100 reviews
Okay, first of all, remember folks, that dancers aren't actors. And apparently no one was a writer either because the script sounded like it was written in about 10 minutes, BUT, this movie was thoroughly entertaining anyway.
Me and my hip hoppers saw this movie after dance class and we were NOT disappointed! When we weren't watching the mesmerizing dance routines, we were laughing out loud at the horribly cheesy dialogue and plot.
The best part of the movie,(besides the dancing), is the character Moose. He is our main protagonist and is the most believable in regards to acting and character development. He and his BFF have a more convincing romantic storyline than their two older beautiful people counterparts.
If you can kick back, relax, and enjoy the dancing and not take this movie too seriously, you will love it! Especially if you are a dancer.
Me and my hip hoppers saw this movie after dance class and we were NOT disappointed! When we weren't watching the mesmerizing dance routines, we were laughing out loud at the horribly cheesy dialogue and plot.
The best part of the movie,(besides the dancing), is the character Moose. He is our main protagonist and is the most believable in regards to acting and character development. He and his BFF have a more convincing romantic storyline than their two older beautiful people counterparts.
If you can kick back, relax, and enjoy the dancing and not take this movie too seriously, you will love it! Especially if you are a dancer.
First of all, ask yourself why would you watch Step Up 3D? Good acting, deep plot, memorable dialogue? If you are going for any of the above, don't. Step Up 3D is all about dancing, it offers you sick moves and superb visuals. And well, in my point of view, even though the plot has some holes and is predictable, it is actually works well enough.
The beginning scene gets it moving. Why do you dance? To express. Because we can be someone amazing when we move. So, in the movie we got astonishing dancers, outstanding choreography and so much color and visuals that its really a great watch, especially in 3D. And 3D works very well for this film. Just... when you see the choreography, how can you not love the movie? Its just sick. Some of the scenes are brilliant, watch out for the one briefly seen in the trailer, when Moose and Camille are dancing through the city. That scene steals the show.
Well, Moose, played by Adam G. Sevani, is the best character in the movie. He is believable, can act and is the only one with any character development. He also has pretty good charisma that makes him interesting to watch, and is quite funny. We also have some of the best (and i really mean the best) dancers from all around the world, starting with bboys and finishing with the finalists of SYTYCD. And all the other ones. And, as a dancer, i had to pick up my dropped jaw from the floor after the movie. Did i mention awesome dancing?
So, this movie is made for specific audience and as for it, isn't for everyone. Dancers are going to love this. We'll always have those who will bash this movie and see it as the worst ever made, but they're just haters. If you're up for some insanity on the dancefloor, colorness and excitement, watch Step Up 3D. It will blow your mind off, and take the roof with it. I like.
The beginning scene gets it moving. Why do you dance? To express. Because we can be someone amazing when we move. So, in the movie we got astonishing dancers, outstanding choreography and so much color and visuals that its really a great watch, especially in 3D. And 3D works very well for this film. Just... when you see the choreography, how can you not love the movie? Its just sick. Some of the scenes are brilliant, watch out for the one briefly seen in the trailer, when Moose and Camille are dancing through the city. That scene steals the show.
Well, Moose, played by Adam G. Sevani, is the best character in the movie. He is believable, can act and is the only one with any character development. He also has pretty good charisma that makes him interesting to watch, and is quite funny. We also have some of the best (and i really mean the best) dancers from all around the world, starting with bboys and finishing with the finalists of SYTYCD. And all the other ones. And, as a dancer, i had to pick up my dropped jaw from the floor after the movie. Did i mention awesome dancing?
So, this movie is made for specific audience and as for it, isn't for everyone. Dancers are going to love this. We'll always have those who will bash this movie and see it as the worst ever made, but they're just haters. If you're up for some insanity on the dancefloor, colorness and excitement, watch Step Up 3D. It will blow your mind off, and take the roof with it. I like.
STEP UP 3D – CATCH IT ( B ) Step Up 3D has the most mind blowing and jaw dropping dancing. The music and dance performances of the movie are par excellence. All the dances are so fun to watch but Obviously the End Dance wins it all, it was Super Fantastic. The only thing Step up 3D lacked big time is its acting department, obviously all them can dance exceptionally well but their acting was quite poor except for Adam G.Sevani Aka. Moss and Alyson Stoner Aka. Cam. Adam and Alyson has prior acting experience so they were great along with their dancing. Adam and Alyson's road dance was one of the sweetest dance performance I've ever seen. Stunning looking Sharni Vinson danced really well and in some scenes she acted quite well. Gorgeous Boy Rick Malambri was the weakest Actor and Dancer among them all. His dancing with Sharni Vinson was great but in whole group he was the weakest link. Sadly, he had no expressions on his face whether he is serious, sad, happy or funny, he had the same expressions except when he Smiles. I think he got this job because of his looks because he is a terrible actor. One thing besides his good looks saved him was his awesome chemistry with Sharni Vinson. All the other dancers were great in dancing and terrible in acting. Overall its highly enjoyable because of its Incredible dance routines so, if we forget the terrible acting by most of them, its pretty good.
