71 reviews
If you haven't seen the outrageous antics of, as the memorable theme song denounces, "the angriest gamer you've ever heard," then you've fallen way too far off of the radar. On a quest to permanently rape and pillage all of the "shitty games" in his path, the Nerd also happens to be a comic genius, which makes for a fantastic amalgam of crap, and laughing about crap. What at first may come across as a simple usage of cuss words and toilet humor will quickly have you laughing so hard you'd wished you'd never heard of him in the first place... No wait... That's BS... The games are bad, the between-the-lines references are cool, and a plethora of pop-culture characters and always riveting special effects littered throughout each and every episode will have you wishing that you'd owned some of these atrocious Nintendo (and other console) titles so you could laugh even more. The series is so damn perfect and original, that it's been copied and imitated (never topped by far) by countless individuals (it makes me so damn... Irate... That many of these imitators give him no credit...) Unless you're as tightly wound as an anime turd, you will enjoy AVGN. You don't have to be a gamer to connect with your inner child, which is essentially the effect that the show has, which, I might add, it pulls off extremely well. So put that game controller down, sit back, and watch keenly as James Rolfe takes you back to the past, to examine the ultimate travesties of the video game market.
Ah yes, what can we say about The Angry Video Game Nerd? Aside from having a nerdy shirt and a pocket pouch, James Rolfe is the star of one of the funniest shows a lot of us has ever seen. Everything about the show is hilarious whether it be the words he makes up to describe how much he hates the games he plays, or to see him take out his rage on the game by destroying it after he is done with it etc. Another reason why the show is so great is because of all the neat special effects that James does, and he does one hell of an awesome job. The theme song is catchy and funny too. I applaud him for all the work he puts into his show to entertain his fans. Great job James, your show is excellent.
- vince200002000
- Jun 16, 2008
- Permalink
First of, I already did a review for this in early June, 2008, but it didn't get through. Whatever. So this is my second review. Well, what can I say? The Angry Video Game Nerd is THE best internet show ever made. My personal favorite is the Bible Games episode, that was so funny. At the moment I am waiting for my Angry Nerd DVD I ordered yesterday (June 16th, 2008). I love this show. I mean, James Rolfe is so creative. He can make anyone laugh. Though it's meant for older viewers, for both nostalgia and curse words, kids and teens love it also just for being awesome. It's weird to think that I found out about this show in 2006 by mistake, but, that's the same with every show, right? Anyway check out the show, you won't be disappointed. Anyway, I hope this was helpful.
- aaronkavo-1
- Jun 16, 2008
- Permalink
i may be easily amused, but this is awesome!
The acting is great, the humor is perfect!
and of course the special-effects in the later episodes are great for an amateur (although i find it a little wrong calling him an amateur).
It's also interesting to look at bad old games.
and you've got to love the theme song! great work by Kyle Justin.
the guest appearances are funny as s**t! most of them are by Mike Matei.
i recommend this to everyone with a sense of humor.
and i don't think i'm exaggerating when i'm giving it a 10/10. a must see.
The acting is great, the humor is perfect!
and of course the special-effects in the later episodes are great for an amateur (although i find it a little wrong calling him an amateur).
It's also interesting to look at bad old games.
and you've got to love the theme song! great work by Kyle Justin.
the guest appearances are funny as s**t! most of them are by Mike Matei.
i recommend this to everyone with a sense of humor.
and i don't think i'm exaggerating when i'm giving it a 10/10. a must see.
This guy is amazing! Although I only recently started watching him (last year to be exact), he's one of my favorites. Not only that, but he revolutionized gaming on the internet. While I wouldn't exactly recommend him for kids (like at ALL), for others, it's a treat! I love this guy and hope to see more of his content.
- obeyweegee
- Nov 6, 2017
- Permalink
When I came across this web-series for the first time, I couldn't stop watching it. Filmmaker James Rolfe is very talented when it comes to writing reviews and comedy sketches. In this show, he combines both of them and makes extremely well written video game reviews. These games are mostly from the 70s, 80s and 90s. This appeals to me and it gives the show a nice, retro vibe. It is clever how all the episodes intertwine with each other. And above all, IT'S SO FUNNY!!! I can't think of an episode where I didn't laugh. He takes the bad elements of the video games and pokes fun at them and rants about them in ways that make you laugh and also think "That's a good point. This game does suck." Never before have I seen a web-series do this. Over all, The Angry Video Game Nerd is one of my top two favorite series's on YouTube. Perfection!
