27 reviews
Let me start off by saying I usually love Sarah Drew and Ryan McPartlin! I think they're both fun to watch! For me, this story just fell flat. I didn't feel any chemistry between the leads together, which was a bummer! Ive also grown a little tired of the Christmas pageant idea yet again. I need something different with the plot to keep me entertained! I will gladly watch ANY movie as long as has a good story that draws me in and has good acting that makes you feel something, those are my only asks. Personally, these were my only real issues with this movie: the same old plot and lack of chemistry, nothing else! Definitely had potential but needed more for me.
- MovieQween-33622
- Nov 26, 2019
- Permalink
Two single parents bond over decorations. Sarah Drew plays a wedding planner. Ryan McPartlin is a charming Christmas decorator with a goofy smile. Lesley Ann Warren looks lovely and young - she has aged very well. They have a cute enough romance with a pretty finale.
As far as these movies go this is alright - it's not about the struggling business and moving to a small town stuff.
As far as these movies go this is alright - it's not about the struggling business and moving to a small town stuff.
- phd_travel
- Dec 4, 2019
- Permalink
There were three main reasons for wanting to see 'Twinkle all the Way'. One was my love of Christmas. Two was that it was part of my Lifetime (and Hallmark) Christmas film completest quest, despite their 2019 output being such a mixed batch and generally unimpressive. Third and last of all was for the lovely Lesley Ann Warren, have liked her ever since one of the best versions of 'Cinderella' and one of my favourite comedies 'Clue'.
She doesn't disappoint in 'Twinkle all the Way' and the film itself to me was pretty good. Not quite great and with not much new, but it has a lot of charm and has its heart completely in the right place. Of Lifetime's 2019 Christmas output, 'Twinkle all the Way' to me struck me as one of the best watching it some months back (have been a bit behind on my film viewing though having for a while decided to slow down and because of music committments and health troubles).
As said, 'Twinkle all the Way' didn't strike me as great. It has a premise that has been well worn for goodness knows how long with a familiar setting, and it doesn't do an awful lot fresh with it. For example one can figure out the (too convenient and on the schmaltzy side) ending from miles off. The pace could have done with a little more energy.
One doesn't ever expect Oscar-worthy dialogue when watching a Lifetime film, that's setting expectations too high and it's not that kind of film. Some parts can be rather cheesy and doesn't always flow.
However, 'Twinkle all the Way' still has a lot to like. Sarah Drew and Ryan McPartlin are very likeable leads, neither try too hard yet both engage fully to their material. Personally actually thought that their chemistry was natural and genuine, not to mention sweet. It was appreciated that the relationship didn't feel rushed and that it developed realistically enough. A major asset to the film is Warren, still looking amazing and looking much younger than her 74 years, who has a warm charismatic presence. 'Twinkle all the Way' also had to me characters worth caring for, they are interesting and any negative character traits are not exaggerated. Really don't know why there are a few people that have a problem with the presence of the gay couple, diversity in a film to me is always welcome and they do not harm the film at all or come over as stereotypical.
Moreover, it looks good in particularly the scenery. The music is pleasant and not intrusive, not always the case with Lifetime (even more Hallmark) films. The script is far from perfect, but is sweet and raised a number of smiles. The story is likewise flawed, but is very charming and warm-hearted with an authentic atmosphere.
In summary, pretty good. 7/10
She doesn't disappoint in 'Twinkle all the Way' and the film itself to me was pretty good. Not quite great and with not much new, but it has a lot of charm and has its heart completely in the right place. Of Lifetime's 2019 Christmas output, 'Twinkle all the Way' to me struck me as one of the best watching it some months back (have been a bit behind on my film viewing though having for a while decided to slow down and because of music committments and health troubles).
As said, 'Twinkle all the Way' didn't strike me as great. It has a premise that has been well worn for goodness knows how long with a familiar setting, and it doesn't do an awful lot fresh with it. For example one can figure out the (too convenient and on the schmaltzy side) ending from miles off. The pace could have done with a little more energy.
One doesn't ever expect Oscar-worthy dialogue when watching a Lifetime film, that's setting expectations too high and it's not that kind of film. Some parts can be rather cheesy and doesn't always flow.
