116 reviews
It's a delightful light comedy that is doing a good job to address a major issues so many people are going through. I have no clue why people are critical of it. It's a 30 min sitcom, I'm not sure what they expect.
First of all Asyir Kalyan overacted ad nauseam, so much that he ruined every scene But as the series is moving on, he has toned down and is effective . The premise could work especially if they develop the PTSD aspects . I like the other cast members, I am going to give this one a chance.
- cockezville
- Apr 18, 2021
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I confess I was somewhat predisposed to like this show because I am very fond of both of the lead actors. Moreover, I have lived overseas, so some of the humor about cross-cultural differences resonated with me in a way it might not have for everyone who tuned into the United States of Al. That being said, I see potential in this show.
While the pilot was not filled with non-stop laughter, there were a lot of cute moments and it served its purpose by conveying the storyline and providing insights into the main characters. Personally, I find the concept of this show appealing because it portrays a very plausible situation. Being able to look a the return of a soldier who served his country set up storylines that could both tickle your funny bone and pull at your heartstrings. Naturally, the inclusion of his one time translator opens up the fish out of water trope, as well as the possibility of some serious bromance.
What remains to be seen is whether or not the writers can pull all that together into a funny package, while avoiding the pitfalls most Network sitcoms are falling prey to these days. If the creators of this show continue to focus on the human element, storytelling, and jokes, this could become something special. Alternately, if they go the preachy route, turning this into a vehicle to push their preferred political ideology, there will be no saving it.
For now, I see enough of a spark that I will keep my fingers crossed and continue to watch...
While the pilot was not filled with non-stop laughter, there were a lot of cute moments and it served its purpose by conveying the storyline and providing insights into the main characters. Personally, I find the concept of this show appealing because it portrays a very plausible situation. Being able to look a the return of a soldier who served his country set up storylines that could both tickle your funny bone and pull at your heartstrings. Naturally, the inclusion of his one time translator opens up the fish out of water trope, as well as the possibility of some serious bromance.
What remains to be seen is whether or not the writers can pull all that together into a funny package, while avoiding the pitfalls most Network sitcoms are falling prey to these days. If the creators of this show continue to focus on the human element, storytelling, and jokes, this could become something special. Alternately, if they go the preachy route, turning this into a vehicle to push their preferred political ideology, there will be no saving it.
For now, I see enough of a spark that I will keep my fingers crossed and continue to watch...
- lusciousmuffins
- Apr 8, 2021
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As a veteran, and as the mother of two young men who went to war, I found this show to be a wonderful combination of humor and the realities of returning from a war zone.
I really like Al and his using his lifelong skills to help the world in which he now lives to adjust to his way of doing things. His fast talking his way into and out of trouble is a really cute aspect of his character that will lend itself to a lot of laughter in later shows.
I also like how they showed in the very beginning the love of the two men who saw the elephant standing side-by-side and came out on the other side alive.
As far as the laugh track, people reviewing this show, talking about how bad it is... Try to remember the first show was the pilot being filmed during a pandemic. If I had to guess, it would be that no audience was allowed to be there. But, that's just me using common sense and a lack of judgment because I choose to judge something AFTER I've seen it, rather than before.
This show is reminiscent of the sitcoms we used to watch on television. Everyone is who they are, even if it bothers some people, and the writers are great at capturing what life was like for military members who come back home after months in the sandbox, and their struggles readjusting to a life that no longer requires hypervigilance and sleeping with one eye open.
I also really like how Al gets involved in fixing his bro's marriage. It's not just the soldier who suffers when s/he returns from war, but the family, too. I like how the show gives us both sides of the trauma.
I hope this show enjoys a long run because I like it. A lot.
Edited to add: People seem to be complaining about the uniform not being "realistic." People... (SMH) It's sitcom, not a reality show. Most people wouldn't even notice this... Let it go!
I really like Al and his using his lifelong skills to help the world in which he now lives to adjust to his way of doing things. His fast talking his way into and out of trouble is a really cute aspect of his character that will lend itself to a lot of laughter in later shows.
I also like how they showed in the very beginning the love of the two men who saw the elephant standing side-by-side and came out on the other side alive.
As far as the laugh track, people reviewing this show, talking about how bad it is... Try to remember the first show was the pilot being filmed during a pandemic. If I had to guess, it would be that no audience was allowed to be there. But, that's just me using common sense and a lack of judgment because I choose to judge something AFTER I've seen it, rather than before.
This show is reminiscent of the sitcoms we used to watch on television. Everyone is who they are, even if it bothers some people, and the writers are great at capturing what life was like for military members who come back home after months in the sandbox, and their struggles readjusting to a life that no longer requires hypervigilance and sleeping with one eye open.
I also really like how Al gets involved in fixing his bro's marriage. It's not just the soldier who suffers when s/he returns from war, but the family, too. I like how the show gives us both sides of the trauma.
I hope this show enjoys a long run because I like it. A lot.
Edited to add: People seem to be complaining about the uniform not being "realistic." People... (SMH) It's sitcom, not a reality show. Most people wouldn't even notice this... Let it go!
