32 reviews
I have only ever guessed one right and that was lulu, her voice was so recognisable, and i was surprised that all the judges got it wrong, my favourite on this series is RHINO, he has gotta win, fab fab voice. Just wish I knew who he was. The costumes are always great, I just fi d the clues are so hard, that I try and go by their voice, that's why I only got 1 right.
My only pet hate is the judges, they scream and ruin it for everyone else, I really find this off putting and really spoils the show, when someone sings, you are supposed to Listen and try and guess who it could be, the worst culprit is davina, does my head in, all she does is scream, get her OFF.
My only pet hate is the judges, they scream and ruin it for everyone else, I really find this off putting and really spoils the show, when someone sings, you are supposed to Listen and try and guess who it could be, the worst culprit is davina, does my head in, all she does is scream, get her OFF.
- ritalesauteur
- Feb 17, 2023
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So sitting watching it tonight and isn't unicorn just Kevin mchale being outstanding again't? ???
But it's a good watch too
- lefatmanrt
- Jan 24, 2020
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Well done you if you managed to watch this the whole way through, absolutely dire, what we really don't need on a Saturday night is another mindless singing competition, but here we go, one that's even worse than X factor and The Voice.
The format is tired, the show and panel irritating. I'd much rather sit down and watch a drama on a Saturday evening, I imagine there's an audience for this, I won't be switching on again. Rubbish. 3/10
The format is tired, the show and panel irritating. I'd much rather sit down and watch a drama on a Saturday evening, I imagine there's an audience for this, I won't be switching on again. Rubbish. 3/10
- Sleepin_Dragon
- Jan 3, 2020
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We as a family loved this show guessing who the celebrities are the 2021 show we recently watched was the best one yet!
My 6 year old loved it even though he didn't know who the celebrities are it got him singing the songs in fact he's obsessed with the show watching it through the week even though we already watched it
We all loved it as a family especially during lockdown it's a bit of fun.
I don't mind the judges as much as other shows where the judges wind me up on the likes of X factor etc they are ok on this and Joel dommett as host he presents the show well
10/10 for bringing out my sons singing voice
My 6 year old loved it even though he didn't know who the celebrities are it got him singing the songs in fact he's obsessed with the show watching it through the week even though we already watched it
We all loved it as a family especially during lockdown it's a bit of fun.
I don't mind the judges as much as other shows where the judges wind me up on the likes of X factor etc they are ok on this and Joel dommett as host he presents the show well
10/10 for bringing out my sons singing voice
- JigsawJamie
- Feb 13, 2021
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Everything about this show is painful, the presenter is awful, the judges are all unfunny, fake and awful and it's supposed to be a singing show but only 6 songs get sung over the 60-90 min running time. How does garbage like this end up getting made.
This is so different to the repetitive rubbish that is usually on on a Saturday night, well done ITV me and my family really enjoyed it
- sandman6902-1
- Jan 4, 2020
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How someone could watch this drivel and feel like they got some form of entertainment out of it I will never know. The judges are painful, especially Ken Jeong. The show follows a simple pattern: "celebrities" talk about themselves in a pitch-altered voice, sing a song, Ken Jeong stands up and starts with "I know exactly who this is", ends his speech with "welcome to the masked singer", second "celebrity" performs, audience votes, winner is revealed after the advert break. Imagine this for 60-90 minutes. All in one sitting. Then at the end the "celebrity" reveals themself. It's the definition of mind numbing.
- alexbeaumontpokemon
- Jan 10, 2020
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- bethanyallt
- Jan 18, 2020
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I really try to give it a go. It's just so fake with emotions from the panel. Also the host with the fakest teeth is so annoying with his camp body language.
I can see your voice is far superior to this effort.
I can see your voice is far superior to this effort.
- kdaddy-787-800267
- Feb 7, 2022
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The only good thing was that we recorded it (to see what all the fuss was about) so we could fast forward through alot of it. Even reducing watching time to 15 mins-ish it was a close run thing as far as seeing it through to the end. Stupid waste of money.
- ianmwoodhouse
- Jan 15, 2020
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Some of the reviewers clearly don't understand the concept and are unappreciative of the talent and efforts that go in to this show. Clearly people are not patient and having fun putting clues together over weeks and are desparate to find out now, straight away. Just relax, join in and enjoy or tune in to something else and leave the fun entertainment alone.
- pinkestteddy
- Jan 15, 2022
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Prime-Time TV talent shows have become so dull in recent years. Tired of the same old format? Well give this a go.
It's bonkers for sure, and the singing is variable, but it has had me hooked trying to guess who was behind the masks, and rooting for certain contestants. I can't wait for the next one.
Those looking for something high-brow look elsewhere, but if you want an hour fun on a Saturday evening I don't think you can go too far wrong.
It's bonkers for sure, and the singing is variable, but it has had me hooked trying to guess who was behind the masks, and rooting for certain contestants. I can't wait for the next one.
Those looking for something high-brow look elsewhere, but if you want an hour fun on a Saturday evening I don't think you can go too far wrong.
- nickgemesi
- Jan 3, 2020
- Permalink
What absolute gall that woman has to show her face on TV after breaking rules so blatantly. This show is for CBBC anyway, the constant switching to the panel is pathetic. It's supposed to have bonified singers on it, not a burnt out old footballer and Lenny Henry. I despair of this country.
- Birminghamukengland
- Jan 27, 2021
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- rowland-32319
- Feb 16, 2020
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I've seen many many stupid tv shows during my time but seriously a kids guessing game on Saturday night tv?!!!
This makes Noel's house party with Mr Blobby look superior.
Put it on CITV because that's where it belongs.
Not recommended for those who actually have a life.
- jamiebeckley
- Dec 27, 2020
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- glenn-aylett
- Dec 31, 2020
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- bigdavidharold
- Jan 7, 2023
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- soundfontmidiman
- Jan 24, 2021
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After a long week of work at the sewage farm where i work 80+ hours per week, there is nothing i like better than to relax and switch off and watch this pile of online crap, its like a busmans holiday for me watching the masked singer. but i dont get paid for watching this kind of crap on telly.
- andrew_james10
- Feb 15, 2020
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- jpantlin-41234
- Jan 4, 2020
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- youthandyoungmanhood
- Feb 18, 2024
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With the full talent of Davina behind it - we are faced with talented, & always available "stars" we have offer .
Plenty of studio enhanced audiences "enjoying " witty judges and what a SHOCK !! Moments
Davina makes this show just a lot more cringing with here over false enthusiasm.
Just keeps on not giving
Davina makes this show just a lot more cringing with here over false enthusiasm.
Just keeps on not giving
- johnharding-99358
- Feb 5, 2021
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- bjoernhund
- Feb 5, 2020
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