Sure the story is probably the weakest from the 3, but the dancing is the most entertaining to watch from the 3 movies as well. And the 3D aspects of the film is done pretty well and was a lot of fun to watch. The past two movies is better when it comes to the plot, but still boring and I couldn't careless about it in this. Since it is mostly ridiculous, but it's just really ridiculous this time around. But if you want to see a dance flick with cool dancing in it, go check this movie out. I am also really glad Moose makes a comeback in this, the kid is one cool nerd and the kid can really freaking dance. Overall although the plot is laughably ridiculous, the dancing and the 3D aspects of it was a ton of fun to watch. Would have been even more entertaining if it had more dancing competitions in it.
- KineticSeoul
- Oct 13, 2010
- Permalink
I have to say that I am a fan of the series. The dancing in the first movie was great, but the subsequent films has had amazing numbers. I could see why Chu would want to do the film in 3D. 3D is the "it" thing these days, and the dance sequences were enhanced by the technology. That being said, 90% of the film didn't require 3D. I hate wearing the glasses unless I'm on a ride at Disney. I feel like a lot of the films that employ 3D technology also release a 2D version (a good thing for people like me). I wish Step Up 3D would have given the option, even if the name denotes the extra dimension. As for the cast, I was disappointed in the male lead but not because of his acting or looks. He is beautiful and can act. However, he apparently can't dance. I felt like if he was going to stand on the sidelines during battles or have obvious doubles they could have played him even heavier as the "director". Moose and Camille pulled off what could have been an impossibility: tying the first and second film together with the third in a realistic manner. Unlike Channing Tatum's cameo to tie the first and second films together, making Moose and Camille besties going to college together was brilliant. The soundtrack is great (even though some of the songs you'll recognized from other recent shows: Glee and Sex and the City). All in all, I enjoyed the movie and left the theater wanting to dance. The film (like any self- respecting franchise) leaves it wide open for a fourth. A word of advice: make like The Fast and the Furious and wait 'til you're missed and can get the entire cast together to go for #4.
- colinrgeorge
- Aug 6, 2010
- Permalink
If you've seen one break-dance flick, then let's be frank, you've seen them all. The blue print is the same each and every time, lots of awesome dance sequences with gap-filling scenes of excruciating acting, non-existent plot and direlogue that wouldn't feel out of place in a Z-grade horror film. With those standards in mind, the most effective entries into this genre do two very simple things: maximise the eye-boggling dance routines and minimise the yawn-inducing guff that fills the rest of the runtime.
Step Up 3D only gets half of the above equation right. An unnecessary amount of time is wasted on boring dross like predictable plot twists and deep and meaningful (read: long and laughable) conversations about how profoundly dancing can affect people. Honestly, who cares? From the moment the main character tells his new BFF that "he's BFAB, born from a beatbox" in the first ten minutes, all further dialogue should've been ceased immediately. I'm serious, they should've let the music and moves do the talking for the remaining 90 minutes. That way our gag-reflex wouldn't have been tested by Vinson (ex-Home and Away star) and Malambri's acting.
When the bodies are twirling, contorting, flinging, jumping, smashing or moving like a robot the film unsurprisingly finds its legs. Choreographed with flair and panache, the set-pieces incorporate the 3D technology decently enough by having dancers approach the camera with fast, whippy hand movements, however the depth of the stage was employed more successfully by its British counterpart StreetDance 3D. Regardless, there are still a handful of entertaining dance-offs that impress on varying levels.
Replete with the freshest hip-hop tunes and sporadic inventiveness – mainly in the form of illuminated costumes – this trilogy-closer may tickle your fancy, but that is wholly reliant on whether you're BFAB or not.
2.5 out of 5 (1 - Rubbish, 2 - Ordinary, 3 - Good, 4 - Excellent, 5 - Classic)
Step Up 3D only gets half of the above equation right. An unnecessary amount of time is wasted on boring dross like predictable plot twists and deep and meaningful (read: long and laughable) conversations about how profoundly dancing can affect people. Honestly, who cares? From the moment the main character tells his new BFF that "he's BFAB, born from a beatbox" in the first ten minutes, all further dialogue should've been ceased immediately. I'm serious, they should've let the music and moves do the talking for the remaining 90 minutes. That way our gag-reflex wouldn't have been tested by Vinson (ex-Home and Away star) and Malambri's acting.
