
- Danny Zakarweski: 25 years of serving faithfully, you make friends.
- Henry: I did not know I was exposed.
- Danny Zakarweski: Cheers.