- peachcobly
- Sep 15, 2017
- Permalink
He's the angriest gamer you'll ever heard! I've know this guy since summer of 2016. His video make me laugh a lot. The first AVGN video is Friday The 13th (NES). The channel is Cinemassacre, that's where the AVGN episodes are at. His biggest enemy is LJN (the worst game company). My question is why when Nintendo is around when there's a movie LJN have to make it? This is worth watching and I hope someday he review BatMan Dark Tomorrow (more like BatMan Dank Tomorrow). This is the best video game critic in my opinion.
- randyfromscream
- Jul 7, 2017
- Permalink
For those who surfed the internet, then there's no doubt you've heard of the Angry Video Game Nerd.
James Rolfe combines classic Video Game pop culture and an outrageous sense of humor to create one of the funniest internet shows ever created. It's just always fun to see The Nerd destroy and rip apart the games he plays.
Of course my favorite parts of the show are when special guests appear and The Nerd always takes them on.
Now there's way too many good episodes to choose as a favorite. But I can only say this: Out of all the knockoffs that many have become after The AVGN, none will be as best as the original.
James Rolfe combines classic Video Game pop culture and an outrageous sense of humor to create one of the funniest internet shows ever created. It's just always fun to see The Nerd destroy and rip apart the games he plays.
Of course my favorite parts of the show are when special guests appear and The Nerd always takes them on.
Now there's way too many good episodes to choose as a favorite. But I can only say this: Out of all the knockoffs that many have become after The AVGN, none will be as best as the original.
The Angry Video Game Nerd is an original concept created by James Rolfe. A show that picks out flaws of old retro games that many children of the 70, 80's and early 90's grew up with.
I've personally been following this show since he started on Youtube. And continued on to make the jump to Gametrailers when his show got picked up.
It impresses me how this show just continues to get better and more entertaining. If you go back and look at some of the earlier episodes, its easy to tell how much better the show has become. The latest videos of 2009 have been some of his most well done yet. Michael Jacksons Moonwalker video was a riot.
There have been quite a few people who have tried to emulate his style and brand of humor. But these other imitators seem to die off pretty quick. There's a reason why he's the best out there. And that's because he created this genre. That's why he is (and will always be) the best at it.
If you haven't yet seen this show, I HIGHLY recommend getting yourself over to Gametrailers to check it out. In my opinion, funniest, most original show on the web. I just wish they'd come out more often
I've personally been following this show since he started on Youtube. And continued on to make the jump to Gametrailers when his show got picked up.
It impresses me how this show just continues to get better and more entertaining. If you go back and look at some of the earlier episodes, its easy to tell how much better the show has become. The latest videos of 2009 have been some of his most well done yet. Michael Jacksons Moonwalker video was a riot.
There have been quite a few people who have tried to emulate his style and brand of humor. But these other imitators seem to die off pretty quick. There's a reason why he's the best out there. And that's because he created this genre. That's why he is (and will always be) the best at it.
If you haven't yet seen this show, I HIGHLY recommend getting yourself over to Gametrailers to check it out. In my opinion, funniest, most original show on the web. I just wish they'd come out more often
- hawkeyeflames
- Apr 27, 2009
- Permalink
Back then there were games that ticked us all off to no end, then from Philadelphia, came a game reviewer that took us back to the past to play the games that suck ass. And from there, was when our inner anger exploded when the Angry Video Game Nerd vent his wrath upon these horrible games. He has made over many videos and gain millions of fans that fell in love of his anger. To this day, he continues to make reviews on games, which bring laughter to us all. My favorite episode would be the Ghostbusters NES game, I never knew that there was one for the NES, but now I do and I know it sucks. So with that said, James Rolfe, I salute you.
P.S. Superman N64 was nothing but a PIECE OF DOG CRAP!
P.S. Superman N64 was nothing but a PIECE OF DOG CRAP!