When the bodies are twirling, contorting, flinging, jumping, smashing or moving like a robot the film unsurprisingly finds its legs. Choreographed with flair and panache, the set-pieces incorporate the 3D technology decently enough by having dancers approach the camera with fast, whippy hand movements, however the depth of the stage was employed more successfully by its British counterpart StreetDance 3D. Regardless, there are still a handful of entertaining dance-offs that impress on varying levels.
Replete with the freshest hip-hop tunes and sporadic inventiveness – mainly in the form of illuminated costumes – this trilogy-closer may tickle your fancy, but that is wholly reliant on whether you're BFAB or not.
2.5 out of 5 (1 - Rubbish, 2 - Ordinary, 3 - Good, 4 - Excellent, 5 - Classic)
- Troy_Campbell
- Aug 5, 2010
- Permalink
"Step Up 3D" maybe the best 3D movie since "Avatar". You laugh. For one thing "Step Up 3D" was filmed in 3D—no post production enhancement. Seeing amazing street dancing is visually stunning in 3D. One distinguishing sequence has Moose (Adam G. Sevani) splashing his moves on the water flooded stage. In another electrifying sequence the dance troop Pirates move in unison in LED lit costumes. One sees "Step Up 3D" for the 3D—entirely.
No ground breaking storytelling here. Amy Anderson and Emily Meyer's screenplay barely eclipses perfunctory. This is the coming of age story of misunderstood young people overcoming the odds to compete in the First Annual World Dance Jam. The dialogue is awful. We endure the speaking interludes throughout the movie to get to the dancing, which is spectacular. Director Jon Chu has a dramatic sense of line and chaos with a provocative and flourishing visual style.
The dancing is spectacular. Jon Chu has assembled some of the best street dancers in the world. The Santiago Twin (spirited Martin and Facundo Lombard) just kill in the World Dance Jam. Chadd Smith as Vlad, whose specialty is the Robot dance, is absolutely awesome—in 3D the effect is mesmerizing. Sharni Vinson, who plays stunningly beautiful and ripped nomad street dancer Natalie, is elevation and grace combined. The capoeira practice she performs with Luke (cool and handsome Rick Malambri) is high velocity precision. Chu is also a student of the classic musical. He films an homage to "Singing in the Rain" in a single take with Moose and his almost girlfriend Camile (Alyson Stoner) as they duet down the street. Chu also provides such visual texture and touch in the World Dance Jam itself mixing the Wushu influenced Asian street dancers along with the breakers and the poppers.
Even with the corny dialogue and lame story lines, the opening sequence gets it right. Luke (Malambri) runs a shelter and dance studio for down and out street dancers- his parents' legacy. Luke's passion is film-making. As the movie opens we see Luke film interviews with his dancers. This wonderfully captures that dancers are never more present to life or have more joy than when they are dancing. Authentic passion transcends the written words, and is inspired. In a roundabout way "Step Up 3D" is at its best when it is in the moment in 3D, Otherwise, we are left with that Moose is too stupid, albeit a brilliant engineering student, to see that Camile is in love with him, and that he really loves her. Mysterious Natalie may not be who she appears, and that she and Luke are falling for each other. And does anyone really take a train to Los Angeles from New York?
We kind of know the answers to these questions. So what there is to do is enjoy the dancing.
No ground breaking storytelling here. Amy Anderson and Emily Meyer's screenplay barely eclipses perfunctory. This is the coming of age story of misunderstood young people overcoming the odds to compete in the First Annual World Dance Jam. The dialogue is awful. We endure the speaking interludes throughout the movie to get to the dancing, which is spectacular. Director Jon Chu has a dramatic sense of line and chaos with a provocative and flourishing visual style.
The dancing is spectacular. Jon Chu has assembled some of the best street dancers in the world. The Santiago Twin (spirited Martin and Facundo Lombard) just kill in the World Dance Jam. Chadd Smith as Vlad, whose specialty is the Robot dance, is absolutely awesome—in 3D the effect is mesmerizing. Sharni Vinson, who plays stunningly beautiful and ripped nomad street dancer Natalie, is elevation and grace combined. The capoeira practice she performs with Luke (cool and handsome Rick Malambri) is high velocity precision. Chu is also a student of the classic musical. He films an homage to "Singing in the Rain" in a single take with Moose and his almost girlfriend Camile (Alyson Stoner) as they duet down the street. Chu also provides such visual texture and touch in the World Dance Jam itself mixing the Wushu influenced Asian street dancers along with the breakers and the poppers.
