110 reviews
The pilot is not a good representation of this show. Keep watching. It improves with each episode. Kenan Thompson is a talented comedian and has a great rapport with Don Johnson.
There's a lot to enjoy about the show. Kenyan kills it. Honestly, he's the only reason I've gotten through the first episodes. In fact, all the characters are great. However, the main character's wife died and every episode is linked to her death. I hope the show evolves beyond this. The concept is a little tiring and a little depressing especially for a sitcom. I hope they rework what the show is about and let the actors and characters be fun.
- edwardsjosiah
- Mar 28, 2021
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Love Thompson and Redd on SNL, so maybe I was expecting more. One of the few shows I've seen that would benefit from a laugh track. It's just not that funny. Plus, I can't stand shows when children talk like 40 year old tv writers.
- chiefop-92209
- Jan 1, 2022
- Permalink
Someone wrote a review about the laugh track. I'm guessing they didn't watch the show because there is no laugh track lol
The show is okay. I love Kenan and even Chris Redd, so naturally I'm already set up to laugh. If you don't like Kenan or SNL, then absolutely you will hate the show.
Yes this formula has been done a thousand times, and someone in another review pointed out its similarities to The Unicorn, which is also true (recently widowed father raising two girls). There are some differences obviously but I do enjoy The Unicorn too.
The banter between Kenan and Chris Redd & Don Johnson does provide a few laughs and Kenan's daughters make for some decent laughs.
Give it a try. I mean, we went through 2020 and 1.5 of 2021 so far - things have been worse lol
The show is okay. I love Kenan and even Chris Redd, so naturally I'm already set up to laugh. If you don't like Kenan or SNL, then absolutely you will hate the show.
Yes this formula has been done a thousand times, and someone in another review pointed out its similarities to The Unicorn, which is also true (recently widowed father raising two girls). There are some differences obviously but I do enjoy The Unicorn too.
The banter between Kenan and Chris Redd & Don Johnson does provide a few laughs and Kenan's daughters make for some decent laughs.
Give it a try. I mean, we went through 2020 and 1.5 of 2021 so far - things have been worse lol
- letrainer2001
- Feb 20, 2021
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Definitely a big fan of all of the known actors as well as the new faces.big Keenan fan.
- williejsson
- Feb 24, 2021
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A single dad is just not working! Take the show off change it up, get rid of the kids keep Don Johnson make him a co worker and leave Chris Red as is! Kenan deserves a better show.
At first I wasn't sure what to make it of it because ifs been a while since I've seen a heartfelt funny family show and I just didn't expect it. It's hilarious and it's a sweet show about grief. Slow down and give it a chance, it's actually really good. Happy for Kenyan, I've heard him on interviews and he's a really humble down to earth guy, good for him.
Kenan is always funny. The rest of the cast is good, too. It would help if the lines weren't mumbled so much and delivered so rapidly. At times, it seems like a foreign language. Don Johnson is very good as the father in law. The show would benefit from a laugh track.
Like some reviewers, I was wondering if this was a comedy. I love Kenan but this show was full of stereotypes. The little girls overact , ( can't blame them, they're kids ) but Chris Redd did his SNL shtick and Don Johnson? Really? Disappointing and not funny. I won't watch again.
- prism-69023
- Mar 16, 2021
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As I enjoy stand up and snl type comedy this is exactly what I'd expect from the actors playing the characters and I love it its a show that doesn't take it self serious and makes fun of shows 🤣 what's not to like
- paulguevin
- Feb 16, 2021
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The show could use Chuck Lorre for character development, and the Superstore team for the humor.
- payasoingenioso
- Feb 18, 2021
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Omg... what is this?!
Kenan is a funny guy, especially with his physical comedy. And his SNL works prove it. But Kenan in this series is so... dry. It's like an unfunny man trying to be funny. And the family members? No personality. The girls are trying to hard to be sassy and edgy (and too similar, character-wise) and the (ex) father in law is just... bleh.
I'll try another episode next week. But if it still feels like this, maybe it's the sign for me to stop watching.
- shalimarsubagja
- Feb 16, 2021
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So glad Kenan Thompson has his own show (again). I grew up with him and have always been such a big fan. I hope he doesn't leave SNL as it won't be the same without him. He's my all time favorite. I've never been someone who was obsessed with celebrities, but him....I would absolutely looove to meet! Everything he's ever been on, it feels like you know him. Just seems like a down to earth, hilarious guy that would be a lot of fun/great company. He's always genuine and it reads through the camera/screen. If laughter is the best medicine, then Kenan is my doctor. Looking forward to more episodes.
- jessicraddock
- Feb 17, 2021
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Not sure how I came upon it as I watch online. It's funny, except the few work scenes - they need a re-do (pretty lame). Kenan is funny, the cast is good (minus work scenes) and a nice change from the garbage I've seen elsewhere. Hope it gets a good following and is going to continue.
What I don't like though...too many damn commercials. C'mon man!
What I don't like though...too many damn commercials. C'mon man!
- planetwkr-14908
- Apr 9, 2021
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Fortune Feimster is the best thing about this show. She's funny. Other than that, it's not funny at all. It's really boring. I'll give it 2 more episodes or so cause Mr. Mayor didn't hook me in until around episode 5-6 so I'm willing to give this a chance. Young Rock, while it's not funny either, at least has some good moments. This has nothing.