- nancylmarine
- Apr 9, 2021
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The main character is not funny, the plot is not funny. It seems preachy, and condescending, at times. I am pretty sure it misrepresents culture in the Middle East.
- stevenrcaruso
- Apr 29, 2021
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It's rare and about time that network comedies take a chance on a new challenging premise. Al is an Afghanistan legal immigrant who worked as a translator for the United States military. He comes to Columbus, Ohio where the American soldier and his family welcome him into their home. The sitcom needs time. The cast is fine but the show is stilling trying to find itself. The actor who played Al I'd not Afghani but he is talented an experienced. He was David spade's assistant in rules of engagement and played a Muslim foreign exchange student in another sitcom. I'm glad to see chs exploring other cultures and religions. I only wished they did it sooner.
- Sylviastel
- May 20, 2021
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I tried watching this show when it first began broadcasting, and it stuck me as shallow and unrealistic. Watching the opener tonight for the second season, I'm heartened that the show is finally attempting to deal with the serious issues surrounding Afghanistan and now it's fall to the Taliban. Having spent time in the Middle East and having also been evacuated from a country there during a revolution, the circumstances under those kinds of conditions are much more traumatic and emotional than what still comes across in this sitcom. The show doesn't display adequately and realistically enough the kind of emotional roller coaster that people actually experience during these kinds of events where one worries if one will live or die. I don't know if the problem lies with the writing, the acting, the directing, or all three, but this show need serious revamping that gets us, the audience, involved in the emotional anxiety of these characters. It is more comforting to not feel like we are living the problems others are having, and so we tend to distant ourselves as people sometimes do traveling with a tour group in some foreign country where they watch everything from the windows of their bus or train with always a barrier between the society we have come to explore and the sanitized environment provided by the tour. We need to be drawn in, and doing this now, is so very, very important because so many of us living in our isolated worlds have trouble even having empathy for our neighbors, let alone for people who have had everything torn away from them. This first show of this second season is an improvement over what came before, but we audience members must be taken to the places where the real people trying to get out of Afghanistan are or to those left there to live under Taliban rule live. Unfortunately, we are still keeping the TV screen between us and them.
Sad that people seem to be missing the intelligence of this gentle loving humor. So far I am very impressed with all actors and the show's intentions and social import. See thru your cynicism and bias, its all a form of not getting it.
- davidcbiddle
- Apr 22, 2021
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I thought it was a good show!! We laughed and for a pilot episode think that it's good enough to watch again!!
As a brown guy living in Asia this series has it's hits and misses when it comes to cultural accuracy and tired down racial tropes. But it's not "offensive" offensive and the intent seems good, and overall the comedy is decent. I think that's what matters in a sitcom.
Characters are funny and relatable, and the show overall has a surprisingly wholesome vibe that I like. Do give it a shot with an open mind.
Characters are funny and relatable, and the show overall has a surprisingly wholesome vibe that I like. Do give it a shot with an open mind.
- danieljohn-55153
- Apr 2, 2021
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Indian guy doing afghan interpreter role, he looks kinda stupid and not funny at all, riley also not funny... What happened to chuck loree??? He is not doing anything good these days Chuck killed charlie in two and half finale, then made worst bbt ending, then dumb b positive show then this....????
Cancel it already!!!!!!
Indian guy doing afghan interpreter role, he looks kinda stupid and not funny at all, riley also not funny... What happened to chuck loree??? He is not doing anything good these days Chuck killed charlie in two and half finale, then made worst bbt ending, then dumb b positive show then this....????
Cancel it already!!!!!!
- Laqshayaroraofficial
- Apr 2, 2021
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This is just so bad. The afghan star is a pretty bad actor. The script is lame. Like others it could have been a good show but isn't.
I normally don't review a show until it is done, however if I want this show to get a second season, it might need a couple reviews. An honest take on United States of Al. Al himself is one of the main controversial parts of the show, I cannot speak for if it offensive personally, my friend found him relatable, however the character is the only one that's fleshed out. Everyone works when there playing off Al, but stray so far when there apart. Riley, Art, Vanessa, Lizzie and the stereotypical kid trope, all aren't given time to flesh out yet, similar to the problems plaguing B Positive which time hopefully will solve.
If you find offensive to this show, that's your right, however I cannot say this show is trash, awful, or even racist. It tries to diversify television, it has decent enough characters that need a little fleshing out, it can tell heartwarming stories but rarely blends the comedy with them. It has it's heart in the right places, and I hope it doesn't become the last we see of Al. Chuck Lorre, you did alright this time.
If you find offensive to this show, that's your right, however I cannot say this show is trash, awful, or even racist. It tries to diversify television, it has decent enough characters that need a little fleshing out, it can tell heartwarming stories but rarely blends the comedy with them. It has it's heart in the right places, and I hope it doesn't become the last we see of Al. Chuck Lorre, you did alright this time.
The show has potential. It's obvious that they have veterans on the writing staff. The concepts are more refined than most military themed shows. The canned laughter is annoying but understandable in the COVID environment that doesn't allow studio audiences. I hope it survives to fix the flaws, but it's in a tough spot.