- doublenpatriot
- Mar 19, 2009
- Permalink
One thing is to pick out some old stuff (can be literally anything) and say "gee, remember that...." and another and much more de-jour way of doing it is the way the Nerd does it: slapstick comedy with a constant side note of low budget and clear home-made feel. Overall a very fun and enjoyable show that went on quite well until the Nerd turned it into a movie. And oh boy, was that one serious plunge down the hill...
I couldn't think of a good enough title to summarize how creative and hilarious this series is. Sure its on the internet, but James Rolfe has shown the creativity that is still within the minds of some filmmakers out there who should be making the movies, unlike most directors we see today. James had no intention of becoming as big as he did, but with an idea like this, he deserved to. We follow the adventures of the Nerd(played by James) as he re-lives the games from back in the day that have tormented him for over 20 years. With his constant swearing, violent acts occasionally, and great in depth analysis of the games he plays, The Nerd keeps you laughing through an entire episode. Somethings about the show that are better than 90% of TV today are:
1)The Writing 2)The THEME SONG 3)and The Nerd
If you'V heard of this before on the internet, you should definitely check it out, because it has to be one of the best ideas that has come across us in a while.
1)The Writing 2)The THEME SONG 3)and The Nerd
If you'V heard of this before on the internet, you should definitely check it out, because it has to be one of the best ideas that has come across us in a while.
- mysterymovieguy
- Mar 6, 2009
- Permalink
Oh how sad that is to say. I feel like writing my own internet review, reviewer character and, like the first 8 seasons of the Simpsons, talk about how good they were. Then, like that show, and now AVGN, they just reach a point where they start to SUCK.
No heart, no feeling left in the show. Now, since Screenwave (those totally uncharasmatic, ahem... large... guy's people don't like to watch) have taken over the writing of the AVGN, the series has become unwatchable and run the fairly decent Cinemassacre channel into the ground's and sold James Rolfe out.
What a SLOF. #LetAVGNdieWITHdignity
No heart, no feeling left in the show. Now, since Screenwave (those totally uncharasmatic, ahem... large... guy's people don't like to watch) have taken over the writing of the AVGN, the series has become unwatchable and run the fairly decent Cinemassacre channel into the ground's and sold James Rolfe out.
What a SLOF. #LetAVGNdieWITHdignity
- vincent_romeijn
- Aug 3, 2008
- Permalink
He's gonna take you back to the past to play those crazy games that suck ads. He'd rather have a buffalo take some ultra-bluesy stuff in his ear. He'd rather eat the rotten meat-hole of a redneck horse and down it with tears. He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard. He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd. He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd. He's the Angry Video Game Nerd. When he turns on his TV, Make sure it's tuned to Channel 3. He's got an awesome shirt and a pocket pouch, although I've never seen him write anything down. He's got a Power Glove and a filthy mouth. Armed with his Zapper, he will tear these games down. He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard. He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd. He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd. He's the Angry Video Game Nerd. He's close to barf all over his feet while playing stuff that no one can beat. He just can't take it anymore, Although he won't stop 'till he's past Level 4. With his Power Glove and his Zapper Gun, he's trying hard, but then again it's no fun. He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard. He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd. He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd. He's the Angry Video Game Nerd. He plays the worst games of all time, They're terrible abominations of mankind. They make him so mad, he could spit or say "Cowabunga?" Cowafreakin' piece of dog spit! They rip you off and don't care one bit, But the Nerd, he doesn't ever forget. He'd rather fight a insane shark before he takes more animals to the ark. His list is long, with many names, What were they thinking when they made all these games!? He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd. He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd. He's the Angry Video Game Nerd. He asks stuff that do not make sense. And he knows about the gaming defense. Why can't a turtle swim? Why can't I land a plane? They got a quick buck for this spit-load of duck!? The characters' names are wrong! Why's the password so long!? Why don't the weapons do anything!? He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard, If you like him, you must buy his new shirt, The game sucks so bad, he makes up his own words. He's the angriest, most messed-up gaming nerd. He's the angry console gaming nerd. He's the angry Atari Amiga CD-I Colecovision Intellivision Sega Neo-Geo Turbografx-16 Odyssey 3DO Commodore Nintendo Nerd. He's the Angry Video Game... Nerd.