However, 'Twinkle all the Way' still has a lot to like. Sarah Drew and Ryan McPartlin are very likeable leads, neither try too hard yet both engage fully to their material. Personally actually thought that their chemistry was natural and genuine, not to mention sweet. It was appreciated that the relationship didn't feel rushed and that it developed realistically enough. A major asset to the film is Warren, still looking amazing and looking much younger than her 74 years, who has a warm charismatic presence. 'Twinkle all the Way' also had to me characters worth caring for, they are interesting and any negative character traits are not exaggerated. Really don't know why there are a few people that have a problem with the presence of the gay couple, diversity in a film to me is always welcome and they do not harm the film at all or come over as stereotypical.
Moreover, it looks good in particularly the scenery. The music is pleasant and not intrusive, not always the case with Lifetime (even more Hallmark) films. The script is far from perfect, but is sweet and raised a number of smiles. The story is likewise flawed, but is very charming and warm-hearted with an authentic atmosphere.
In summary, pretty good. 7/10
- TheLittleSongbird
- Aug 31, 2020
- Permalink
The premise has been used but not as much as some. Two single parents get thrown together to organize a Christmas pageant, or in this case just the sets. Both are busy with huge important deadlines Christmas Eve. Fortunately the pageant is not the same night. It's been done, but somehow it felt different than most of them.
There's a hint of something magical about Henry and his mother Twinkle (yes that's her name). Cadence is the cliche list maker, but you quickly get the sense that she is capable of at least a little flexibility. Sarah Drew and Ryan McPartlin connect. Add two cute little girls, 6 and 7 I think, and this movie gets a double kid bonus, but in this case it's the kids that bond with each other, not adult to kid as in so many other movies. The movie gives them all time to develop relationships.
There is a male gay couple that are affectionate. If that really bothers you, don't watch, but it doesn't interfere with anything.
Somehow I knew what the crisis would be - previews maybe? But I did not see the solution coming until the last minute. That part was done well.
There's a hint of something magical about Henry and his mother Twinkle (yes that's her name). Cadence is the cliche list maker, but you quickly get the sense that she is capable of at least a little flexibility. Sarah Drew and Ryan McPartlin connect. Add two cute little girls, 6 and 7 I think, and this movie gets a double kid bonus, but in this case it's the kids that bond with each other, not adult to kid as in so many other movies. The movie gives them all time to develop relationships.
There is a male gay couple that are affectionate. If that really bothers you, don't watch, but it doesn't interfere with anything.
Somehow I knew what the crisis would be - previews maybe? But I did not see the solution coming until the last minute. That part was done well.
I watch a lot of Lifetime/Hallmark movies and I always complain about the lack of diversity. This one includes an LGTBQ+ character and several afro-american characters as well. Good. You made me happy.
Lovely story, not the usual "save the town/small town" stuff that I came accustomed to. We rarely see two single parents coming together. Sarah Drew certainly shines in this one. The kids bonding was adorable.
And to all the homophobics comments out there, you disgust me, it's 2020. I cannot wait till the day we get a movie of this type with a same gender couple.
Lovely story, not the usual "save the town/small town" stuff that I came accustomed to. We rarely see two single parents coming together. Sarah Drew certainly shines in this one. The kids bonding was adorable.
And to all the homophobics comments out there, you disgust me, it's 2020. I cannot wait till the day we get a movie of this type with a same gender couple.
It is a lovely Christmas film. For politicale correctness, for Lesley Ann Warren, for chalenges for two single partenera, for something very old fashion definind it. And, sure, for atmosphere. Short, a correct Halmark, giving, în fair doses, just what you expect.
- Kirpianuscus
- Dec 26, 2020
- Permalink
I love Sarah Drew and she didn't disappoint. Ryan Mcpartlin also played the role of the goofy single dad well. My favorite was Ruthie, the six year old girl. What an adorable little actress! She looks just like a doll and played the role very well
I know some people were bothered by the gay couple but honestly they were not a main part of the story at all. They were on screen for just a few minutes total. If seeing that bothers you just fast forward a couple of minutes and you will literally not miss anything of importance. There's no need to demonize the entire movie for such small details. The overall movie was cute and enjoyable.
I know some people were bothered by the gay couple but honestly they were not a main part of the story at all. They were on screen for just a few minutes total. If seeing that bothers you just fast forward a couple of minutes and you will literally not miss anything of importance. There's no need to demonize the entire movie for such small details. The overall movie was cute and enjoyable.
- agrg-86386
- Jan 13, 2024
- Permalink
It's quite a predictable movie but okay to watch. However, when the first snow was falling, it was quite obvious that this was edited in, which was quite annoying troughout the rest of the movie.