Edit: I stopped after episode 4. This is just one of the most boring shows I've ever seen.
Edit: I stopped after episode 4. This is just one of the most boring shows I've ever seen.
Good start. Not great but good. Given time to grow and evolve, I expect good things. Don Johnson was an unexpected casting choice and his comedic timing has room for improvement but it's working. I'm on board for now.
- NutmegRodeo
- Apr 16, 2021
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These guys are funny but this project isn't working. Looking forward to Keenan's next project.
Seeing all of the bad reviews regarding this show inspired me to write a review based on only viewing the pilot episode. I am a sitcom junkie, and at this point, I'm usually able to get a feel for a show based on the first three episodes, but this show hit a soft spot in me right out of the gate. I've been a fan of Kenan's for a while, and have wondered when he would land a project of his own that would stick. I think he's found his 'Unicorn,' and once they get some of the timing kinks out, this will be at least a three to four season run. (Maybe more?) I love that there isn't a laugh track, although it seems like they pause a bit for laughs. The flashback scenes with his deceased wife (they starred in a sitcom together), allow us to peak inside his relationship with her prior to when his daughters were born, and allow for a nice subplot for he and his kids to reminisce and keep their Mom relevant. Don Johnson is very cool as the father-in-law/grandpa, and the surrounding cast seem to fit in nicely. With TV in general, I don't think we see enough of Fortune Feimster (who plays the sportscaster on Kenan's TV show within a TV show), and I hope this will be a vehicle for her to breakout and shine.
I'm not too comfortable reviewing a show based on one episode, but considering how many choices we have to stream, and the very low rated reviews so far, I wanted to share my two cents, from a 'sheltering in place' dude in Northern California, with way too much time on his hands, who gets to watch sitcoms all the time! I'm glad to see that a lot of critics are enjoying this show, and with Lorne Michaels at the helm, 'Kenan' has a great outlook, IMHO.
- tonywindle
- Feb 16, 2021
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The show is good but there are too many onscreen credits for the many producers of the show, very distracting
I'm all on board. Kinda funny, but could be funnier. But i can see so much potential. If anybody deserves his 15 min of fame Its KENAN!!
I enjoyed this pilot episode with its cast of characters that include Kenan Thompson who is a recent widower, raising his two (2) daughters with his stepfather Rick (Don Johnson) who is living with them.
Kenan plays the co-host of an early morning TV show called Wake Up With Kenan who appears to still be processing his grief about his dead wife. Everything and anything Kenan seems to say this one particular morning on his morning TV show is coming out the wrong way so his show is going through a little rough patch at the moment. The kids have an uncle who is Kenan's brother named Gary (Chris Redd) who tries to convince his brother Kenan that it is time he starts living his own life and enjoying himself a little bit.
His two daughters are cute kids and this new formed family seems to have some great on set chemistry. What I really like about this TV series though is "what it doesn't have" and that is that awful canned laughter. Thank you producers for realizing that I can smile and/or laugh when something the cast says is humorous without having to be prompted by that annoying canned laughter on so many other sitcoms.
I for one would like to watch another dozen or so episodes to determine how entertaining Kenan and his new family will be. Kenan Thompson has paid his dues and deserves this opportunity alongside Don Johnson and Chris Redd.
I give it a more than respectable 8 out of 10 IMDB rating.
Kenan plays the co-host of an early morning TV show called Wake Up With Kenan who appears to still be processing his grief about his dead wife. Everything and anything Kenan seems to say this one particular morning on his morning TV show is coming out the wrong way so his show is going through a little rough patch at the moment. The kids have an uncle who is Kenan's brother named Gary (Chris Redd) who tries to convince his brother Kenan that it is time he starts living his own life and enjoying himself a little bit.
His two daughters are cute kids and this new formed family seems to have some great on set chemistry. What I really like about this TV series though is "what it doesn't have" and that is that awful canned laughter. Thank you producers for realizing that I can smile and/or laugh when something the cast says is humorous without having to be prompted by that annoying canned laughter on so many other sitcoms.
I for one would like to watch another dozen or so episodes to determine how entertaining Kenan and his new family will be. Kenan Thompson has paid his dues and deserves this opportunity alongside Don Johnson and Chris Redd.
I give it a more than respectable 8 out of 10 IMDB rating.
- Ed-Shullivan
- Feb 16, 2021
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This is one of those basic shows to pass the time with. The first episodes were not that good but it has grew on me. It's pretty decent with all things considered.
It's certainly been done before and been done well. However, this is not one of those instances. Maybe if the show was being passed as a drama instead of a comedy, it could work. But it definitely does not work as a comedy. Pretty disappointing.
- vanessaquinn
- Feb 27, 2021
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Not sure if it will last very long given the network has the habit of cancelling shows but I have to say from the premiere its definitely not a program to write off on. While the humor is on the safe side, its satire is pretty spot on, from hilarious Hollywood production choices and cancel culture. I am a fan of all three of the male leads and they do well playing off of each other. Happy it isn't a multi-cam sitcom with a laugh-track, helps a lot.
- Darwinskid
- Feb 22, 2021
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