- kuzindwight
- Apr 25, 2021
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We enjoyed the 1st episode very much. All characters were pleasant. No idiots and No screeching or whining, like in so many series lately. Characters are well balanced in their presentation and social issue points are not shoved down your throats. Basically, a nice funny show.
- vintagegeek
- Apr 1, 2021
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I'm liking this show. It's showing how different personalities can adjust to new and unexpected situations in a funny way. Wish it was in front of I live audience but let's give it a chance.
- dinojoeybell
- May 1, 2021
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What passes for a tv show these days is astounding. This show is beyond bad. I get the Lorre formula of mixing a serious issue with comedy. The treatment of a soldier with PTSD is not a joking matter and "the foreign guy" character is truly insulting. This whole America is heaven schtick they have him running with is nauseating. Then let's add some truly bad casting and poor acting. Bleccch.
- johnpoplawski
- May 6, 2021
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I don't quite understand why the negative comments for this show. It's funny. It's light. The characters have backstories that as the show moves on will progress and unravel. It's a comedy. It's not supposed to have authentic accents and be a perfect or accurate representation of anything. It's supposed to make you laugh. And a good comedy will touch on difficult issues in a way that is designed to make you think, without shutting out those who aren't quite ready to go there. It really reminded me of the sitcoms that's used to grace primetime before PVRs and streaming. That being said the comedic timing needs some work. But if you watch pilots of any of the shows that ran for years and years, the pilot is always a touch off. They haven't settled in. I think this show has excellent potential. It's different. But that's what made the Big Bang and Seinfeld so great. They were different, and witty. You just enjoyed watching and getting to know the characters and how they interacted with each other and their environment. Not saying this is the same because it's not but it feels like it has the potential to grow into something bigger. Just hope people give it a chance to become what it can be instead of tearing it down. Perhaps it strikes a nerve that's a little too raw for some. But so far I'm enjoying watching it.
I'm not going to give up on it just yet.
The constant beer drinking is a problem for me.
A cheap shot is taken when there is a lame reason for him to remove his shirt. Nice body though.
The acting is getting better.
The constant beer drinking is a problem for me.
A cheap shot is taken when there is a lame reason for him to remove his shirt. Nice body though.
The acting is getting better.
- jmdurden-33794
- Jun 27, 2021
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As a Marine Vet myself I tried to like it, I love Chuck Lorre shows, but this is pure garbage. It is in no way based in reality and I take as a slap in the face. Excuse me according to his uniform he has been in at least 8 years and is only a E-5. I have PTSD and this show is a joke.
- doncbarefoot
- May 9, 2021
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For whatever reason, I'm going to stay and root that it gets better. Likeable characters, fresh premise... I'm in.
- aeasmmikey-86536
- Apr 2, 2021
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The characters are funny and it combines drama and comedy. It's refreshing to see a different story line on TV in a sitcom that reflects real life family issues for military families.
- mrshamburger
- Jun 3, 2022
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I was looking forward to another show with Parker Young and even Adhir (who wasn't bad in Rules of Engagement). But wow...this show is the plainest show I saw in recent years. An empty roll of toilet paper is funnier. The laugh track laughs when things are not funny. Well I guess they had to insert it somewhere.
There are many, many missed opportunities as well. Like when Al is trying to ace his driver's exam for the second time and the bikini car-wash girls make him panic, yet he's waiting in front of a red light and can't move the car. He now says something to Paula (the examiner) like "that red light is taking really long..." (the end). Missed opportunity.
"Hey Paula, do you work on Thursday?" > "yes, why?" > "Well I guess I'll see you then!" and floor it. The end.
There are many, many missed opportunities as well. Like when Al is trying to ace his driver's exam for the second time and the bikini car-wash girls make him panic, yet he's waiting in front of a red light and can't move the car. He now says something to Paula (the examiner) like "that red light is taking really long..." (the end). Missed opportunity.
"Hey Paula, do you work on Thursday?" > "yes, why?" > "Well I guess I'll see you then!" and floor it. The end.
- geert-9-147737
- Apr 23, 2021
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The way Al is portrayed he seems very stereotypical vague "foreign guy" and it rubs me the wrong way. A chance to have multicultural representation and address vet issues down the drain. Even if it's a cheesy premise it could've been decent with some more thought.
All those saying "Indians don't look middle eastern" or "Indians don't appear Afghan" have no idea of the size of the Indian population, or the incredible variety of people who make up that country. Even if they saw a million Indians, that still wouldn't truly represent the over 1 billion people constituting it. Furthermore, stop referring to Indians as a "race." Indians are an amalgamation of a ton of different peoples and come in myriad shapes, sizes, hues, and appearances. In any case "Al" on this show isn't even Indian, he's South African of Indian origin. Would you call Mike Tyson a Congolese? No. Would you call Steve Martin British? No. So let's stop with that nonsense. I too had a problem with the casting earlier, but he's pulled it off okay - so let's stop with all this nonsense about race and background and just enjoy the show for its entertainment value instead.
- brokenhillman
- Apr 21, 2022
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