- Paolo Gucci: Can you keep a secret? Cross your heart and hope to die.
- Patrizia Reggiani: [as she makes the sign of the cross] Father, son and House of Gucci.
- Patrizia Reggiani: I had no idea I married a monster.
- Maurizio Gucci: You didn't. You married a Gucci.
- Paolo Gucci: Boof. Never confuse shit with cioccolato. They may look the same, but the taste - very different. Trust me, I know.
- Patrizia Reggiani: It's time to take out the trash. Aldo and Paolo, they're poison. They're an embarrassment to this company and everybody knows it. They have to go. And you need to get your fucking business organised.
- Maurizio Gucci: Patricia... they are my family.
- Patrizia Reggiani: So am I.
- Maurizio Gucci: As far as fakes go, they're pretty good. I'd buy them.
- Patrizia Reggiani: Don't be such a cretin!
- Maurizio Gucci: Don't call me a cretin, sweetie.
- Patrizia Reggiani: That's not what I said. I asked you not to be one.
- [first lines]
- Patrizia Reggiani: It was a name that sounded so sweet, so seductive. Synonymous with wealth... style... power. You passed one of their windows and peeked inside, hoping you'd earn enough money someday to afford the second-cheapest item. Surprise! You won't. But the last name was a curse too. It belonged to a Tuscan family. They didn't fight over land or crown.
- Paolo Gucci: Don't even look at me, you lying *sack* of potatoes!
- Maurizio Gucci: Paolo.
- Paolo Gucci: Shut your fucking mouth!
- Maurizio Gucci: Paolo!
- Patrizia Reggiani: We are outside the church. You shut your fucking mouth.
- Paolo Gucci: You shut your mouth!
- Maurizio Gucci: [to Patrizia] I don't love you. I don't hate you. I just don't want to be with you anymore.
- Maurizio Gucci: [to Patrizia] They only thing I need from you, is to stay away from Gucci before you cause anymore damage.
- Patrizia Reggiani: I'm gonna go see him tomorrow.
- Pina Auriemma: Maybe, you should wait until we come back from the Caymans. And then, we can - we can do a nice evil eye on him, hmm ?
- Patrizia Reggiani: Another spell? We've run out of spells. We need something stronger.
- Pina Auriemma: Maybe, I can still do something that will work, But for that, you have to be positive.
- Patrizia Reggiani: [rubs both Pina's cheeks and hers with mud] I am being very fucking positive.
- Maurizio Gucci: When you make me sneak around my own family. When you set father and son against each other and me against Paolo. When you second-guess a person like Domenico De Sole - the only person my father trusted. These things have an effect on the environment I operate in. On me! Actions have consequences.
- Patrizia Reggiani: I did that for you. I was being constructive. I'm not gonna apologize for that. No thanks.
- Maurizio Gucci: My uncle is in prison and my cousin thinks I'm scum. And you think that's constructive?
- Aldo Gucci: That shoe you showed me before - take a look inside your shoe and see at the heel. There's something you should see. I remember ordering a pair of those for Clark Gable. 1953. Right before he did the film Mogambo. This is the rarest of shoes. You see that? You see that? It's a gold leaf. You know, I had to stop doing that. It got too expensive. So. Where did you get that shoe? Where? There's no way you bought that shoe in London. Who gave it to you?
- Maurizio Gucci: Do you study here?
- Patrizia Reggiani: I'm - considering it. The problem is I hate reading. I get bored.
- Maurizio Gucci: Oh.
- Patrizia Reggiani: What are those about?
- Maurizio Gucci: Well, these are very exciting books about the legislative process.
- Maurizio Gucci: I have to go.
- Patrizia Reggiani: It's only midnight, Cinderella. The night is young.
- Maurizio Gucci: I turn into a frog at midnight. It's nice to meet you, Patrizia.
- Patrizia Reggiani: It's a pumpkin. Not a frog.
- Patrizia Reggiani: Picasso?
- Rodolfo Gucci: No. no, no. no. It's Klimt.
- Patrizia Reggiani: How silly of me.
- Rodolfo Gucci: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. It's an easy mistake. I've made worse myself.
- Patrizia Reggiani: Must be worth a fortune.
- Rodolfo Gucci: Yes. But you know, to me, art, like beauty, has no price.
- Maurizio Gucci: Patrizia, how come I've never seen you before?
- Patrizia Reggiani: You weren't looking hard enough.
- Maurizio Gucci: I would have noticed that Bianca was friends with Elizabeth Taylor.
- Patrizia Reggiani: I can assure you - I'm way more fun.
- Maurizio Gucci: You hide here in the past and you expect me to hide here with you? Not anymore! These are your ghosts. These are your ghosts, not mine. These are your regrets.
- Paolo Gucci: I was born with a gift. I am an artist. My father, he just won't see it.
- [presenting fashion drawings]
- Rodolfo Gucci: But - these are yours? How come the family doesn't know you have a gift? Domenico, did you know Paolo had a gift?
- Domenico De Sole: I'm afraid I did not, sir.
- Paolo Gucci: Well, we both know he's blind in one eye and deaf in the other. So.