So, that's my longest AVGN review. Also, I give a 10/10. :)
So, that's my longest AVGN review. Also, I give a 10/10. :)
- creativegenius-40304
- Dec 18, 2015
- Permalink
The Angry Video Game Nerd is an internet god. I've seen every review he has ever done. He is hilarious, but he is also very informative. I can't pick my favorite video though. One of my favorites I have to say is the Superman 64 review. As for just moments in his videos I have to say that his fight with Bugs Bunny in the Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout review killed me. Also in the more recent Game Glitches episode I was almost running out of air when Clubber Lang in the Rocky Game completely glitched. AVGN is one of my inspirations. He is one of the funniest guys you'll ever find on the internet. There is a little nerd in all of us.
James is amazing. I have never seen anyone actually capture the excellence of the good ole days of gaming. Let's face it....The early era of gaming was unbelievable!! The only thing on MY mind at that time was cussing and playing Atari. Would be the first thing I grabbed during a fire of course. As we think back to those days, yearning for a glimpse...BLAM!!!! James takes us there. Like the song says..."..Gonna take us back to the past.." I don't know how to thank you enough!! You are amazing...I play all your vids very very religiously. I am actually a drug/alcohol counselor in Santa Barbara California. Your vids,THESE VIDS have been used as a form of therapy. I have a house full of guys every morning begging for me to play another episode. We have had James Marathons at night. Gary
The good: Catchy theme song, great character, great comedy. The bad: I get stomach cramps hearing what the nerd would rather do. Ew.
If you have never heard of the nerd, you are a deprived individual. This Internet series is just great. It's hilarious, original, and more entertaining than most big-budget TV comedies. James Rolfe is a great actor/producer/director and Mike Matei gets absolutely immersed in his roles, which include Mike Myers, Jason, The Joker, and Bugs Bunny.
Every new episode gets better, every one is hilarious. I would love to hear James doing a big budget film. Talent like his is hard to find.
Bottom Line: My favorite show. Ever. Excellent
If you have never heard of the nerd, you are a deprived individual. This Internet series is just great. It's hilarious, original, and more entertaining than most big-budget TV comedies. James Rolfe is a great actor/producer/director and Mike Matei gets absolutely immersed in his roles, which include Mike Myers, Jason, The Joker, and Bugs Bunny.
Every new episode gets better, every one is hilarious. I would love to hear James doing a big budget film. Talent like his is hard to find.
Bottom Line: My favorite show. Ever. Excellent
- joecoolbrad
- Aug 9, 2009
- Permalink
with the dawn of Technology and the age of computers, it is becoming easier and easier to be famous. Some people make videos of their kids laughing and post it on you-tube, other people dance only in their underwear for the sweet taste of fame... and than it's those who make Mascots out of them self's.
But within the people who create mascots... seems to be an uprising special group of people, those who I would call, Self-claimed critics... People that for some reasons plague a certain form of art industry. Some self-claimed critics rant about movies, other computer games... some are bad, some are good, but one thing is for certain... the internet critic business sure ass hell is growing fast.
I think that it's safe to say that Avgn is one of the first... or well, one of the first who took this form of entertainment to a whole new level. Not only is Avgn well written and funny, it's also well made and all in all just a High quality show (for home made standards). James Rolf also managed to create an lively and remember able character that both has some shi3 a22 awesome punch lines, and a in you're face attitude that really works. The Extra Characters also often play out very well, and most of the actors he gets on the show play their parts very well.
But what relay makes Avgn so special... is that his rage and rants seem natural, you basically believe him when you watch the show, and that something other critics don't have.
In the sea of Self-claimed critics, Avgn is one of the most original, and within the few... that actually have some decent quality. Don't watch crap like Irate gamer, just stick to the original.
But within the people who create mascots... seems to be an uprising special group of people, those who I would call, Self-claimed critics... People that for some reasons plague a certain form of art industry. Some self-claimed critics rant about movies, other computer games... some are bad, some are good, but one thing is for certain... the internet critic business sure ass hell is growing fast.
I think that it's safe to say that Avgn is one of the first... or well, one of the first who took this form of entertainment to a whole new level. Not only is Avgn well written and funny, it's also well made and all in all just a High quality show (for home made standards). James Rolf also managed to create an lively and remember able character that both has some shi3 a22 awesome punch lines, and a in you're face attitude that really works. The Extra Characters also often play out very well, and most of the actors he gets on the show play their parts very well.