Even with the corny dialogue and lame story lines, the opening sequence gets it right. Luke (Malambri) runs a shelter and dance studio for down and out street dancers- his parents' legacy. Luke's passion is film-making. As the movie opens we see Luke film interviews with his dancers. This wonderfully captures that dancers are never more present to life or have more joy than when they are dancing. Authentic passion transcends the written words, and is inspired. In a roundabout way "Step Up 3D" is at its best when it is in the moment in 3D, Otherwise, we are left with that Moose is too stupid, albeit a brilliant engineering student, to see that Camile is in love with him, and that he really loves her. Mysterious Natalie may not be who she appears, and that she and Luke are falling for each other. And does anyone really take a train to Los Angeles from New York?
We kind of know the answers to these questions. So what there is to do is enjoy the dancing.
- jon.h.ochiai
- Aug 16, 2010
- Permalink
Compared to the first and second step up movies the dancing part of the film is better than both combined.
Acting part on the other hand is quite bad, very amateur acting from most of the cast as most are professional dancers, NOT actors! Story line is quite good and keeps you entertained through out the whole film. I believe that the director did the best he could with what he was given.
As for the 3D effects nothing special, only a few dance scenes worth mentioning.
The guy at the end credits doing a "dance" with his hands in 3D was a bit pointless.
Overall though I would recommend you to watch it if you like this kind of films. It has a fantastic soundtrack and as I mentioned above very good dancing!!!
Acting part on the other hand is quite bad, very amateur acting from most of the cast as most are professional dancers, NOT actors! Story line is quite good and keeps you entertained through out the whole film. I believe that the director did the best he could with what he was given.
As for the 3D effects nothing special, only a few dance scenes worth mentioning.
The guy at the end credits doing a "dance" with his hands in 3D was a bit pointless.
Overall though I would recommend you to watch it if you like this kind of films. It has a fantastic soundtrack and as I mentioned above very good dancing!!!
- stelmarkou
- Dec 5, 2010
- Permalink
This is a completely rubbish film from start to finish and I'll explain why without spoiling anything (not that there is anything to spoil).
Firstly lets start with the good (will be quick) the acting is amongst the worst I've ever seen in a film, literally, it's a range of people probably genuinely from a street life style and upper-class people who know how to dance street (despite the fact street dance is meant to be a representation of your life-style and culture) and there are also other dance styles in there too - but to be honest that is the only reasonably entertaining thing about the movie and that's only due to choreography and over-dramatic scenes, now to the bad (grab a coffee).
Let's first start with the story, well there isn't much of one it's basically an excuse to start dancing nothing more, if you want a decent dance themed movie with a reasonable story and decent acting you should look at save the last dance. Now onto the directing, editing and general theme; it's bad, It's like the creators got together and said "let's make a movie based version of Britain's got talent with only the dancing parts and more dramatic" and took it from there. Now the acting (if you can call it that) is just terrible, now I know some people are saying to themselves "hey we're not watching this for the acting etc, just wanna see some dancing" well if that's the case the go to a dance show because that's all this movie is but more glam and dramatic. Acting generally makes a film, obviously directing etc comes into play but usually if the acting is terrible then so is the film, and that's exactly what this film is - the even funnier thing about this film they try too hard to make dancing seem like a mysterious force that is essential and way of life which leads you into wisdom etc yeah right! it's an art-form, an expression etc but that's it. I could literally moan about this film until I'm blue in the face but I will stop now and let you judge, and if you have a few brain cells you'll just learn from my experience and pass on this film because it's simply crap.
Firstly lets start with the good (will be quick) the acting is amongst the worst I've ever seen in a film, literally, it's a range of people probably genuinely from a street life style and upper-class people who know how to dance street (despite the fact street dance is meant to be a representation of your life-style and culture) and there are also other dance styles in there too - but to be honest that is the only reasonably entertaining thing about the movie and that's only due to choreography and over-dramatic scenes, now to the bad (grab a coffee).
Let's first start with the story, well there isn't much of one it's basically an excuse to start dancing nothing more, if you want a decent dance themed movie with a reasonable story and decent acting you should look at save the last dance. Now onto the directing, editing and general theme; it's bad, It's like the creators got together and said "let's make a movie based version of Britain's got talent with only the dancing parts and more dramatic" and took it from there. Now the acting (if you can call it that) is just terrible, now I know some people are saying to themselves "hey we're not watching this for the acting etc, just wanna see some dancing" well if that's the case the go to a dance show because that's all this movie is but more glam and dramatic. Acting generally makes a film, obviously directing etc comes into play but usually if the acting is terrible then so is the film, and that's exactly what this film is - the even funnier thing about this film they try too hard to make dancing seem like a mysterious force that is essential and way of life which leads you into wisdom etc yeah right! it's an art-form, an expression etc but that's it. I could literally moan about this film until I'm blue in the face but I will stop now and let you judge, and if you have a few brain cells you'll just learn from my experience and pass on this film because it's simply crap.
i watched this film yesterday with the girlfriend, and i didn't have high hopes for the film at all, I'm not really into dance/romance movies. But during the film, with each minute i became more and more in love with it. I mean WOW!! step up 3D delivers like no other dance movie out there. This movie was amazing! the 3D was incredible, the dancing was out of this world, the songs on the film were amazing! my and my girlfriend were singing along to them, but the storyline lacked abit, apart from the storyline, Justin Chi has made the perfect dance film! I'm even debating going to see this movie again next week! although the last too step up movies lacked character, the latest instalment in the franchise definitely gives the trilogy the buzz that it needs! i rate this movie 9/10, it would of been 10/10 if the storyline wasn't lacking abit! even if you hate dance movies this movie in definitely worth watching.