- Pina Auriemma: Always have something red on you for protection. And wear more green. Green is for cleansing.
- Patrizia Reggiani: Green doesn't go with my lipstick.
- Pina Auriemma: Change your lipstick. You're already so beautiful. Or wear green underwear.
- Paolo Gucci: You designed this scarf, correct?
- Rodolfo Gucci: Oh, yes. That scarf is my signature. It has caressed the necks of all the world's beauties. Jackie O, Grace, Sofia. Study it closely. No browns, no pastels.
- Paolo Gucci: I happen to be bursting with creativity.
- Aldo Gucci: Yes, yes.
- Paolo Gucci: Yes, my bladder may be full; but, my dreams are even fuller. I'm like a rush of water.
- Aldo Gucci: Somebody build a dam.
- Patrizia Reggiani: Don't pin Gucci's problems on me, okay? I'm just here mopping up your fucking mess.
- Rodolfo Gucci: What is it you want?
- Maurizio Gucci: What I want is to marry her.
- Rodolfo Gucci: Live with her. Fuck her. Have a good time with her. Do what you want. Go away on holiday. Go to Sardinia. But, no, not marry.
- Patrizia Reggiani: I didn't know I was sitting with a movie star. Can I get an autograph?
- Rodolfo Gucci: Oh, no, no, no. The only good thing that came from my career was meeting Maurizio's mother. Now she, she was a star. I remember at her funeral, during - a moment of silent remembrance, Maurizio noticed the priest lighting candles - and he began to sing "Happy Birthday." He turned, maybe the saddest moment of my life, into something - how do you say - something sweet. That's my son. That is my dear boy.
- Aldo Gucci: When did you last touch him, huh? When did you last hug him? You don't touch anybody. You used to touch every once in a while, now you, what, touch yourself?
- Rodolfo Gucci: Over the years, I have found - that true talent is often unaware of its own brilliance. It must be cherished and protected. Whereas hacks, they run around - shouting their delicious ideas, begging to be recognized. Blind - to their own - mediocrity. My dear nephew, you have achieved a triumph of mediocrity. And you have also achieved the unimaginable. You have found one thing - upon which your father and I can agree. Your total incompetence.
- Maurizio Gucci: Gucci is like that cake. Once you think there's enough to go around, then you'll have a taste, and then you'll want more - and then you'll want the whole thing for yourself.
- Patrizia Reggiani: Well, what about you? You just gonna sit around and watch them eat everything?
- Maurizio Gucci: Me? I am Gucci by name. I don't have their - Tuscan character. It was diluted by my mother's German blood.
- Aldo Gucci: [on the phone] We are celebrating my birthday this weekend at my villa. And I think it would be a perfect opportunity for you to come and meet the family. What do you think?
- Patrizia Reggiani: Your birthday, I would love that. How many candles is it?
- Aldo Gucci: 70. They say it's the new 69.
- Maurizio Gucci: It's all bullshit. We're not royalty. My grandfather Guccio was a bellhop in London. That's where he got the idea for leather goods. By carrying bags around for rich aristocrats.
- Rodolfo Gucci: Discuss what?
- Paolo Gucci: My ideas.
- Rodolfo Gucci: You have ideas?
- Paolo Gucci: Boof. Does an elephant shit in the jungle?
- Maurizio Gucci: What game are you playing?
- Patrizia Reggiani: I'm looking out for our best interests. Is that a game?
- Patrizia Reggiani: You and Maurizio together - that would be amazing. That's a new chapter for Gucci.
- Paolo Gucci: No, no, no, no, no. No. My father, he would never allow it. He's got my little peaches in a very tight grip.
- Patrizia Reggiani: I'm disgusted by the way your father treats you. Leaving you behind to groom Maurizio. It's not right. Who does he think he is?
- Paolo Gucci: Well, a dinosaur posing as a butthole.
- Paolo Gucci: You ripped my heart out, let it die in the street. Oh, my God. My wife. My wife had to sing till her voice was hoarse while we figured out what the fuck was going on. Why did you report me for copyright breach? Gucci is my name too.
- Maurizio Gucci: [after Paolo's father has been arrested for tax evasion] He'll be fine. I'm sending a draft of your contract next week and we'll go into production on your line soon after.
- Paolo Gucci: My line? How can I think about my line when my father could be dropping the soap?
- Patrizia Reggiani: We want to buy your shares of Gucci.
- Paolo Gucci: You got some courage, you know that?
- [to Maurizio]
- Paolo Gucci: And she has bigger mangoes than you.
- Pina Auriemma: He's nothing without you. Men have an awful problem with thinking they are smarter than they actually are. You mustn't let this negative energy eat you up. Remember, you are unstoppable, Patrizia. Say it.
- Patrizia Reggiani: I'm unstoppable. I'm unstoppable.
- Paolo Gucci: I couldn't even make love. Jenny left. And after that, I was in bed with a pound of gelato cioccolato and very dark thoughts.
- Patrizia Reggiani: He's not even a businessman. He can't even run a parking meter. How the fuck is he gonna run Gucci?