But what relay makes Avgn so special... is that his rage and rants seem natural, you basically believe him when you watch the show, and that something other critics don't have.
In the sea of Self-claimed critics, Avgn is one of the most original, and within the few... that actually have some decent quality. Don't watch crap like Irate gamer, just stick to the original.
- aidsisgoodforyou
- Aug 29, 2009
- Permalink
While the series has a few flaws , they are very minor. The series is about The AVGN , a nerd who reviews awful games (on some occasions good games) and while not meant to be taken seriously , it's somehow more trustable than today's game journalists (IGN , Polygon , Kotaku , Common Sense Media).
- doritofangd
- Oct 9, 2018
- Permalink
Of all the shows that have become popular on the web, this is my favorite. I started watching his game-reviews when he only had 10 or so episodes. I was hooked immediately. Even now in 2015 he still makes me laugh about the old and maybe therefore nostalgic video- games. The way he makes his video's are addicting in a sense that he is always capable to make you laugh with 'childish' foul mouth without the overacting.
Especially in earlier episodes he looks sincerely mad about failures in games. I recommend his episode 'ghosts and goblins' and Buggs bunny's crazy castle for epic laughter. For more serious episodes I would recommend seeing Sword Quest. Don't miss out on CDI Zelda! I am as a Dutchman scarred when I heard Phillips made a mess like that!
If you are skeptic about seeing this, take 20 minutes of your time to see an episode an decide for yourself whether it is worth to see his whole library.
Especially in earlier episodes he looks sincerely mad about failures in games. I recommend his episode 'ghosts and goblins' and Buggs bunny's crazy castle for epic laughter. For more serious episodes I would recommend seeing Sword Quest. Don't miss out on CDI Zelda! I am as a Dutchman scarred when I heard Phillips made a mess like that!
If you are skeptic about seeing this, take 20 minutes of your time to see an episode an decide for yourself whether it is worth to see his whole library.
- rubenklaphake
- Sep 10, 2015
- Permalink
Man new AVGN sucks.
James Rolfe dosent write the episodes anymore and probably dosent even play the games. Apparantly Mike Matei has departed the channel so all ties to vintage Cinemassacre are now gone and the cheif of Neckbeard Media (Screenwave) Justin is now in charge.
James lost a lot of my respect after completely crowdfunding his movie, and around that time I really noticed how much the episode's started to stink; and that was with him wrting them...
It's not all Screenwave's fault - James obviously has no love for his series anymore. Do yourselves a favor and stop supporting Cinemassacre until James takes the creative control of his channel back into his own hands.
James Rolfe dosent write the episodes anymore and probably dosent even play the games. Apparantly Mike Matei has departed the channel so all ties to vintage Cinemassacre are now gone and the cheif of Neckbeard Media (Screenwave) Justin is now in charge.
James lost a lot of my respect after completely crowdfunding his movie, and around that time I really noticed how much the episode's started to stink; and that was with him wrting them...
It's not all Screenwave's fault - James obviously has no love for his series anymore. Do yourselves a favor and stop supporting Cinemassacre until James takes the creative control of his channel back into his own hands.
- kottkingofthetrolls
- Jan 9, 2021
- Permalink
This, Board James and YKWB are why Cinemassacre is my favorite YouTube channel.
Not only are they veterans (the first AVGN was made in 2004!) but even videos released now (after 14 years!) are still as entertaining as back then.
- ahmedaboelshuur
- Dec 7, 2018
- Permalink
To me the strangest thing about technology is the sub culture it produces. Who'd of thought the underground sub culture amateur films and web series would actually come this far today; which just further proves that you can still create good and great things no matter your limitations. This show was one of the first that to me helped pave that way.
It's such a simple idea but that's why it's so great and has grown and is still is going to this day, heck there's even going to be a movie about this hopefully it's great. The show is basically like MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000) just as they take a lot of bad B movies and make mockery jokes on them, this show does it to video games.
James Rolfe is just great, he's kinda playing himself but at the same time slightly contrary due to some of his exaggerated nature. And that's the point he's not a guy meant to be taken seriously; he's almost like a radio shock jock the things he spews out are just really hilarious from the amount of anger, frustrations, and colorful profanity he spews it's both jaw dropping and also just plain funny. But mainly why the humor works is the mere fact that's it's funny because it's true. Yeah there are some visual humor gags which are funny and help reinforce James comedy but really for me it's the verbal humor and James performance that drives this series.