The whole franchise is just about a group of street dancers dancing in the street?! Obviously, the plot isn't what we are here to watch. The only reason anyone even see this franchise is because they want to see some dancing. Acting, plot, story-telling, and writing, screw all of that. The only thing they need is a good choreographer and a director who specializes in dancing. Jon Chu is the correct choice since he directed the first Step Up and he did a fine job on this one also. The eye-popping 3D is what I like in particular to this. Adding in the 3D is a very risky but also right move. Everyone loves to see a dancing film in 3D! Aside from the bad acting, no plot, and the improvised dialogue, Step Up 3D is the best dancing film of the year.
- jnguyen46117
- Dec 19, 2010
- Permalink
What can you really expect with a step up film? I mean, the dancing is great and all, but if you're not all into dancing in the first place, this movie definitely will make your eyes and ears bleed!! The choreography is the only reason I gave this garbage film a 2 out of 10 rating and not a full on 1. Every other aspect of the picture is poor and horribly executed, especially the writing, which I will discuss. The acting of course is something of a train-wreck because the so-called "actors" have no idea how to improvise and therefor they're just saying lines (very cheesy lines. pretty much what I meant when I said the writing was bad) which gets completely unrealistic REALLY fast.
Adam Savani is quite possibly the most annoying person in Hollywood, simply because of the step up films. His flashy and somewhat tedious dance moves DO NOT make up for his complete and utter inability to act or be funny when his character is supposed to be the sort of quirky friend. He's another big reason of why I gave this crap such an atrocious rating. 2 out of 10 for me. screw it, I change my mind f**king 1 out of 10.
Adam Savani is quite possibly the most annoying person in Hollywood, simply because of the step up films. His flashy and somewhat tedious dance moves DO NOT make up for his complete and utter inability to act or be funny when his character is supposed to be the sort of quirky friend. He's another big reason of why I gave this crap such an atrocious rating. 2 out of 10 for me. screw it, I change my mind f**king 1 out of 10.
- spider_rico2
- Aug 8, 2010
- Permalink
- jboothmillard
- Jan 12, 2011
- Permalink
Not too bad and everything you may expect for a dance flick. Why it is in 3D is anyone's guess, ohh yehh, thats right, every second movie is in 3D these days. If your a fan of the other two Step Up films you will absolutely love this predictable story. A battle of dance teams looms with prize money needed to pay the bank to hold the closure of the street dancers studio/residence. The cast is good looking and talented as they strut their stuff, a highlight being a splashing dance scene in water. Australian starlet,Sharni Vinson, last seen in CSI.NY is a natural while Rick Malambri (Surrogates) will have the ladies swooning at his disco inferno. It's an OK movie, family friendly and undemanding entertainment.
- bassrourke
- Aug 1, 2010
- Permalink
I saw this movie at a screening and really enjoyed it. The 3d aspect is done quite well with the in your face dance moves and dance effects. However, I can't help but get the feeling that it wasn't done to its full potential and I'm sure the sequel to this movie will remedy that. I don't think the dance moves were choreographed with 3d in mind but I'm sure this will be realized in later movies as well. But, what is done here is really something I've never seen before. The plots and subplots are good enough to drive the story forward but not too overbearing to take anything away from the dancing. The only problem that I felt was that from the vast pool of supporting cast and dancers, the story focuses squarely on the lead.
A lot of reviewers on IMDb talk about quality of acting and directing but I'm not knowledgeable enough in those things to comment about them. Nor am I too knowledgeable about dance moves. However, as an average viewer, I did see some martial arts and parkour influences. Apart from that, I had no idea why someone was winning a competition or what the rules were but as you'd expect, the dance aspects were really well performed and presented. The movie takes dancing and competitions very seriously and it never falls into "unintentionally funny" moments which is quite a feat since the dance genre is so heavily parodied.
The other uncomfortable aspect was the product placement and brand splashing. I suppose a lot of movies are doing this to help out the budgeting but when characters start sprouting about some brand of shoes or when the underground dance competition has a huge product banner on the wall, it really hurts the movie since it pulls you out of their world and you realize you're in a cinema and you're watching an advertisement or product placement.