With all the cheesy Christmas movies on TV this time of year, this is not one of them. With Great acting and cast, this movie is a diamond in the rough. This is a great family movie. Don't pay attention to the homophobes posting horrible reviews.
Two men constantly touching each other and kissing is not a family movie. This movie gets a 1. Lifetime is pushing their agenda more and more. I have totally stopped watching Lifetime Christmas movies.
- bookandcandle
- Dec 3, 2021
- Permalink
For your information, a family movie is a movie promoting love. If you don't agree with this, ask yourself the right questions.
- coralielemaitre
- Nov 30, 2019
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This movies had some good actors. Sarah Drew always shines in all her roles. She did an amazing job in Christmas in Vienna which really showcased her musical talent. This movie had warmth and charm and unfortunately more politically correct nonsense then I will watch. It looks like LifeTime is going the same direction as many others as far as trying to be progressive and move away from traditional values in their movies. People have the right to believe whatever they choose in this county...at least for now. I just don't appreciate the views of a very small minority of our population being forced upon us from every angle...including movies.
- debbie_shiloh
- Dec 26, 2022
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- Racingphan2
- Nov 2, 2020
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Absolutely LOVED this cheerful, sweet holiday movie. Super fun story, great characters, delightful acting and - wait for it - a loving, affectionate, open gay couple integral to the story!!! Yes, they were side characters, but they were very important to the lead character, helped drive the plot forward and had multiple screen moments of affection. It was done so tastefully and organically. A great step forward for the genre! One step closer to someday having LGBTQ leads in one of these cheesy made-for-TV Christmas movies. Thank you, Lifetime!
- doctorsmoothlove
- Dec 22, 2019
- Permalink
This was a perfect romantic Christmas movie. And even though the plotline was predictable (yes, sure romantic and Christmas movie, hello) there were some moments of surprise. I loved it. It gave me all the feelings I was looking for.
- ieva-ancane
- Dec 23, 2020
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The writer of this movie shouldn't write anymore. Super boring storyline and no cohesiveness throughout the movie. Just totally lacking the Christmas vibe.
- mmoore-29085
- Nov 23, 2021
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I love Christmas movies, but this one just fell flat both morally and verbally.
Not a family-friendly movie. The actors were all good and I enjoyed them. It was just not the best Christmas movie this year.
Not a family-friendly movie. The actors were all good and I enjoyed them. It was just not the best Christmas movie this year.
- bookandcandle
- Dec 29, 2021
- Permalink
I give this a solid 8 for the storyline, cuteness factor and the two main characters Henry and Cadence. It's a feel-good movie and especially one for single parents. There was one part of the storyline that was totally and completely unnecessary but was put in there to meet a checklist of popular sorts, which was obvious as it had no place, story or plot to the story or the ending of it. Just ignore the unnecessary. All in all though, it's a cute steady and rhythmic stroll through pretty scenes, idyllic settings, touching moments and creativity, that never falls flat. Give it a chance, don't judge it harshly as it's not about to win an Oscar, but it sure will win a place on your list as a great Holiday go to, and you may even get Christmas bumps :)
- shannonmykayla
- Aug 19, 2021
- Permalink
Love the leads but this one did not work for me!
Lack of chemistry, weak storyline and the same old Christmas story. Lifetime please write heartfelt stories like - "Every other Holiday" This movie was so good and different! Very real and in these times very relatable.
- BurberryGal
- Nov 30, 2019
- Permalink
- dbuckshnis
- Dec 21, 2024
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I love Hallmark and every type of cheesy romantic schmaltz but I could only make 15 minutes of this travesty of irritating boredom. It is even too irritating to put you to sleep.....
- jroyals-04341
- Jul 7, 2024
- Permalink
This television film was recommended to me as an LGBT film, and of course I was disappointed. One should never follow suggestions made by sources that probably saw something in it that I missed. Despite disappointment I was unimpressed by the scenario, and except for the very good Lesley Ann Warren I found the acting lacked excitement or any bite in the scenario. There comes a point when over lavish decorative houses palls, and without actors that can make up for this, I suppose, inevitable formula. No spoilers but a weather threat made my heart beat and I actually thought it was real snow. In these Christmas films fake flakes are often used. Not a bad film, but really hit none of my heart strings. Major heterosexuality and minor homosexuality does not in my opinion make an LGBT film.
- jromanbaker
- Nov 24, 2023
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