I wouldn't say every game he played is really as bad as he makes it, one or two I actually liked (I said one or two). But most of the games he's review are yeah really really bad and sadly I've been unfortunate to play a few of them myself (but don't own for the record thank god or should I say thank me.). Who hasn't felt that disappointment whenever you've rented a game at the video store and you had high hopes this game would blow your mind, only to simply dash your hopes like yesterday's news.
James in a way kind of represents our voice on what we were thinking and feeling at the time we might have played one of the games he selected. Though to me the ones that he picks the most or that I've always like were on licensed video games (games based on movies) which I agree always seemed to be the ones that disappointed the most. I can never entirely understand why the heck it is so hard to make a game based on a movie actually good let alone work at all. Mainly because they were made for all the wrong reasons, just simply not made with care or effort at all. Whatever the real reason we'll never know, all I can say is if James or you've played a bad one then it's best to stick to the real deal the movie itself.
Some of my favorite have been now doubt the "Top Gun" game which was just hilarious seeing how he's just struggling to land the sucker, yeah I've played that game I couldn't land the sucker either. His segment on Atari Porn games, I still wonder what in the hell they were thinking back then. And my favorite one was the recent "Toxic Crusaders" episode because it had Lloyd Kalfman in it, just seeing him in that episode I thought was a dream come true and yes on further note I really like the first and forth "Toxic Avenger" movies. I just really love the back and forth between both James and Lloyd most of it was actually unscripted, and I really had a feeling that both were having fun together, which made the episode all the more fun and hilarious for me.
Well that's all I can say, if you've played a bad video game then "The Angry Video Game Nerd" will be there.
Rating: 4 stars
It's such a simple idea but that's why it's so great and has grown and is still is going to this day, heck there's even going to be a movie about this hopefully it's great. The show is basically like MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000) just as they take a lot of bad B movies and make mockery jokes on them, this show does it to video games.
James Rolfe is just great, he's kinda playing himself but at the same time slightly contrary due to some of his exaggerated nature. And that's the point he's not a guy meant to be taken seriously; he's almost like a radio shock jock the things he spews out are just really hilarious from the amount of anger, frustrations, and colorful profanity he spews it's both jaw dropping and also just plain funny. But mainly why the humor works is the mere fact that's it's funny because it's true. Yeah there are some visual humor gags which are funny and help reinforce James comedy but really for me it's the verbal humor and James performance that drives this series.
I wouldn't say every game he played is really as bad as he makes it, one or two I actually liked (I said one or two). But most of the games he's review are yeah really really bad and sadly I've been unfortunate to play a few of them myself (but don't own for the record thank god or should I say thank me.). Who hasn't felt that disappointment whenever you've rented a game at the video store and you had high hopes this game would blow your mind, only to simply dash your hopes like yesterday's news.
James in a way kind of represents our voice on what we were thinking and feeling at the time we might have played one of the games he selected. Though to me the ones that he picks the most or that I've always like were on licensed video games (games based on movies) which I agree always seemed to be the ones that disappointed the most. I can never entirely understand why the heck it is so hard to make a game based on a movie actually good let alone work at all. Mainly because they were made for all the wrong reasons, just simply not made with care or effort at all. Whatever the real reason we'll never know, all I can say is if James or you've played a bad one then it's best to stick to the real deal the movie itself.
Some of my favorite have been now doubt the "Top Gun" game which was just hilarious seeing how he's just struggling to land the sucker, yeah I've played that game I couldn't land the sucker either. His segment on Atari Porn games, I still wonder what in the hell they were thinking back then. And my favorite one was the recent "Toxic Crusaders" episode because it had Lloyd Kalfman in it, just seeing him in that episode I thought was a dream come true and yes on further note I really like the first and forth "Toxic Avenger" movies. I just really love the back and forth between both James and Lloyd most of it was actually unscripted, and I really had a feeling that both were having fun together, which made the episode all the more fun and hilarious for me.
Well that's all I can say, if you've played a bad video game then "The Angry Video Game Nerd" will be there.
Rating: 4 stars
- hellraiser7
- Oct 17, 2013
- Permalink