Overall, the movie is enjoyable and the 3d aspects are a prelude to what is possible with this genre and 3d technology. The cast is young and vibrant though all I've never seen them in another movie before. The dancing is presented really well here and this is an enjoyable movie.
A lot of reviewers on IMDb talk about quality of acting and directing but I'm not knowledgeable enough in those things to comment about them. Nor am I too knowledgeable about dance moves. However, as an average viewer, I did see some martial arts and parkour influences. Apart from that, I had no idea why someone was winning a competition or what the rules were but as you'd expect, the dance aspects were really well performed and presented. The movie takes dancing and competitions very seriously and it never falls into "unintentionally funny" moments which is quite a feat since the dance genre is so heavily parodied.
The other uncomfortable aspect was the product placement and brand splashing. I suppose a lot of movies are doing this to help out the budgeting but when characters start sprouting about some brand of shoes or when the underground dance competition has a huge product banner on the wall, it really hurts the movie since it pulls you out of their world and you realize you're in a cinema and you're watching an advertisement or product placement.
Overall, the movie is enjoyable and the 3d aspects are a prelude to what is possible with this genre and 3d technology. The cast is young and vibrant though all I've never seen them in another movie before. The dancing is presented really well here and this is an enjoyable movie.
Insultingly predictable story about a bunch of homeless kids who can dance (don't ask) living in a huge loft. Their leader is hot, hunky, handsome Luke (Rick Malambri). He falls for mysterious Natalie (Sharni Vinson) and recruits a new NYC college kid (Adam G. Servani)for part of the group. However they might be evicted from their loft for non-payment of rent. The only way of doing that is winning some big dance-off against their nasty rivals--the Sumurais. Who will win the big dance off? Who do you think?
An utterly predictable story and laughable dialogue really sink this one. Add acting that would be laughed out of a grade school play and characters with NO depth or point. Malambri and Vinson are certainly easy on the eyes (and he has two shirtless scenes) but that doesn't help. I admit I did get a little misty-eyed at the thoroughly predictable ending (which proves I'll cry at anything:)). However the dancing here is incredible! It's full of energy and life and comes roaring off the screen. In 3-D it's even better--they seem to be right there in person. I jumped multiple times when people jabbed their fingers at the camera while dancing:) Also the 3-D is used as it should be--a gimmick. It's not going to add any depth to any already vapid film and they use it to throw things at the audience gleefully. Still, the dancing is only 25% of the film--the remaining 75% is boring and laughable "dramatics". The dancing does work in 3-D on a big screen with the music pounding at you. In 2-D or on TV it might not work that well. I can only give this a 5. If they had just the music and dancing without the cornball dramatics I might have rated it higher.
An utterly predictable story and laughable dialogue really sink this one. Add acting that would be laughed out of a grade school play and characters with NO depth or point. Malambri and Vinson are certainly easy on the eyes (and he has two shirtless scenes) but that doesn't help. I admit I did get a little misty-eyed at the thoroughly predictable ending (which proves I'll cry at anything:)). However the dancing here is incredible! It's full of energy and life and comes roaring off the screen. In 3-D it's even better--they seem to be right there in person. I jumped multiple times when people jabbed their fingers at the camera while dancing:) Also the 3-D is used as it should be--a gimmick. It's not going to add any depth to any already vapid film and they use it to throw things at the audience gleefully. Still, the dancing is only 25% of the film--the remaining 75% is boring and laughable "dramatics". The dancing does work in 3-D on a big screen with the music pounding at you. In 2-D or on TV it might not work that well. I can only give this a 5. If they had just the music and dancing without the cornball dramatics I might have rated it higher.
Dancing movies are hilarious. Stop taking them seriously. People watch bad horror movies all the time and laugh their asses off, yet they don't seem to understand that they can, and should, do the same thing with dance. Step Up 2 the Streets is absolutely hilarious. Step Up 3D just takes the dancing and bland story of Step Up 2, mixes it with the plot of Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo and sprinkles a bit of 3D acid into the mix. Entire theatres should be breaking out into uproarious laughter, both during and in between the dance scenes.
This is a comedic gold mine.
If you want to watch it for good dancing, then you get that too, as a bonus. All of these 1/10 reviewers need to grow a sense of humour. This movie is only boring for a few minutes. The rest is just epic.
9.5/10 rounded up to a 10.
Learn to have fun. You'll live longer.
This is a comedic gold mine.
If you want to watch it for good dancing, then you get that too, as a bonus. All of these 1/10 reviewers need to grow a sense of humour. This movie is only boring for a few minutes. The rest is just epic.
9.5/10 rounded up to a 10.
Learn to have fun. You'll live longer.
- MatthewLong23
- Aug 10, 2010
- Permalink
- davidrcastro1
- Feb 7, 2012
- Permalink
Wow - I read Movieguys review and felt compelled to write my own.
I agree, the acting is pretty average and the story line is pretty predictable, but this has to be one of the most entertaining movies of the year.
If you prefer to watch something from Jim Jarmusch, then yeah I would suggest that this isn't the movie for you, but if you are looking for entertainment, then you will love this.
Why? The dancing is better than Step Up 2. I was honestly surprised by some of the moves, which is a hard thing to do these days with the raft of different dance movies that have been released.
Music - not just RNB but lots of pop and even a sneaky singing in the rain remix which will please all ages.
Funny - some parts of the movie are genuinely funny. Some might say this is an accident but you have to give Jon Chu more credit than that. He plays it well.
If you are in the mood for a fun movie where you can check your brain at the door and just smile your way through then go and check this out. Oh... and I guarantee you will be working on your "robot" after you see this.
The Step Up franchise is still the original and the best of the dance genre.
I agree, the acting is pretty average and the story line is pretty predictable, but this has to be one of the most entertaining movies of the year.
If you prefer to watch something from Jim Jarmusch, then yeah I would suggest that this isn't the movie for you, but if you are looking for entertainment, then you will love this.
Why? The dancing is better than Step Up 2. I was honestly surprised by some of the moves, which is a hard thing to do these days with the raft of different dance movies that have been released.
Music - not just RNB but lots of pop and even a sneaky singing in the rain remix which will please all ages.
Funny - some parts of the movie are genuinely funny. Some might say this is an accident but you have to give Jon Chu more credit than that. He plays it well.
If you are in the mood for a fun movie where you can check your brain at the door and just smile your way through then go and check this out. Oh... and I guarantee you will be working on your "robot" after you see this.
The Step Up franchise is still the original and the best of the dance genre.
- jcochineas
- Jul 31, 2010
- Permalink
The Step Up brand has quickly become the big name in dance movies. The first two were surprise hits, but with all the new dance movies and TV shows out in recent year, does Step Up offer anything new to crowded genre?
After watching Step Up 3D, I felt divided, at times it looked mediocre, yet other moments looked absolutely stunning. The 3D, unlike in other movies is actually good and enhances the movie. As, shown in the marketing, the movie is full of big spectacular dance sequences that use 3D very well, and creates some moments, where the audience are in awe of what is happening on-screen, even with all the dance TV shows and other movies Step Up offers some genuinely amazing moments.
Leaving the spectacle aside, the film is very weak in the acting and writing departments. The dialogue is terrible and the storyline is a generic copy and paste from other films in the genre. Director Jon Chu, who directed the last film (Step Up 2: The Streets), thankfully knows this and makes sure to keep the character development and exposition scenes to a strict minimum. The movie never really loses its pace and goes from dance sequence to dance sequence. Many moviegoers may think this is lazy(and it is), but fans of the genre will surely love it. This is generally The Fast and The Furious of dance movies, in that it has what fans want, but everyone else could care less. But unlike the last installment in The Fast and The Furious series, where the main attraction(the races) were poorly done, CGI race sequences. Step Up 3D, actually has real dancers, doing all the dance sequences with adds to the already impressive spectacle on-screen.
The film, like I mentioned suffers from some bad writing and generic plot. The film instantly becomes nearly unwatchable whenever the dancers take a break. The dance sequences may be thrilling high quality moments, expertly choreographed moments, but whenever the movie slows down to tell its story, it seems like a straight-to-DVD movie. Moose (Adam G. Sevani, who played the same role in the last movie) is now starting his first semester at NYU with his female BFF Camile (Alyson Stoner). He's supposed to be studying engineering, but his fondness for street dancing might get in the way. That all you really have to know, to understand that it's the typical dance flick.
Closing Comments
If you liked the first two Step Up movies,or Fame or Stomp the Yard. You will like this as well. You get what you pay for, 3D dance sequences that jump out on-screen. Step Up 3D, does bring bigger sequences that almost any modern dance movie, but if you want decent characters and storytelling that is not in the price of admission, Just sit back, watch the amazing dances sequences and don't think too much.
After watching Step Up 3D, I felt divided, at times it looked mediocre, yet other moments looked absolutely stunning. The 3D, unlike in other movies is actually good and enhances the movie. As, shown in the marketing, the movie is full of big spectacular dance sequences that use 3D very well, and creates some moments, where the audience are in awe of what is happening on-screen, even with all the dance TV shows and other movies Step Up offers some genuinely amazing moments.
Leaving the spectacle aside, the film is very weak in the acting and writing departments. The dialogue is terrible and the storyline is a generic copy and paste from other films in the genre. Director Jon Chu, who directed the last film (Step Up 2: The Streets), thankfully knows this and makes sure to keep the character development and exposition scenes to a strict minimum. The movie never really loses its pace and goes from dance sequence to dance sequence. Many moviegoers may think this is lazy(and it is), but fans of the genre will surely love it. This is generally The Fast and The Furious of dance movies, in that it has what fans want, but everyone else could care less. But unlike the last installment in The Fast and The Furious series, where the main attraction(the races) were poorly done, CGI race sequences. Step Up 3D, actually has real dancers, doing all the dance sequences with adds to the already impressive spectacle on-screen.
The film, like I mentioned suffers from some bad writing and generic plot. The film instantly becomes nearly unwatchable whenever the dancers take a break. The dance sequences may be thrilling high quality moments, expertly choreographed moments, but whenever the movie slows down to tell its story, it seems like a straight-to-DVD movie. Moose (Adam G. Sevani, who played the same role in the last movie) is now starting his first semester at NYU with his female BFF Camile (Alyson Stoner). He's supposed to be studying engineering, but his fondness for street dancing might get in the way. That all you really have to know, to understand that it's the typical dance flick.
Closing Comments
If you liked the first two Step Up movies,or Fame or Stomp the Yard. You will like this as well. You get what you pay for, 3D dance sequences that jump out on-screen. Step Up 3D, does bring bigger sequences that almost any modern dance movie, but if you want decent characters and storytelling that is not in the price of admission, Just sit back, watch the amazing dances sequences and don't think too much.
- Monsterattackjapan
- Aug 6, 2010
- Permalink
I saw Step Up 3D recently, I went in expecting nothing other than a decent dance movie. I came out utterly disappointed, it wasn't even satisfying. All it was was just eye candy and rubbish acting.
Usually bad movies had one positive thing. Step up 3D has nothing other than what it has to offer;It had a week script, the acting was rubbish to say the least, the dancing was all over the place and poorly choreographed.
I was looking at my watch throughout the entire movie, begging for it to end. If you're gonna dance make a god damn TV show or put it on youtube, not cram it into one crap movie like this.
Do yourself a favour and do not pay for this crap, if you think i'm being way too harsh, Its that bad.
Usually bad movies had one positive thing. Step up 3D has nothing other than what it has to offer;It had a week script, the acting was rubbish to say the least, the dancing was all over the place and poorly choreographed.
I was looking at my watch throughout the entire movie, begging for it to end. If you're gonna dance make a god damn TV show or put it on youtube, not cram it into one crap movie like this.
Do yourself a favour and do not pay for this crap, if you think i'm being way too harsh, Its that bad.
- olympiantem
- Aug 5, 2010
- Permalink
I enjoyed the movie. The dancing alone worth 7 stars. It was impressing in real 3D--not the type of movie shot on regular then made to be 3D to get more money. The screen actually blurred out if you take off your glass. That's real 3D for you. In a dance movie, they went together.
Sorry, not everyone paid to go see a movie to bust their brains out thinking about the plot. After a week of hardworking, we go TGIF and enjoy ourselves. Movies like Inception, Shutter Island, Brooklyn Finest, The Departed are great once in a while, not every week. At least there's no 12 year old girl running around killing everyone (and somehow people thought it was ... bad-ass) in this one.
The choreography in this movie is impressive. It only looks messy if you know nothing about break-dance.
All in all, the movie did what it set out to do, a entertaining dance flick for the general audience, not a masterpiece for 60 year old professors.
Sorry, not everyone paid to go see a movie to bust their brains out thinking about the plot. After a week of hardworking, we go TGIF and enjoy ourselves. Movies like Inception, Shutter Island, Brooklyn Finest, The Departed are great once in a while, not every week. At least there's no 12 year old girl running around killing everyone (and somehow people thought it was ... bad-ass) in this one.
The choreography in this movie is impressive. It only looks messy if you know nothing about break-dance.
All in all, the movie did what it set out to do, a entertaining dance flick for the general audience, not a masterpiece for 60 year old professors.
- son-jeff-nguyen
- Aug 6, 2010
- Permalink
The Step-Up movies are great movies located in a influential dancing city, Baltimore. This movie has a good plot of them going to internationals, but since they moved from Baltimore to New York its like any other dancing movie. The first two were good because they were in a city most people weren't familiar with, but since its ANOTHER movie in New York it is going to be hard to get trough. Also this movie is not staring the two main characters from Step Up 2. Also, in Step Up 2 they failed to keep the same people as the original Step-Up. These Step-Up movies aren't following the rules of a "trilogy". One they didn't keep the same city, didn't keep the same actors, and didn't keep the same dancing style. This movie series is a fail
- lilsoccaplaya25
- Aug 6, 2010
- Permalink